Why are Republicans so afraid of Russia?


you mixed up something
trump literally wants to rub putains cock with his tiny hands

A better question would be why Finland is so afraid of Russia.

>Democrats have spent the last three months framing themselves as the party of neo-McCarthyism
>"why are Republicans so scared of Russia?"

Because usa told them so

russia is an extremely dangerous country. So it really doesn't make sense to fuck with it. especially since it doesn't want to conquer the world for communism anymore. it simply has narrow regional goals.

>Talvisota never happened
>Finland never lost karelia
all just fairy tales by Obamka-obezjanka

>lost war
>lost clay
>we are the victims of gommunizm!

>one person
Yea pretty sure all other Repubs agree with him - not.

Military industrial complex needs reason to exist.

Democrats hate Russia, too.

Basically, any sovereign nation that won't play globalist ball is hated and feared by our private litical establishment, being the den of The Beast.

They're not.

Hillary is already setting up anti-russian propaganda to help pave the way for a new war.

Drunk men in control of nukes
Did I mention nukes

You'll be singing a different tune when they invade Alaska because 10 Russians live there

well they endorsed him as a recucklican candidate, then they will line up to suck putains dick along with their president.

>lost war
>lost clay
ayyy nice logic Vanya, hope you're not going to cry much when china takes siberia

Globalists hate Russia, prior to Trump the Republicans were ultra globalists. Romney was shitting on Russia the whole time he was running.

the 'new republicans' love Russia
they want Putin to be their master and Trump to be his messenger

nice comeback, faggot. your point is non-existent. change your proxy too

Neocon conspiracy theorists think Russia is the big bad boogie man. Just ask Glenn Beck , who thinks Russia is behind a plot to destroy western civilization, I think they just have a boner for the Reagan era and want to start a second cold war

Do they also happen to be part of military industry by any chance?

In the Cold War Era, Russia was globalist communist, Republicans and even a number of Democrats were nationalist. The tables have turned. Instead of a Red Scare, it's become a Nationalist Scare. The West has become more globalist, the East more nationalist.