Roman Historian Tacitus on Jews

"The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth way be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies. They will not feed or intermarry with gentiles. Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race. Among themselves nothing is barred. They have introduced the practice of circumcision to show that they are different from others. Proselytes to Jewry adopt the same practices, and the very first lesson they learn is to despise the gods, shed all feelings of patriotism, and consider parents, children and brothers as readily expendable."

What Jews did to Rome they are doing to western civilization

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these goyim dont seem to care

I see not much has changed over the millenia.

Fuckin jews

Jew bastards

>What Jews did to Rome they are doing to western civilization
so they're going to get their shit kicked so hard they'll be butthurt about it for 2000 years and be used as slave labor to build a big ass stadium?

Reminder that Tacitus said this hundreds of years before a Talmud existed, and that Greeks said the same thing about Jews hundreds of years before that.


>(((Tribe of Black Gentry)))


" the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race."

They sound fucking smart

Yes, and they also will again plunge Europe into a Dark Age with their Utopian bullshit, except this time it will be literally dark because everyone will be a shitskin, and it will last forever.

They were smarter then than we are now



You know I never really even wondered when the Talmud was written. I didn't know it was so recent.


Jews race mix at a 58% rate though. They literally wont exist by 2125.

What does that cover translate to in English?

That very passage is talking about converts from other races you imbecile.

Honestly I don't know. Looking at it, I'm not even sure what language it is now.

Why do you think the kikes are trying to rewrite history? i.e. kangz 'n sheeit. Why do you think the marxists (kikes) introduced the 'wrong side of history' fucking BS? That statement particularly pisses me off. I want off the ride as well, but with 30-some years invested I don't care it it ends in slavery or nuclear fire these days
semi related or not conspiracy vid, I Pet Goat

I've never seen the Latin alphabet written in that kind of script. It's really neat.

I'm guessing something somewhat northernish Germanic, which would make sense considering the use of the Star of Rothschild and the red beard.

you know its true my greatest ally

OK, they all talk about how the Jews were committing usury. Where did the Jews get their money to loan out to commit said usury a thousand years ago? As far as I know, the original Rothschild grew up in a fucking slum with nothing really of any value. Most Jews live in dirty ghettos until recently. Has their money been passed down for thousands of years in their families? Somebody redpill me on the Jews.

The Dutch knew Jews were dirty, but they wanted their dirty Jews to be left alone by the Nazis.

Welcome to fractional reserve banking. The money loaned does not exist. It's just paper IOUs made up out of nowhere on the expectation that they will be repaid with interest.

This does require a certain amount of capital to keep the game going, since not all loans will be repaid, and some people will eventually want the bits of gold or whatever they had put on deposit for safekeeping that the jew had been using to backstop the loans.

The ratio of IOUs on loan to the actual amount of money owned by the bank is what they call "leverage" in financial terms. So if you have say a 10:1 leverage, then you loaned out only 10 times as much money as you have to loan out. Crazy as it sounds, this ratio is historically pretty stable because most good goyim pay their loans back and are happy to let the jews own their property for safekeeping.

It blows up when the leverage gets out of hand. And eventually it blows up in the long run anyway, because it's mathematically impossible to pay back all those loans with interest because there isn't enough loan to cover the interest. It's a ponzi scheme. So to offset the ponzi scheme, they introduce things like inflation to devalue the loans back to the point where the jews can balance the books by seizing more property.



The Jewish population of the Roman Empire was like 10%. Just imagine what the world would be like if Euros hadn't culled them.

Here, if you like to watch things, check out "Money as Debt." It's somewhat tedious, but so is banking, and this does the best job of explaining it that I've found so far in terms of cartoons.

I bought a copy after reviewing this to help support the guy who made it, and so that I could give it away to somebody interested in the topic.