Redpill me this fine fellow

Redpill me this fine fellow

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Some Arab pretending to be Black decided he didn't like America because it "oppresses blacks" even though he's a multi-millionaire in his 20s thanks to American corporations giving him this opportunity regardless of race.

He wouldn't stand for the anthem because he claims america oppresses blacks while simultaneously being an extraordinarily wealthy and privileged black.

He is a tool and a moron

whiny fag


Paul Joseph Watson explains it all for you.

he literally did nothing wrong.

>privileged black
He's black?

A mud chucked in a dumpster by his coal burning whore of a mother whose father ran off well before he was born.

Along comes a nice upstanding white couple who raise him even though he is a mud. They nurture and support him so well he goes to college for free and becomes a multimillionaire in his twenties.

Turns out he actually sucks at football so he goes full black power because he is so oppressed.

Literally what is wrong with America.

>Jordan Morgan @JustJMo Replies:
>Black lawyers? Doctors? Judges? CEOs? Much bigger population for those professions by the way
Do they not get that those professions require dedication and hard work? NFL players are literally paid to play a children's game.


I know patriotism is a foreign concept in leafland, but come on.

he's half negro

He's exercising his first amendment rights. Those are like second amendment right but for speech instead of guns.

He's not black, according to some real nigger

Right, just like I then have the right to call he and you assholes

Yeah this.

I don't even give a fuck that the Shaun King of football fucked off the anthem.

Pretty redpilled tbqh, my fellow redpilled redpiller. Two redpills way up amorite?

heil hitler

>silently protests for two games by not standing at attention to the American flag during the national anthem
>again, two games and nobody fucking notices
>except one reporter
>reporter questions him why he doesn't stand for pledge
>says he won't respect the flag of a nation that oppresses black people
>met with support and criticism
>"if you don't like the American flag, maybe you shouldn't wear the helmet that has the American flag on it like all NFL helmets!"
>media discards this attack as hateful

>pic related
>media says Tom Brady is a privileged white male shitlord

Is that his real face or was it shrank a little in photoshop?

He sucks and is going to get cut.
He did this publicity stunt in order not to get cut.
He is going to get cut anyway.

who cares?
This seems like the biggest non-issue currently being spread around. No one' live is any different if he stands or sits.
This is only a big deal because the media made it a big deal.
Imagine instead of reporting about this stupid shit 24/7, the media reported on all the random acts of violence that black commit daily.

underrated, yet persecuted.. like Jesus.

mulatto with an identity crisis

Intelligent and articulate 6'4" alpha male who can't play football anymore due to injuries and wants to get into politics. Next Obama?

O, let America be America again-
The land that never has been yet-
And yet must be--the land where every man is free.

Would be a top 3 qb if he wasn't dumb as shit on and off the field.

Who gives a fuck about him not standing up during the national anthem it just cemented his stupidity


Whats wrong with his face? Is this what race mixing does to you?

why are they still letting this faggot play youhavetogoback.gif

He exersized one of his many rights, which triggers people for some reason

He should boycott playing football since it takes money from white fans

This is his son. Don't speak to us ever again.

>patriotism for a country that turns its backs on the majority of the working class every year
>patriotism for a country that spends billions of tax payer dollars to bail out banks, and corporations who then move their assets to other countries
no thanks.

He's okay. Just a kid speaking his mind and the media mangling it from there. He raised points that are non-trivial. The fact that he's not materially affected by the conditions he described doesn't make his comments invalid. The most important aspect of this incident is the MSM whitewash of his comments directed directly at Hillary Clinton. That's the scandal here.

Shit QB that fluked his way to win an owl


this nigga look like he got progeria