Americans, prove white/black supremacy from a biblical standpoint

Americans, prove white/black supremacy from a biblical standpoint.

hitler loved black people. fuckin loved them. hitler was just trying to eradicate the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, what these jews and fuckin ancient illuminati khazars are doing. i am half white half black. a super intelligent offspring of racemixing.


but the jews would have you believe otherwise.

racism =/= racial familiar tribal pride. fuckin stop chimping out you racist fucks. hitler did barely anything wrong, fuckin turning over in his grave. you don't combat forced integration in the obvious sense. you have to embrace it and look at God within you and the Christ within you. embrace the individual. believe in the greater cause. america was always destined to be a melting pot of cultures.

You must see what is happening with blacks in Chicago and Detroit? There is a problem with niggerism in this country. There are far too many black men and women who are for all intents and purposes mentally retarded.

But besides all that, Sup Forums admires and accepts many great black men. I admire and respect as my equal any black man who will share my values of intelligence, God, family, and nation.

Pic related is a black man who I admire and respect.

bump for the true red pill

Adam was at the peak of the human condition. he was white, black, asian, and everything in between. possessing the genetics for all peoples today, possessing the traits of all peoples today. he was good at every subject in school. why then would we hate what our own father produced? do not hate your brothers and sisters.

where do you think "niggerism" stems from? the african ethnicities excel at being companions. if you earn the respect of a black man, a black man will always have your back, no matter what. black people don't need to be good at math or anything whites are to be smart. blacks are smart in their own way. on average. it is called co-existing.

niggerism stems from the NURTURE

being put forth by the synagogue of satan, fake jews

really made me think

symbolic significance is uncertain? its the fuckin pentagram!

Hitler didn't love black people, he just called America out for acting morally superior by coming to defense of the people he deemed degenerate, but still treating blacks poorly.

the BIRTHPLACE of human CIVILIZATION was the middle east. not sub saharan africa nor europe.

christianity actually literally fought off muslim taking over of the world.

jesus was a descendant of david and born of the virgin mary, whose ethnicites were close to the egyptians of their respective times

and the khazar thing is true

correction, hitler loved his own people most of all, but didn't hold any disrespect at all for the black people. he loved them like a neighbor

>hur guys we must defeat this barbaric hebrew cult called Islam!
>I know, lets fight it with our own barbaric hebrew cult !
now I get it, fight fire with fire. this REALLY made me think

Islam and Christianity are quite literally like brothers and sisters who moved far away from each other and had bickering but the stronger brother came out on top. and you grow up. isis is a product of the synagogue of satan

as for that verse, it is full of symbolism and descriptive of jesus in a non human state

Christianity was a middle eastern religion for like 30ish years. You understand the apostles went immediately to Italy right?

you kike worshipers would say anything to defend your kikester. you got KIKED

>haha guys, we took this book with hebrew mythologies and traveled to italy, this hebrew mythology is now magically italian not hebrew xDD

ofcourse it is bruh

you're misguided. the KIKES are the jews of today. the illuminati. the israelites of yesteryear are long gone. intermixed among all the people of the earth.

I know you are not christian but as an autistic byzaboo gradstudent I must add few words

Concerning your image
-Its Johns Vision as states
-Tis a footnote but There is debate whether Son of Man is Christ or not, at least on early accounts atheistic biblical scholars think son of man is a seperate entity that would come later on. Later on surely Christ and Son of Man Merged

Regardless, both early Christians and pagans who hate him described Jesus as an ugly manlet. Pagans attacked by indicating such an ugly man cannot be king of anything while Christian proud themselves (iraneus esspecially iirc) that such an unkingly looking man IS the king. Go read Tertullians on flesh of christ and I'm sure there is a description of him in against heresies. Few late antiquity-early byzantine descriptions are also not glorious

The perfect aryan white male meme started with Augustine. Christ is perfect therefore he must look perfect, later on Aquinas subscribed to this. There is also the issue of people describing jesus according to their own culture and come forth you have american christianity that describes jesus 6'3 blonde man.

Ofc unless you timetravel back to 1st AD you can never be sure, but majority of the early christians accounts describe him as not so much of a handsome aryan man. I find it funny that many early christians were perfectly fine with a ugly jesus and even make it a matter of pride while modern christians always gets triggered about the subject

>hurr durrr MUH KHAZARIANS

do you want to be red pilled? look up the origins of the illuminati, look up the khazar history, and read the full book of revelation after.

that was a meme photo faggot who cares how a kike looked like

woah these really made me think!
dude dude, what if khazars are like gog and maggog? woah, my mind is blown now!
I am a KikeMissile now!

..I do..I actually like reading about bully

i'm not going to fight you

well, whatever the egyptians looked like during 1AD, was what jesus mary and joseph could have been, because they hid among them

why don't you kike worshipers at least accept your kike religion for what it is, an egalitarian globalist religion?

at least the average kike worshiper accept his religion for what it is but you dumb stormweenies have to invent whole conspiracy stories just so you can mix your nationalism with the kike tales. You are the WORST kind of kike worshipers

christianity is fighting the egalitarian globalist religion. literally all you have to do in christianity is follow the 10 commandments, decrees and believe in jesus, no one can judge but God. it is the ultimate human experience.

you kike worshipers really take delusion to a whole new level. Maybe you should stop LARPing in a Burmese hat forum and go outside in the real world

>prove it using the Bible
Damn, that Bible is aesthetic, but I'm a fedoralord.
>I'm a mulatto
I'm part black too. I don't know the exact percentage, but I look like a half-chink, if that gives you an idea of how many bleachings my family line went through.
Still hate niggers, though. Well, hate is a strong word. I'm don't advocate for their deaths, or anything insane like that. I just have a distaste for their dangerous culture.
>super intelligent
Judging from your atrocious grammar, and spelling, that's most definitely not true.
>Nurture not nature
I can teach my cats calculus all day long, but that doesn't mean it will stick to them.

>fuckin stop chimping out ... fucking turning over in his grave, n shieet
For someone who's half-black, you're going full ebonics.


judge me on the ideas i present forth. and yea, i am part black, i still got that emotional side to me

on a scientific level, we ALL humans originate fro ma single parent. so why hate the aspects of our own nature that we simply didn't acquire genetically? we are hating our sister and cousins and brothers and uncles. let's LOVE

bump to end racism and fight the jews


>judge me on the ideas I present forth
I did. You said nurture matters more than nature. I just told you that you can teach a cat calculus all day, but it won't learn anything, because by nature it can't learn math.

>On a scientific level...
That doesn't even make sense. You mean "In a scientific context..."
>we aLL humans
Super intelligent, huh?

>originate from a single parent. so why hate the aspects of our own nature that we simply didn't acquire genetically? we are hating our sister and cousins and brothers an uncles. let;s LOVE

You are right, Tyrone. all forms of life today are related. That means I'm a VERY distant relative of my cats, and you're a VERY distant relative of, say, a cockroach. Do you "LOVE" your cockroach cousins? I'm guessing no. Because they have evolved to be very different from you, and I. They not only look differently, they act differently.

Now, because the genetic distance between humans and cockroaches is so great, this implies greater things. We can't reproduce with cockroaches, among other things, such as being repulsed by their sight. These things don't occur too often with niggers (we can reproduce with them, and being repulsed by their sight isn't a common thing). That doesn't mean that niggers and like whites, though. There is a significant genetic distance, enough to call the different races a different species.

but by nature all humans can share the human experience together. regardless of race. you know deep down, that there is WAY more to you than meets the eye. you aren't just an evolved monkey. there's no way. too much credit to random unassuming nature. that is my belief and i am pushing it on you yeah.

excuse my ebonics i DID grow up ghetto. anyway. like i said i am mixed, i am tyler just as much as i am tyrone. but going to the "species" aspects of humans. we aren't different species just familial and tribal lines. genetics is real, not random nature evolution.

i should probably sleep i work tomorrow.

but my half black ass wnts to stay up hyped

Go to bed then. Sup Forums isn't worth getting fired over. Night, Tylone.


hah no

why? you aren't american so you probably don't have much experience with other cultures