Need motivational movie

I want to see an movie that should motivate me to prep for exams in an short time (30 days to be exact). It could be a movie/tv series/anime/or even a music video.It should get my adrenaline pumping. Don't even care if it's unrealistic. I would prefer something new because I'd have probably seen an old one.

This is the above exam I want to prepare for if anyone's interested.

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Also nothing too depressing. Also yes I realise I am a pajeet . So keep the pajeet jokes to a minimum.

just fucking study you retard

I have spiralled back into depression. Need something motivating.(like Gurren laaggan)

>tells you to "grow up and sort yourself out"
>spergs out online about kekistan
what did he mean by this?

a film isn't going to cure your depression buddy

It can't but it can distract me from it long enough to and motivate me enough of to study.(I am on fluoexetine but I won't start having good effects in a couple of weeks).

Also source on the qt.

depends on what kind of movie you like that'll cheer you up. the dollar trilogy cheers me up but I dont know if you like westerns, it's all down to personal taste
>Also source on the qt
i'd tell you if i knew

Traditional ones like Rocky, Miracle,Schindler's list, Saving private Ryan, Braveheart, Gladiator,Even TDK motivates me for some reason but honestly something like Gurren laggan.

Doesn't negate his good advice I guess.

So this is semi-sane shia?

Mate just study for 30 days. Just think about how much it's gonna worth it after you clear this shit

I have been trying that for the past month. Already did poorly on another govt exam(only studied for the last 5 days). I even made a schedule to follow. I either need someone to help me sit down and study like in school or qt or a film.

They say you can clear this exam With a month of hard work. I have 35 days(if lucky 40) I need something to lift my spirits up.

Just can't sit still.

I get so worked up I haven't slept properly in weeks.

literally fucking study you idiot

watching a movie is not going to get your shit done, you'll just come right back and ask for another one

if you want to take a break, go for a walk, hang out with a buddy for a bit

fucking study, you gain nothing by frantically looking for ways to put it off

fucking hell. at least study in twenty minute chunks after which you do anything that doesn't take a lot of mental effort

Just watch a rags to riches movie I guess?

I do know that's the only way and I am planning on doing it 10-12 hours a day. Felt like a huge task. So I thought watching something motivational might help.

Also any good Data interpretation books I can download for free?