Hold me Sup Forums

I spent months converting people by saying mexico will pay for the wall because of the 58 billion dollar trade deficit

Now thats all a lie....

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We'll just tax remittances then.

Nice try CTR
Not he

>Taxing a debt payment
Is that possible?

So he's backtracking on his biggest position in the general election?

Sounds like a true politician

Billions at aid cash goes to Mexico every year. It'll be siphoned from that and other sources. Get smart when you talk to people.

CTR in full force tonight.


Im not ctr I actually made a pro trump thread 30 mins ago about his speech in mexico

What does Crash Team Racing got to do with this?

>rescind economic aid
>taxing wire transfers

There are many ways to deprive Mexico of $58 billion.

Thanks for the info, can you gib source so I can show other people that think i am wrong?

>Lets just drive Mexico into the ground subsequently creating even more border jumpers
Trumpfag Logic

Didn't think of that. Thanks for the info, I got kinda nervous for a second desu


>it was on his fucking website

wow I am autistic

It's ultimately a threat. Mexico will be given the choice of paying for the wall themselves, or face various forms of economic sanctions equal to the cost of the wall. It'll be an easy choice.

>Reminder that the president of Mexico is limited to one term

No real political consequences for playing ball.

>México keeps repeating what they have been saying
>somehow meaning they won't pay
No foreign aid or remmitances for a year. Bam, paid.

Now go correct the record elsewhere.


Here. wikipedia, a jewy source, indeed.

Mexico has been saying for months that they won't pay for the wall.

They are doing better than ever. You want them sucking the US tit forever? Our tax dollars.

Thank you for corrupting the recor!

See and Not a shill. Was just uninformed and nervous famalam

twitter, you know who's on twitter.

>what is the Logan Act

The idea that Mexico was going to just cut a check was always a shill meme to make it seem impossible.

The fact is that there are plenty of ways to get money out of Mexico whether they agree or not.

Fuck that's evil

>They're doing better than ever
>Lets ruin that
Nice logic

>They're just going to leech forever
Who said anything about forever

Jorge Ramos mad Trump ass fucked Pena

what is?

>we won't pay for the wall
>here's $10 billion in aid and remittances we will collect instead

At least your not a shitposter

I agree, the idea that just open borders, everybody just fuck up shit, I don't think the guy agrees on.(rightfully so, since soros is totally pushing this to the edge)

In 2013, the USA gave Mexico $348,720,000 in economic assistance and $71,210,000 in military assistance.

When Donald Trump says "Mexico will pay for the wall", he means either Mexico will pay for the wall, or he'll just take it out of their foreign aid.

Seriously, this shit is not hard to find at all

did anyone really think Mexico was going to haul over hundreds of millions of fucking peso's??

Of course, there are many ways to make Mexico pay for something. If we taxed direct deposits and wire transfers 90% from illegal mexishits, we would have that border wall paid for in no time.

I found this explanation about Logan act, but can't paste it. Basically says if your ruler says kill this guy, you basically do it because your ruler said so, no questions asked.

You people keep going on about this. Thing is, I never really cared about who pays in the first place, not even when they were going on about it before the primaries started. In the grand scheme of things, it's a small investment for a big return.

We have them copious industry(our industry) and continue to give them cash every year. And accept their lower class in illegal droves. Cartels control so much of their country and are tearing into ours.

You need to wake up. The situation can be cleaned up considerably.

because that's not hostile at all to seize people's money they earned through their labour

What are taxes

>a fucking leaf
>What is socialism

> labour
central banks pumping money, faggot.

It doesn't fucking matter who's paying for the wall.. it never did

Be happy you are getting a wall

You know that the reason they come here is to get money to send it back to Mexico, right?
Why would they come here if they can't send their money back?

lol just because he says he won't doesn't mean we won't force him.

Thank you for taking the time to correct the record, here's your (you).

I'm sure you're going to present me the bill AFTERWARDS, jew bbq-man

Who fucking cares about some single mexican, idiot ?

Sup Forums trump & BTFO

>creating even more border jumpers
And that's why there's gonna be a wall.
Also, you have to go back.

Retard. He never said they'll pay directly. Mr. Spic has no say in the matter - One way or another, Mexico WILL pay for the wall

>implying they have a choice

dude didn't you read his plan on his site? Trump is going to tax remittances leaving the US. It doesn't matter if Mexico pays or not, they have no control over it.

the aid we send to the spics is around 500mil a year i think according to wikipedia, not enough for the wall.

if we stop remittances, spics will simply go thru riskier underground market to get their money out.

if we place a tariff on all spic imports into the US, companies will simply transfer that cost to the consumer.

is there any other way we can make the spics pay?

Also he's already thinking past the deal. In Meximan's mind Donald Trump WILL be president and The Wall WILL be built. He's had to make those concessions in his mind already, this is him trying to save face and minimise the number of things he has to concede. Today he may say that he's not paying for the wall, but we'll see what happens when it's built.

Through tariffs or cheque, Mexico will pay.

>Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion

illegals are costing over $10 billion a year.. since 2004 (and we can easily assume this figure has increased 50% since 2004) that's $120+ billion being drained from the US tax system. You could literally build a glorious, magnificent wall EVERY YEAR if these aliens were not in the US..

Also you can tariff them, you can just BTFO them with a 30+% and make their goods un-importable, you could tighten the border for commercial trucks and goods, hour long searches for each truck etc. Mexico will die slow agonizing death as they realize the host they've been leeching off is waving bye. If the US and Trump push for payment by Mexico it will happen, they have a royal flush and mexico has to fold.

I'm going to be a leftist cumme for a min.

>>what does all these numbers mean?

i guess we can cut back on welfare for illegals as a start. for example, currently medi-cal, california version of medicad doesn't require you to be a legal resident or citizen to have it. and i think we are spending 76Billion in california alone...

as for extremely high tariffs, this will start a trade war no doubt but it's still tough to say who will ultimately benefit most from it.

I'm leaning towards giving the spics no reason to stay, ie. the free healthcare, education and child supports

>the entire world looks at this threat and gossips
>America once again vilified
>Russia and China offer some aid to Mexico
>just let us put some military bases in your territory LMAO, no big deal we pay

Eastern Europe, and several Chinese neighbors are begging for US bases.

Global politics is hard.

even better, get to kill mexishits aswell in ww3