If you had the power in your hand to do one thing to change the USA, what would you do?

If you had the power in your hand to do one thing to change the USA, what would you do?

Remove kebab.

Anyone who isn't of pure Aryan heritage, immediately drops dead.

Plain and simple.

Make it a constitutional republic again, not the crypto-communist charity/NGO appeasing SJW shithole it's becoming.

give all the land back to mexico and move all europeans back home with all they build there

Get rid of Daylight Savings Time.

>way bogus.

Change it so that they adopted a different language in 1776, maybe french or spanish

English language internet would be much more enjoyable

You mean to tell me all the niggers and spics are out of anerica ? I'll have a coke , then .

Surrender all sovereign autonomy of the United States to the U.N. Secretary General.

Re-open the asylum system and send the liberals home.

Nukes in wallmart

It existing.

All women reverse age and become little girls. And girls are treated as property.

Make it an island

Make America great again.

Abolish the NFA

Kick out the kikes

Tax organized religion.

Kill all the Jews

Aww user :( I hope your death is at least painless

end religion

Make all people of swedish heritage move back to Sweden.

Endorse nambla

End the drug war.


Permanent radio jamming across the entire nation.

No more-
wireless internet
cellular networking
cop radio
military radio

$200 fine for sharting in a mall.

Make the entire country have Faroese as its native language.

Gas niggers.
More realistically though, abolish welfare.

Remove jewish influence

Abolish the fed and return America to the crown. Come home white man.

Fedora tippers are so pathetic. You have the opportunity to change anything and you pick a change as meaningless as "no religion", as if all problems will go away. Obviously, all racial differences would cease to exist, all degeneracy would cease to exist, Marxists wouldn't exist. No, they wouldn't. People can be irrational dumbshits with and without religion. Anti-theists are absolutely fucking retarded.

Make meat illegal

Turn it into the CSA.

Also deport every last Yankee and Yankee lover to Andersonville.

6 in one hand
half a dozen in the other

get rid of vegan faggots

Are blue eyed, blonde haired Italian Americans of Aryan heritage?

I love meat itd just be funny to.see.you all rage over it

Fertility suppression field ala half life 3 for all non whites.

Deport all Jews out of America into Africa.

You'd rage too after awhile!!

Get rid of the spics they're nigger tier but they breed much more than them.

Have Lincoln survive his assassination, ensuring a successful reconstruction of the South after the Civil War.

Nuke Los Angeles

Every single human that isnt 98% european in DNA will cease to exist.


remove everything below united states, all of mexico, all of central america, brazil, etc.