So i saw "The Witch" because people told me it was good

so i saw "The Witch" because people told me it was good.
>No jump scares & not even scary
What a pice of shit film

So now again i saw "it comes at night" because of the same reasons
>Same shit
>No jump scares & not even scary


they're spoopy dramas, however ICaN is a shit drama to boot and it's not that spooky either

So a film is good only if it has jump scares and is scary?

i saw the trailer of ''it comes at night" and decided it was shit.

The witch was definitely shit.
"Feels like we're watching something we aren't supposed to see" - some retard

Tell me a single valid buzzword-free argument why was The Witch "shit"

There weren't any jump scares you fucking mong, didn't you read the OP?

Why should there be?

Because it isn't good

Everybody knows all great horror movies have jump scares.

Yes, we all measure the quality of a good horror film by the amount of jump scares.
2/10 for making me reply

it is boring
it is unbelievable
it was not creepy, scary, spooky, nor terrifying in any way
by the end scene
i was perfectly aroused once all were nude
and wished that scene extended further

More like 9/10 since you got baited like a retard by something so obvious.

Jump scares aren't always what makes a good horror but now a days there aren't many films which can build horror in other ways.

>le reverse trolling face
Witch was garbage. Get over yourself.

the witch is basically satanist propoganda flick

basically what peter gilmore shows you if you are interested in joining

it cause more interest than horror

>it is boring
Boring is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching it.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film.

>it is unbelievable
It's a New England folktale in the form of a film, it clearly isn't even trying to be something "realistic"

>it was not creepy, scary, spooky, nor terrifying in any way
It was pretty fucking creepy. I guess naked old witches grinding literal babies into a paste is something you encounter everyday then.

the father put his family in harms way and denied it the whole film

You aren't on Reddit anymore.

You don't


To space


All your


meat is meat bruh
flesh is flesh
the idea of grinding babies is abnormal and distasteful irl
but in a movie that slow and boring its just another scene about to make me snooze







