Nighthawk storytime

Marvel's edgy black Batman comic (not to be confused with DC's edgy gay Batman comics) finished on Wednesday. I rather liked it and think it's a shame that nobody noticed it, so I'm going to storytime it for you. Have some Nighthawk.

Trigger warning for a rich white guy saying that he wants to make America great and black characters making jokes and commentary about blackness, so don't read if you can't get past that. The main villain is a black terrorist killing rich white guys, if that helps.

Something something bumps appreciated. (This issue has a bunch of covers I'm gonna skip, but I like this one.)





Nighthawk being a surly asshole is probably the best part of this comic.


































Anyone reading? I'd like this thread to not drop off the board, it's falling fast, and my phone's out of mobile data.











I like the coloring in this book.



It's pretty good, isn't it? Atmospheric. Even if the art's a bit shonky at times.














Bollocks. Okay, here we go.





















Much appreciated.




>that horrible typesetting

Is this a real Marvel comic, or a fan work?



You know in your heart what the answer is.
It doesn't really bother me, though.


