Why does our president looks like a beta fuckboy?

Why does our president looks like a beta fuckboy?

Your president is the only Mexican president in history to open dialog with our country, I see many great things in the future for both America and Mexico.

Gracias Pena Nieto.


The podium looks too big for him

Is your pres standing on a box too? I mean thinking about scale his legs cannot be that long

That's literally your circunference


Your president looks like a mix of Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio, except shorter and beta-er.

Because Trump is a 6' 2" ubermensch

Shut up he is dreamy. He's a bit vertically challenged tho.

Thats a big podium.
>For you

Underrated post

Don't worry Mexibro all will be well once the chosen one annexes the continent

I thought he looked like a pretty cool bro. You could probably take notes, Pablo.


Trump's like, 10 feet tall.

You can't for u yourself self nigga. It's like /threading your own post.

>All those Mexicans on facebook going "Ayy if Trump goes into our country he gonna DIE"
>Literally nothing happens
It also would've looked a lot worse if Trump was allowed to have a bigger American flag up there too

>average american male weight/height: 166lb/5'10"
>average mexican weight/height

How is it even possible to be this short? That has to be shorter than most asian countries.

It's not malnourishment, Mexicans are fat as shit.

Who would win in a fist fight, Little Marco or Neeto

oooooooooooo shots fired

short people problems

looks awfully familar to someone

>being fat is not malnourishment
>checks flag
Why am I not surprised.


Those big sombreros are heavier than they look.

>Why does our president look like a beta fuckboy?
>Mexican flag.
>Hurrr durrrrrrr Trump will never be president.....
It's like you just have no understanding of anything that goes on around you.

You guys passed us in obesity rates, fat fucks

>any candidate

America BTFO
>Underrated post

Everyone looks like a beta fuckboy next to Trump. Don't worry about it though. I thought he looked rather dapper.

I'm 5,9 but I'm from the north and I look like a giant when in mexico city.
The south eats like shit, mostly empty calories, northern cuisine has more beef and protein.

What did you expect from a guy who wait suntil Trump is out of the country to badmouth him

Mexicans have no balls

>That unibrow

Fucking savages.

México have more fat people but the fat people in USA are morbid fat asses, learn the difference.


You have the world's fattest man, and a higher obesity rate than us. Don't throw stones in a glass house Paco.

this is getting a lot of laughs someone please explain!

It mean's America's fucking fat

>Malnutrition occurs when the body doesn't get enough nutrients. Causes include a poor diet, digestive conditions, or another disease.
Symptoms are fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss.

>weigh loss is a symptom of being fat

Explanation is that tacos lack self awareness.

thanks I would've gotten it on my own if they weren't the fattest country


hes a manlet

Girls want to bone your president and he's pretty average height for a Mexican, don't know why you're self-hating mexico.