Is "racial realism" pseudoscience?

Is "racial realism" pseudoscience?

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90% of it is. It's the other 10% that makes it interesting.

who gives a fuck mate.

I bet some euro shit will come along and reply though, fucking cunts.

*huffs petrol*

modern humans have existed for around 200,000 years, reaching Australia around 50,000 years ago and being almost entirely genetically isolated. Its fair to suggest from a scientific standpoint that there is more than just physical differences. Trouble is most of the experiments in to, say brain mass or IQ are typical agenda pushing psychology studies that think 6 people is a valid sample size.

The most compelling argument I've heard is that people who evolved in different areas of the world for thousands of years adapted mentally to different tasks. But that doesn't explain smart negroes.

No. It's legit.

Blacks have a lower average IQ. There are smart Blacks, but there are fewer of them by number and percentage. Outliers.

Why are most black people so damn niggery?!

Here's what Wikipedia said before it was (((fixed))). I read somewhere the brain size IQ correlation is .4, but I don't have sauce for that.

What are outliers? It's not like ever white person has 140+ IQ.

To say that racial realism is a pseudoscience is to say that any opinion on race is inaccurate, including the stance that race is meaningless.

hey there
Why racial segregation is the end product, its what we want

Charles Murray on his book; The Bell Curve

Black pigeon speak, diversity erodes social cohesion, kin selection, etc.

The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation, study from McGill University Psychology, Canada

Map of the US by ethnic group

Does Ethnic Diversity Have a Negative Effect on Attitudes towards the Community? - Study from Oxford

New study finds our desire for 'like-minded others' is hard-wired

Race Is a Biological Construct

"Genetic-Similarity Theory and Ethnic Nationalism" - Prof. Philippe Rushton

How actual in-group biases could come into existence and are fittest

How in-group bias does not imply out-group hatred

Do you think that they could be helped through social engineering? get rid of the welfare state, encourage education in their communities, somehow make the women prefer intelligence in their mates? over a couple generations or so?

Good post.

My phylosphy teacher in high school told us that there are more diffrence between men/women rather than black/white and races in general. He's usually pretty redpilled, is it true?

When it comes to neuroscience and behavioral patterns, yes absolutely.

does that mean that race doesn't matter? absolutely not

85 IQ is the top of the bell curve for blacks? God damn! If you guys listen to Howard Stern lol, High Pitch Eric has an IQ of 85 and all the guy does is eat shit and complain on air. Except he's unintentionally hilarious. He's also retarded.

No, what do you think has been tried for the last 50 years?

That would help fix some cultural issues, but race has some intractable characteristics. IQ is heritable and pretty hard to change. Even if Blacks self policed more and shunned thugs they would still have the intelligence of your average GED recipient.

he was talking about genes.

"Race" doesn't exist just like "ships" don't exist. As in, there's obvously something there, but a "ship" is just a concept.

Races don't exist, they're just how we perceive close genotypes/phenotypes.

That said, everything usually associated with race (intelligence, fitness, strength, violence, even grit) is genetic, so obviously different races could have different averages regarding these traits.

To be precise: not quite
To be practical: yes

Hey now
There's theories going around that he's faking it for the fame and money.

This scales intelligence by percentile.

>50% = 100 IQ
>98% = 130 IQ

No, it is the other way around: the insinuation there are no races was false from the beginning; worse still: it was a very (((deliberate lie))) with ulterior motives.

The blacks as demonstrated on that particular curve represent African Americans; actual Sub-Saharan Africans have an average sixtyish average IQ.

Yeah, that looks similar to what ive seen through studies.
Of course you have to take it to account average body mass and also type of brain cells etc..
But i wouldn't claim to be a neurologist, im speaking more from a logically extrapolated evolutionary perspective (to sound like a pretentious twat)

Seems like shit went south since the civil rights movement, but history cherry picks so maybe it's always been this bad.

"... there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."
-- Nobel Prize winner James Watson

What about aborigines?

>tfw entire immediate family is 140+ IQ

my cousins are tards though, so I guess it evens out.


>actual Sub-Saharan Africans have an average sixtyish average IQ.

Well that's due to their life condition I guess?

So I think average difference between men and women's brains, when controlling for body mass, is 100g. Among non-African women this causes a slight IQ disparity that has strong effects on the tails. IIRC Black women are as smart or a little smarter than Black men probably because of single parenting.

i dunno then, seems like apples and oranges to me,

>is a black and a blue melon more similar than a melon and an apple?

... [Watson] is "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really", and I know that this "hot potato" is going to be difficult to address.

Their life condition is the result of their low average IQ.

I was watching this old Eggman video and he was talking about how feminism actually weeds out the "genetically inferior males", and the reason why we are seeing a rise in shit like autism is because the patriarchal system (family unit, male provider, etc) actually caused more women to settle, and more guys to get laid, which kept unfavorable shit in the gene pool.

Any truth to that? should we all just let the cultural Marxists win?

And then how do lefties explain their shitty lives doe


You're a racist for bringing that up.

poverty comes someone oppressing them obviously, which makes then low iq, which makes them live in poor condition.

i know, its retarded logic

Yes, OP, it is. That person in your picture is exactly the same as you in every way according to REAL science.

My fucking god. Those stupid graphs.

Did it ever occur to you that skin color is just adaptation to the long exposure of sunlight during the early times of humanity?
Those who emigrated adapted themselves to different enviromental conditions -less sun, more humid places- and that's why there is this diversity.
Low "IQ" or low abstract thinking and pattern spotting it's a reaction to social enviroment in the first years of life, and the social enviroment is a mixture of a lot of factors, historical ones too, not intrinsic to the race.
I wonder where you get your education.

just out of curiosity how do you explain the obvious shitty condition africans are in



i am greek

>Race is skin color
Fuck off idiot.

Nothing more infuriating than a person completely ignorant on a subject (in this case genetics) calling others ignorant.

While that's possible, societies in which each male got a woman fucking murdered those high-polygamy societies. Societies where 50% of the members are men, invent shit, create shit, organize shit. Societies where it's only 10% of men drowning in pussy get massacred by the more inventive, productive ones. Modern human society is a society of beta males. All the alphas were killed a long time ago and any alphas you see today are just more alpha- not actually alpha in the same way we see alphas among chimpanzees, elephants or all sorts of other mammals.

thats a pseudonigger question


As James Watson put it:
>I turned against the left wing because they don't like genetics, because genetics implies that sometimes in life we fail because we have bad genes. They want all failure in life to be due to the evil system.

This is the male female distribution thats generally accepted where by as a pure average men a ever so slightly smarter, like margin or error smarter. however there are more incredibly intelligent men than there are women. I think most people would accept this as being empirically true, through personal experience

Curiously, the smartest women I know (incl. a Physics professor) aren't very feminine at all. I assumed they were all lesbians.



Nice projection.

t. Alberto Barbosa

If you consider applied statistics a pseudoscience, yes.


I love it when Americans discuss science and history, you always come across the most absurd explanations to everything. Holy fuck what is wrong with your education system

A better anti-polygamy argument is that it increases the rate of child death.


>The Dogon village of Sangui, in the Malian Sahel, had a human population of 460 in January 1988. 54% of the married men in the village had 1 wife, 35% had 2 wives, and 11% had 3 wives. Polygyny among the Dogon is strictly nonsororal, and wives are either arranged or taken from another man. Ideally, women do not live with their arranged husband until the birth of 2 children, who will be raised by the maternal grandparents. The Dogon are an appropriate population in which to test for an adverse effect of polygyny upon female fitness because the interests of men are accorded higher priority than those of women in several important respects. Child mortality is the greatest burden upon Dogon women, with 20% of children in the study village dying in their first year of life and 46% dying before reaching age 5 years. Findings are presented from a study of all 205 children aged 10 years and younger who resided in the village between 1986 and 1988. A re-census of the village in 1994 found that 20 children had left the village and were lost to follow-up, and 9 children lived with widowed grandmothers. The effect of polygyny was subsequently tested upon the remaining final sample of 176 children. Analysis of the data found lower survivorship among children whose mothers were polygynously married, especially if the mothers were first wives. The odds of death for Dogon children in polygynous work-eat groups were 7-11 times higher than for children in monogamous groups.

I don't really have time to read into it I'm about to leave. But does that take into account scarcity of resources? Basic food and medicine isn't too expensive in the modern society so polygyny shouldn't result in a dramatic increase problems.

I know polygyny has been religiously sanctioned by Christians (following the Thirty Years War) and Muslims during times when a lot of men were killed in warfare.

During Portuguese rule vs after Portuguese rule


Rich mormon families had higher infant death rates than poor ones. Despite having more access to resources they just did a poorer job. The man has to spread his attention and may still be looking for more wives. Bad news for the kids.

I don't think it claims to be strictly scientific.

It's more a social theory (as opposed to a political ideology).

It bases its conclusions and policy prescriptions on certain empirical data e.g. IQ average variations.








