Unpopular Opinions

This is a good movie.

I can start watching that movie at any point and be thoroughly entertained.

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how is this unpopular, everyone was agreeing on the other thread

Problem with this movie is it was advertized as a comedy movie, and it turned out to be dark as fuck.

Cable Guy is pretty good. Almost all of Jim Carrey's movies in the 90's were good.


It's not just good, it's literally one of the best comedies of all time and Jim Carrey's performance is one of the best performances of all time


It wasn't dark in the slightest you retard, would you say Airplane is dark because it's about a plane potentially crashing? What about Tropic Thunder where a number of people end of dead? Fucking retard

>what are dark comedies
dumb fuck

salt peanuts salt peanuts

I had trouble digesting this as a kid. It was funny, but it wasn't funny in the same way as his earlier straight comedies. I only got it at an older age when I saw and understood the sinister side of it.

speaking of god-tier comedies

I wonder how Chris Farley would have played the part. It was originally written for him in mind. I also read Jim Carley was paid $20 million for the role.

>come one steven everybody's got one

It was 2 years after he made dumb&dumber, the mask and ace ventura and everything he touched turned into gold, and he was paid accordingly.

It was dark in the fact that it dealt with his fucked up childhood and the fact cable guy was really amoral

Wait, people disliked Cable Guy?

I don't like it because I knew a dude just like carrey's character

They're fucking weird as fuck

When it first came out, yes. The movie is a lot different than what Jim was doing at the time in the way of comedy.

chill the fuck down you stupid son of a fucking worthless whore

this movie wasnt a comedy and they tried to show it as a normal jim carrey movie which is why it sucked

fuck your pathetic sad existence. waste of space cunt



Such a prescient script, too. "The Future is Now" speech was pretty damned ambitious for the time. Instant video streaming, TV and phone on the computer, global gaming? I cry "Bullshit!" Mr. Carrey!

This movie would have been great if they hadn't tacked on a happy ending.

>tacked on a happy ending
>guy tries killing himself
>happy ending
drink bleach

Truman Show is Jim's true kino.

Relax dumbass, don't be overconfident when you're wrong and stupid. Carrey buys Broderick's character a hooker, stalks him and tries to kill himself at the end. It's dark comedy you retarded edgelord

oh fuck off

It's a textbook dark comedy man. It has creepy tones throughout.