Why does he have intellectual people on his podcast when he can't keep up with them?

Why does he have intellectual people on his podcast when he can't keep up with them?

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dude, weed


thats a good trait. have people on smarter than you

idk. He's legitimately slow.

It was better that way. If he chimed in too much, then it would have ruined the flow of their conversation. Also, he can possibly get smarter by having smarter people on as guests and listening to what they have to say.

> Neil Tyson DeGrasse is muh guest....
> spends 3/4 of show debating moon landing hoax

It's probably a better trait to have than just deciding everyone smarter than you who is an enemy who must be destroyed.

NTD is an OBVIOUS plant though.

I suspect Rogan is too.

it makes the show more relatable for his millions of retarded followers

>the bloody neo-marxists and postmodernists in academia are creating an unholy alliance in order to...


You talking specifically about the peterson weinstein one, #1006? Joe did talk too much in that ep.

Because while explaining things to Joe they are also explaining it to the audience who might not be as intelligent as you.

>I suspect Rogan is too.

yep rogan is a plant to appeal to joe sixpack goyam who like MMA or whatever.

He's a straightman used to put plants like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Alex Jones over.

???? Neil is an animal not a pplant? What the fuck?

>radical centrist
>I vehemently support all ideas and also none of them
Joe Rogan 2020

wow this thread really makes me think

he actually did pretty good with peterson and weinstein on his last podcast.

all he needs is a basic gestalt

Yeah, I'm sure he really worked them over.

He's smart enough to keep his mouth shut when he doesn't know what he's talking about

Stay woke

I respect him for what he's done for weed culture. All the world's problems would go away if the world just lit up a blunt and smoked somethin lol

its a conversation not an interview you fucking nigger.


Yeah ok

This user has it right

no he doesn't have right, you fucking nigger.

Because he believes he is smarter than the normies that listen to him.
We know he is not but i kinda admire he at least tries to better himself in a intellectual way.

the bloody neo marxists xD

Is it just me that thinks Peterson is like "my first intellectual" , most of what he says is so shit and using buzzwords and made up words for things "the bloody neo-radicalist feminist capitalists!!" I mean, its all so fake. And people gobble it up. The smart dumb nigga thing is fucking real and its scary

damn son.

What? user is right.

>peterson and weinstein

>"my first public personality who some people treat as extremely unprecedented and intelligent but I dont so im gonna talk about how hes not as smart as people make him seem"

its DEFINITELY just you :)

how are they not?

Nice English Pajeet

>Is it just me
no, it's most lefties

>bret weinstein again


quints of truth

but that's apu

Wow I would love to be a shitty conservative professor and make $700,000 a year from telling retards they were right all along.

What color is the sky in the world you live in?

rogan says some pretty stupid shit but i can at least respect that he gives most point of views a voice

Still assblasted Trump won eh?

That is what he is, but he could be far worse. He at least teaches some wholesome, oldie but goodie type of stuff.

Yes his knowledge is limited but it's obvious he plays the part of an unopinionated/uninformed person for the benefit of reaching a broader audience when he has guests like these on his show.

Joe is the type of guy that would keep a know-it-all idiot talking for hours and laugh about it later.

>Pretending Petersen has ever used 'capitalists' as a dirty word
>that he'd ever say 'radicalist'
I'm not mad that you're a dummy user, just mad you wasted quints on this.

Arguing with a Trumpcuck is the saddest, most disheartening thing in the world:

I'm having serious doubts about Donald Trump's ability to be president.
>He won, you lost, get over it
This isn't about the election. This is about the piss poor job he's doing as president. What has he done for America?
>He won, you lost, get over it
Yeah, you mentioned that. It doesn't change the fact that he's an astonishingly stupid asshole. He lies constantly, about everything. He's a shit president. And don't forget, he's also being investigated for treason.
>He won, you lost, get over it
You keep saying that. Yes, he won. What he won was a job. Now he needs to do that job, and he's done nothing but kick himself in the dick at every possible opportunity.
>He won, you lost, get over it
Yes. But did America win? His presidency has been a constant shitshow since day one. This dumb son of a bitch does not belong in the White House.
>He won, you lost, get over it
Oh, I get it. You have nothing else. You didn't want to elect Trump because of his policies, because he has none. You wanted a dick in the eye of Hillary Clinton and the "establishment" and now that you've gotten that you don't give a shit about the cost. You know he sucks but you'll back him anyways because he makes libtards cry. I hope you understand that America's going to pay severely because of this.
>He won, you lost, get over it

He won, you lost, get over it.

Actually Peterson is your first intellectual that doesn't happen to be a marxist unlike 90% of academic world. Bill Nye might be more of your kind of thing.

"intellectual" = hardcore lefty, duh

Literally anything he does is better than having hildog in the whitehouse, admit it.