Hal Jordan and the GLC #7 Storytime

It's a "Sinestro is sexy on the cover" episode

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I thought this was already out? Or they're advertising it just now?


Mandatory origin.
Redpill me, Abin Sur's kid is Sinestro Corpsman, right? Why and how?


>class has begun
Channeling Thawne here, are we?

Aww, why is he crying?

>Two-Six and lava alien whose name I always forget are on page
Yeah. Fitting for fanatic.

>sexy off, Sinestro! Me and you!



And some *people* don't like Guy.


Hope he will turn green soon.

Anything Hal created with the ring is Air Force related.

>Why and how?

He was a dick

Got a yellow ring when Sinny sent em out

Is "jujubes" some obscure slang? From what I see, it's some fruit.

>Heads not shaped like the GL emblem

>Sora with weird glowy tentacle arms

Well that's a new one, boner

Moar origins.
Like father, unlike son. Fag.

Hal, he's turning into a will entity.

Well, not always. There are boxing gloves, too.
Sit tight.

Look I like Hal. I do. But Abin didn't really CHOOSE anyone. Ring just grabbed the closet body

Choo choo, motherfucker.


Oh shit, we world of cardboard now.

Final Flight.
Fitting name for last Hal Jordan story.

Just fuck already, jesus christ

Dialog here is a bit too much corny for me. Venditti's writing gor really better, but it lacks rhythm and feels off.

Rebirth should have been a chance for another writer to try to do something. At least it is fun.

That calmness on Hal.
With his current power level? Damn world of cardboard.


Fuck, that was violent.

If nothing else, Hal doesn't suffer much when you compare it to New 52 GL. Venditti went on some weird guilt trip with Hal. For now, it's good. Pls write HalxCarol without ubercunt!Carol.

I guess no else is going to point out that Sinestro just CREATED A FUCKING EVA.

Goddamn, first Edge of Spider-Verse, and now Sinestro is making EVAs too.

>I've been waiting for this

Two-Six and Gorin-Sunn again!
Yes, I googled lava dude's name.

Are you fucking serious.

Guess Grodd is hero now.

so are they gonna go green or is there gonna be a good yellow corp? cuz intent aside it's kind of an inherently evil power source and well I just want Sora to be green again

John Stewart is still the worst Lantern. Thanks op for the post. Hal and the GLC has been amazing so far.

And that would be all for today. I liked it a lot, not liking waiting until next issue to see what happened. And knowing Hal's luck, we're going to wait little longer while Venditti tells John's story.

Arkillo's alive...

Woah, what an unexpected turns of events

I wouldn't be surprised if they go Green. GLC needs recruits, after all. And most of them don't look like rapist alien cannibals.
>John Stewart is still the worst Lantern
Preach! And you're welcome.
Yeah, Sinestro told him to leave planet.

Grape Ape looks like he could pull off that gentile giant thing pretty well

This issue was pretty gay. I loved it

yo wat

I'm hoping green but my sick and tired heart says "No they'll use fear for good somehow." because GL just cannot buck this rainbow lantern thing.

Oh, yes. Look at him at the last page. He looks cool as fuck, Solovar-tier bro. Squidward, fat bearded guy and that teethy alien near him... not so much.

Four Arm Robro looks cool.

When did Harambe join Sinestro?

Indeed. His head reminds me of those Unreal Tournament 2004 robots.

Off panel.

Your post reminds me of Hey Sup Forums, since September 28th 2010, I've been hosting servers for UT99 and UT2004, and now I host Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy with JK2 maps as well.

My User Name: InspecktahDeck - Steam Group Name: Speck's Unreal Sup Forumsidya. You don’t need the steam version to play, but having steam lets you receive announcements when we play. Discussion boards are now on the group page for users to discuss the games, servers, or suggest tweaks/changes, with some other fun stuff. If you have any problems joining, please post them in the thread, or steam group.


So what's next for the book? Are they gonna drop the HJ and just be The Green Lantern Corp?

Heh, and checked. UT2004 is only UT I ever played.
>Jedi Academy
Man, that gives me nostalgia vibes.
If I remember solicits correctly, it's John's story now while Hal searches for Blue Lanterns. Guess Saint Walker will appear again. And those two Guardians in love Sinestro left to live.

Okay but is it going to be called Hal Jordan still or are we switching to Jon Stewart and the GLC and if this trend continues when can we expect Guy Gardner and the GLC

speck stop advertising your server on Sup Forums and fucking practice drawing on your tablet

That's a weird fetish, Thaal.

It'll always be Hal Jordan, but other Earth Lanterns will get their stories, too.

oh let's not kid ourselves it'll get renumbered and renamed sooner rather than later

and this is to go even further beyond

Man these variants are fucking trash

I hope one day, in a fit of pique, Hal puts the cherry on top of him winning against Sinestro by using his ring to shave off his mustache.

Is Hal ded?

>Pls write HalxCarol
No, no, no, please no, I prefer Hal with Lyssa before than with Carol, I mean after the last few years anything is better than Carol.
BTW thanks for the storytime.


Im surprised they didn't cut to other lanterns FEELING it

Because SuperGodModeSinestro is crushing his windpipe

I hate how Johns turned Hal into "muh dad!" and Barry into "muh mom!"

>implying Arkillo would be bothered by that
It's because he did something Sinestro doesn't approve.

For all the shit the Lanterns gave Hal for being an Earthman do you think any of them are pissed off that the humans run the show now?

Seriously, Sinestro.

Hal Jordan is a legitimate soldier. You're just some limp-wrested archaeologist that looted a dying GL.

I gotta say whoever is doing the coloring on this book is doing a great job

Hal showing Sinestro what it mean to be... super sand legend...

After they were saved by same Hal bunch of times? I doubt.
Indeed. Wonders what little power does to the man.

He already did that in the New 52. I actually don't remember when he changed back to yellow

Are all Halfags of Sup Forums HalxSinestro shippers? Because it seems so.

this is what the 9th? time

Not me. HalxCarol 4 lyfe.

Nah. I'm a Halfag and don't ship him with anyone but Carol.

I don't mind that Sup Forums is 90% gay, but by God, gay fanbases have awful taste in ships. Tim x Kon is the worst shit ever pushed.

I don't ship it, it just fun to joke about how homoerotic they act with each other.

Well the closest suitable body

Why do gay fans always ship heroes with villains?

Universe of cardboard more like

FUCK! I didn't think Hal had it in him to actually kill Sinestro

Most of my ships are heroxhero thank you very much. Or anti-heroxhero

>cuz intent aside it's kind of an inherently evil power source

I don't think any of them are inherently evil. Instilling fear in his enemies is what Batman is all about

Batman's a vigilante and one guy. The corp are meant to be an established peace keeping organization and you can't have that built off of fear lest you run the risk of scaring the people you're trying to protect. It's only a matter of time before they turn on you.

I doubt it. The books doing well and nothing short of calling it Green Lantern will make it sell any better

Not me, I used to be Hal/Carol (because I love classic couples like Lois/Clark, Arthur/Mera, Iris/Barry) but now I'm all for Hal/Sora, they need to be together.

I think Sup Forums plays up the gay shit for laughs. I have no doubt that there's plenty of gay people here but I think most are just fucking around.

>I don't ship Hal with sinestro, just with his daughter whom he doesn't really have any romantic chemistry with

granted her relationship with kyle was built off of less but still

>I have no doubt that there's plenty of gay people here but I think most are just fucking around.

I just hope they use protection

Because Dad got angry with him when he just tried to help! ;_;

It's a little candy ball they used to sell at cinemas and baseball games.

Ah, so he says he's missing popcorn for catfight.

Frankly I usually get snowcaps

... ah. I was wondering about Sinestro's motivations, but it all comes down to wanting Hal back. Again.

Thanks, you illuminated me.
Funny shape.