You know what fucking annoys me? The way Batman handles the Joker, or rather, the way Batman fails to handle the Joker

You know what fucking annoys me? The way Batman handles the Joker, or rather, the way Batman fails to handle the Joker.

You've known the guy for how many fucking years now and you still don't know what he wants? Really? "B-But he's unpredictable!" I mean, sure he's unpredictable, but he's unpredictable within certain parameters.

You can be as unpredictable with a gun, acid flower, Joker venom and bombs as you want but goddammit Batman should know what you're after by now.

If you don't want to kill him, then just remove all the bones from his hands and feet, and put him in one of those masks, to keep him from biting. There now no worries about him gassing the city for the hundredth time.

yes, it's time to end the "will they/won't they" crap,
it's time for Batman to rape the joker.

>nobody wants to shoot this guy because he's so lolrandum [::::[]godofchaos==>, he probably jammed the gun they were gonna use to shoot him
>or have a random anvil drop on your head
>or just spray you with acid
If he always wins, then he's not as random as people say.

Somebody post it.

You know the one.

No need for rape. They just need to fuck already. They've been close to doing it for years now. It's like this invisible omniscient force is holding them back or something.

He is fucking gay for him, you stupid baka.

Then Harley's just going to bust in, find out where he's being held and then give him free bones. No matter what Batman does, the Joker is going to be able to get free bones.

The only solution is to remove all the bones in Gotham, and THEN remove the Joker's bones.

Hell, they don't even need to go that far. Batman just needs to jerk him off every now and then. The man is clearly looking for release. 5 minutes behind a dumpster is all it would take, I don't know why he's holding out.

Zatanna was right

or Dini just wants his waifu all to himself

Every time the Joker brings Batman into an alleyway for a handjob, Zorro is airing in the accompanying building. The Joker can't help it if Batman bursts into treats every time he tried to jerk him off.

Considering how intimately they touch each other, I'm pretty sure they have, user.

Batman is stupid in love with the Joker. Of course he always acts like a retard and forgets his training around him.

Well DC does have a mandate against happy couple relationships.

>bruce groping the joker
>dick staring at ivy's tits

Not if it is Lieberman take in Harley, she was all out for blood of him in that run

So then what happened?

What else? Joker survived (somehow) and Harley went on with her life, although Joker was impressed and ended up jealous when Harley started dating the cop

i would read it

>it's time for Batman to rape the joker.
Where/when did this meme start?

Where is this from?

It started in "why doesn't Batman kill the Joker" threads a few months ago.

requesting a greentext pls

>with frantic movements, Batman's manhandling Joker forward so he can push him back against the wall opposite the theater
>tonight the Mask of Zorro is playing at the Monarch but once upon a time there was no Zorro in Crime Alley to save the Waynes
>a tear wells up in the corner of his eye
>he doesn't think, he doesn't stop
>he can't allow himself distractions
>it's his duty
>Gotham needs this
>his hands fly to the Joker's belt buckle and start fumbling to open it, but to his surprise, Joker doesn’t let him do it
>"Is that all I am to you? A quick feel up and finger? I feel so used, Bats. Where is my chivalrous knight? I bet Don Diego would never treat Lolita like a like a one nighter."


Why is Batman so territorial when it comes to the Joker?


This, it's obviously been going on for a while.

>The way Batman handles the Joker, or rather, the way Batman fails to handle the Joker.
I feel like there's a Joker rape joke to be made of this

Nice ass

Not anymore since Rebirth

no idea what you mean.

With the blood on Joker's lips it saddens me there's no specs of blood on Batman's lips

There is only one solution

I quite like the art

sweet, consensual lovemaking?

That's a good point, why not give him a treatment similar to what they did to Lord Death Man?


Thanks user.

>joker always have access to FREE BONES. does he own and use a bone miniguns that shoot out phalanges as bullets?

Was Batman Europa just Azzarello's slash fanfiction?

which comic started the "joker wants the batcock" thing?

People please, keep posting Joker & Bats love

The 40s ones.