Why do black people always say that white people never had to "endure slavery for 400 years...

Why do black people always say that white people never had to "endure slavery for 400 years," and use that as an argument?

Weren't many races of whites, such as the Slavic races and others, under slavery for more than 1000 years? Why is slavery only bad when it happens to black people?


It's called communist indoctrination. Kind of like what slavs and others came to the US to escape.

What would the source of the indoctrination be?

The same communist jewish filth that caused the slavs to have to literally jump ship and come to the "new world" because it was so horrible.

they didn't preach anything like that in the former warsaw pact bloc. it's entirely western (anglo/american) libshit ideology. it's your own doing.

the liberal narrative can only survive in a mind that has coping mechanism for fallacious thought
rather than change their conclusions, they'll warp logic until they can justify themselves
these thoughts are then spread through phrase repetition because confirmation bias is king among the naive and weak-willed
this grants them a sort of herd immunity from having to deal with being wrong, and is why they are always so extreme in reactions once you finally challenge their narrative

Nobody in the "jew world" knows what the fuck a warsaw pact is. It is perhaps our own doing in terms of becoming complacent after having found a place where we once thought we could be make a new life.

Can you guess the continent with the most slaves currently?

>usa 50%white the rest is latinos and negros
>99%white as are most of the slavic countries
Brugers are funny

>slavery of slavs
>having anything to do with American history

Amuse us pls, inb4 asia

You're not white.

Whites are too based to be enslaved. Sure a few whites were enslaved, but not in huge numbers by non-whites.

Slavs are not white because they were enslaved by non-whites. A white population would be too strong to be enslaved.

The Spanish endured 700 years of slavery under the Moors.

They immediately afterwards went on to become a world power, dominating Europe and colonizing half the new world.

Yeah its asia, with africa close behind.

ok, I just sipped from the glass of lye water I mixed up for the plumbing. Don't do this. It's caustic and dangerous, and your instinct to spit it back out should prevail.

But now I can tell you. It tastes sour and vile. I thought of vinegar at first, but it has a different kind of bitterness, and you know right away you drank the wrong thing. Proof that our bodies were designed to keep us safe.

In fact, I need to go pour this down the drain to help clear up the plumbing, lol.

Many whites in america aren't descendants of the founders, but are descended from immigrants during the European wave of immigration.

>leaf education
And how come a country thats old as my grandmother has the monopoly to decide what race other people are lol
What race am i than?
Get ahold of urself chang

whites endure slavery every day in every city dealing with niggers.
whites also are now slaves to niggers with their taxes,
has anyone an idea how much it costs to keep these nigger pets?
its a lot,
if they stopped criming for just one week the savings would be astronomical.
if there were no niggers whites would hardly need a police force jails or court system.
think about it.

I see what you mean, but I would say it doesnt make it necessarily "American", since American history is about the country and the people inside, rather than the history of the country's people.

My bad i thought u meant slavic people

But blacks insist that white people cannot relate to slavery because they were never enslaved. However, that is not the case. Just because whites did not endure slavery in America does not mean they did not endure slavery elsewhere.

Both whites and blacks had large populations of their respective races enslaved at one point.

I dont know of any black people that had to endure slavery for 400 years.

because privileged or something.

Also, I never tried to tie this in with American history. It was a comment about why whites endured slavery longer and in a wider variety of forms than blacks, yet somehow black slavery is always viewed as "worse"

i see it used as more of an explanation for present circumstances rather than historical comparision. "Because we are descendnets of American slaves, and the things that entailed (like inability to accumulate wealth to pass down generations), this is why our communities are poor"

You don't have to agree completely but it's a true factor.

>Whites are too based to be enslaved. Sure a few whites were enslaved, but not in huge numbers by non-whites.
>Slavs are not white because they were enslaved by non-whites. A white population would be too strong to be enslaved.

And this here is the problem. The SJW narrative is just white exceptionalism turned on it's head, and here you are touting white exceptionalism.

>The Caliphates and Barbary slavers took up to 500k slaves from Ireland and the south of france, and untold numbers from conquered Spain. The arab slave trade network operated in Crimea and even Genoa for hundreds of years.

Fucking google it.

I'm half Ruskie and always pull the "slav=slave" card. They don't know what to say and just stammer on about their Slavery being more recent

It's because the communist jews took over the education system and indoctrinate them to think that way. The Ford Foundation in particular took up the cause of jewifying domestic education in our past (Carnegie taking up international education.)

We see the extents of this nowadays in things like Soros-funded astroturf dindu movements like BLM and SJW and all that kind of bullshit.

>Colonial America is somehow relevant to the modern era.
>The Arab world and it's history are not.


Until 150 years ago, when people lost a war they were slaves.

Black slavery is viewed as worse because it is more relevant to America's (consciousness). Sure, maybe medieval Ukraine or Georgia had it really bad with slavery but aside from a few Ukrainian Americans maybe knowing family history, it is so far back that it their struggle becomes less relevant to teaching in American schools, etc.

Please tell me one arab nation that is currently enslaving white people.


When's the last time the US had a formal declaration of war per its own constitution. Instead the international jew makes up new laws and seeks a broad coalition to excuse his war crimes, and even testifies to that effect before congress, and then gets off scot free because our congress is largely traitor scum taking vacations in Israel during these summer months to pay homage to their true masters after allocating funding to do so.

Because they're working off of a half-baked Jewish version of history.

update: even this brief intercourse with a highly diluted NaOH solution seems to have stripped my tongue a bit. I was waiting for the initial tingling to subside, but it's definitely become more numb. At least those tissues regenerate quickly.

Lesson for the day: stock up on glassware so you don't resort to mixing up dangerous chemicals in your regular drinking glasses.