Why isn't Spain a rich country? They once had the largest empire in the world...

Why isn't Spain a rich country? They once had the largest empire in the world, and they were historically always one of the major powers of Europe. What happened?

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>What happened?

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>They once had the largest empire in the world
And they plundered their colonies.
>What happened?
They got carried away.

They stopped having the largest Empire in the world



Spain is an artificial nation created out of an unholy union of different regions that should be their own countries, in which Madrid oppresses everyone else under their boot. It needs to be disbanded asap.

Fucking Br*ts and Austr*ans I swear.

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Why do you think it's not rich? It's one of the richest countries on Earth. 27th highest GDP per capita out of 193 countries.

We *are* a rich country, just not as rich as Scandinavia or tax haven countrylets.
> hurr durr but your GDP is lower than Italy and your GDP per capita is lower than France
Yes they are rich countries too.

Yeah, that's a crucial difference indeed

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And now you put fucking coca cola in your wine.
Barbarians. We're better off without you
Sup Forums's populations comes in its majority from the Western World. In that regard, Spain indeed is in the poorer side of the spectrum.


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>Tfw richer than Spain and Italy

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Inbred and shitty kings, inflation, the Armada failure and the loss of the Netherlands.

>Inbred and shitty kings, inflation, the Armada failure and the loss of the Netherlands.
Yeah this is totally related to the current state of Spain.

>the past doesn't affect the future

Centuries of mismanagement and fuck ups are absolutely the main reason why Spain isn't rich.

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are you muslim?
If so, do you fap to anime girls?


Spain has been managed and operated by literal fucking brain-dead retards for centuries, and it looks like it won't stop anytime soon. The power of the church, industrial lobbies and the army has kept us down, and allowed the above-mentioned retards to reign free.
Fuck this gay country.

Because iberians are stupid. They discovered a tropical paradise filled with kuruminhas and ruined it by bringing millions of niggers.

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Se gastaron todo el LORO en sus guerras por Europa...

Portuguese are black people, not Iberians

Spain is shit because the 19th century was pure shit, there is no more debate.

at least they have the nicest asses

Franco made you the 4th largest economy and they you fucked shit up.
You have noone to blame but yourself



also fuck catalonia

this but also this

It's not different from France or Germany it's just that Spaniards are completely incompetent and didn't fully kill off all other minority languages and nations to make 1 culturally unified country.

yeah because that worked so well for you lmao

boys and girls :^)))))))))))))

Spain fell because Spain itself was never wealthy. Sure they plundered the Americas but the government enriched themselves and sold cheap raw materials to foreigners who in turn made cheap textiles and other goods and flooded the Spanish economy. The government effectively fucked their own populace because of that. They had loads of money to build churches, roads, buildings etc... the economic infrastructure of Spain however was not built and was one of the poorest in all of Western Europe. When Napoleon came and when they lost their colonies in the early 1800's Spain effectively became a shithole.

Spain proper is quite small in terms of population, without its Habsburg properties it didn't have enough weight to throw around.

¿Ques esto?

¿Porque me gusta los hombres ahora?

We don't pretend to be anything but a Union state. We call the states within "countries, people born in these differenet countries still maintain their different ethnicity (e.g English, Welsh Scottish) and we allow them the right to referendum if they mean to leave.

Spain on the other hand, does neither successfully. It's not a Union state or a single united state. Just a fuck up.

Send oil money.

yes, nuke us already.

Nuke not required. Just unironically partition Spain.

It's had centuries to solve it's internal problems and yet it still the same shit.

You are describing UK also.

Balkanization when. GrossGibraltar can't come quick enough

bla bla bla , so basically what is your problem with us?

Yeah I bet you'd love that wouldn't you?
Kill yourself *nglo scum. While you descend further into your islamic-Orwellian hell we'll survive.

I have no problems with Spaniards. It's just when I see a failed state, I try to offer advice to remedy that.

Stop blaming the church. Right now in 2018 the church doesn't have power here yet our economy is fucking shit

>our economy is fucking shit
thank to EU


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the largest slum in europe is in spain (cañada real)

hurr durr but your GDP is lower than Italy and your GDP per capita is lower than France

Add Lavapiés to the list

the largest slum in europe is the country known as "Romania"

Bit gay m8

Not BLACK enough

Pure fuckups through the centuries and shit, you know.

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UK is egalitarian and free. Kys you dirty Hispanista

Spain is right in the middle of than thin line separating rich form poor countries. It's either the shittiest of the wealthy countries club or the best of the shitty ones.

>people, not
what fucking heresy is this ?!?!?

Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios

brazil was fucked since the beginning with all those negros

wasn't the spanish armada sank by a storm

lavapies lavapies que leches es, todo al reves, en lavapies

give us your women whiteboi

They gave El Loro to the Russians

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>no Franco-Iberian empire of Italy and the Netherlands

Ummm yes we are real???!!!

Spain lagged on embracing the industrial revolution. Even then, it's not the best country for industry anyways. That really hurt it in the new emerging industrial economy. It doesn't help that it was already in decline for quite some time before that. US-Spanish war put the final nail in the coffin for the Spanish empire.

Spain has always been a backwards shithole
in the reconquista a few nobles owned 90% of the land taken from the moors and most of them didnt care about it enough to even farm it so Spain was agriculturally really poor.

Spain had incompetent leaders for most of its history. Incompetent military leaders, incompetent with foreign relations, and much more. Even in the "golden age" of the spanish empire they were extremelly dependant in the colonies and didnt build the economy in the mainland since the nobles didnt NEED to farm all the territory they owned.
Compare that with the british that created new productive ways to farm with the Norfolk system

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Would Spain have been better off if Ar*bs had never invaded it?

My impression is that Spain proper in its hayday was a paper tiger at best. It's imperial wealth was spent on warring and frivolous things, and eventually got eaten up by inflation.

The money wasn't used to develop the land, cities, or the people. Of course you aren't going to have the best farmland in arid Spain, but things should have been better. So Spain went into the industrial era having gained nothing from it's wars and with illiterate unskilled people (relative to England/France/Germans).

i dont know if that would have affected. visigoth kingdom was weak when the arabs entered the peninsula.
spanish monarchy had no clue what inflation is and spent wayy too much money in unnecessary wars in europe
in general they were economically retarded
well into the 20th century it was barely industrialized in basque country and a few pockets of Galicia and Catalonya
>arid Spain
its pretty forested. theres a saying that before highways, a squirrel could hop from tree to tree from one corner of the peninsula to the opposite side. i would only consider the area south of Madrid to be arid, and if you travel through castille you see thousands of kilometers of flat farmland, compared to the shitty acidic terrain in mountain areas in Galicia, wich is far more rainy and green.

And Spain is basically about Castilians raping neighboring moors and shit and finally formed a fake cunt
They got industrialization pretty slow (compared to other advanced european cunts) and the leader was pretty much doing nothing but fuck up everything in sight including himself

Why did spain decided to support american rebels against the UK

>formed a fake cunt
Nah, other than micro-states and a few other (literally) small exceptions you could say all of Europe is fake nations by that standard. Iberian nations all have objective common factors amongst them, the historical aberration rather is Portugal remaining independent.

You need to either assimilate them quick and fast though, else it will always remain as a fake cunt

for the same reason that the UK decided to support portugal against spain, and the same reason that spain decided to support ireland against the UK
spain and UK were enemies for centuries

But british help for them didnt backfired like yours with americans, you lost cuba and other islands against them , and now you are just their backyard for naval bases

Fuck no. Arabs who entered through Spain were responsible for
> bringing food like lemons, rice and oranges to Europe
> bringing classical works of science and philosophy back to Europe, jumpstarting scholasticism
> developing agriculture
> developing surgery
If Arabs had stayed in Africa and the Middle East, it would have been them to conquer the Americas and the world. Europeans needed that scientific edge to shape the world.

T. Muhammad al andalucia

not our problem if you can't produce competitive products.

It's the EU's fault that spain is fucked though

The Spanish nobility snubbed commerce and industry, unlike the English nobility, they considered it beneath their dignity.

All Hispanic slums are filled with Native American savages.

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We are not much poorer than yoy

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At least put it in PPP terms to make that list have any sense

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Even with the biggest economic crisis in our modern history we are still a prosperous country.

We are not a rich country? Nop, neither Britain.

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they got too rich and lazy from the spoils of america
Literally, they stopped working and shit