Movies you live that Rotten Tomatoes hate

Movies you live that Rotten Tomatoes hate

Movie only got 14%

Movie is a 7/10

But as a fan I give it a solid 9/10, didn't even play the game

What's a kingsglaive ?

Something they sell at Sneed's

A final fantasy movie

2 >>> 1 >>>>>>>>>>>> dogshit >>>> 3

whooh... so Ron Paul was in this movie?

But what does the word mean?

Wrong guy

It means kings private military

Lots of movies, but these two are among my favourites:
- Speed Racer (RT: 40%, Avg Score: 5.1/10)
- Vanilla Sky (RT: 42%, Avg Score: 5.3/10)

>movies that you live

Sup Jackie.

user, I want no twouble



Genuinely a great movie. It's not too long. It's paced perfectly if you're not an ADD riddled shit.

Rotten tomatoes is total shite. You end up with mediocre movies, barely above average, coming up with a fuckload of fresh ratings and meanwhile some polarising but fantastic work gets shit on because half the reviewers get butthurt about something or other and the 'fresh' ratings do nothing to drag up the average.

Metacritic is more reliable.

I haven't lived any movie.

How the fuck is 2 rated so low.
When it came out it seemed like everyone in the world loved the movie.

Went through my top 100... this is the best I could do.

>people still take rotten tomatoes seriously


Rush Hour 3 is a fucking raimipost.

Nobody likes Rush Hour 3.

jesus christ this one too. fucking gas this website


Is that Todd Howard?

fuck you i liked it

>Get Out has a higher score than Barry Lyndon
lmao Rotten Tomatoes is a joke

mah nigga


does sean bean's character die?

What do you think?