Friendly reminder that conservatives vote against Their own economic interests


You could replace every instance of Republican with Democrat and vice versa and it would still be true. Both sides are shit and blame each other for everything they've created. Fuck off.

Threadly reminder that voting for your own interests is selfish. You should vote for what you believe is fair and beneficial for everyone. But of course an identity politics obsessed liberal wouldnt understand that

>conservatives vote against Their own economic interests
But I have a job

What are my economic interests?

Hint: its not gibmedats

I think the neo con aspect of the party is dying with the older population. But of course, no one is going to be alive to vote for what it evolves into.

and why is that? can you explain yourself?

>one post from this id

Government welfare is not in my interest.

>waah everything is the republicans fault!
>elects nothing but democrats- things go to shit anyways

Democrats, leftists, whatever, left to their own devices, do nothing but cheat, lie, and steal, while watching the wealth of their cities leave.

What a fucking joke.


"1 post by this ID"


>The Democrat Way

>1: Be Racist

>2: Call Opponents Racist

>3: Continue Policies That Harm Minorities

1. Create an injustice, usually based on race, sex or sexuality.
2. Blame republicans for being meanies.
3. Propose the most retarded, socialist, job killing bill that only expands government power and increases taxes.
4. Blame republicans for being obstructionists and bigots.
5. Get Obama to sign an executive order.
6. Repeat.

Just wanted to take a moment to thank you that you exist, greatest ally.

>The Democrat Way

1. present non-issue
2. blame republicans for the "issue" existing
3. push out shitloads of bullshit legislation and get mad when republicans are against it.

Thank you greatest ally


>fair and beneficial for everyone
>biggest buzzwords ever
fucking canadians

np, kiwi pal.

>gibsmedats is in anyone's long term economic interests
fun fact: for it to be profitable for a single mother to get off the dole she would have to make around ~70k, assuming she doesn't also get child support

really makes you think

Nice projection, let me tell you the real truth:

1.) Democrats create a problem
2.) Democrats create a "solution" designed to fail (see: ACA)
3.) Democrats then blame Republicans for causing their intentionally bad design to fail
4.) Go back to step 2 and continue as needed to destroy freedom.

"welfare trap" really is the best name for it.

But the tax payers are the ones who get trapped.

>Be friendly with Libya
>this is clearly a problem conservatives created
>"we came we saw he died"
>mopping up mess 5 years later

blame republican for doing something like that thirty years ago then tell everyone that they're racist.

Friendly reminder that you don't know what my economic interests are and you don't know what's best for me.

Fuck you, you nanny state loving dickhead piece of shit.