What did Jay Bauman think of the Twin Peaks finale?

What did Jay Bauman think of the Twin Peaks finale?


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>Jay pretending he's so busy with other stuff he can't watch prime Lynchkino

What do you think Jay Bauman's keyboard smells like?

What would he be busy with? They don't make any content, barely write any scripts, barely any setup and camera work, editing is minor - they're just pocketing the patreon cash.

Well, for me personally, I LOVED it

>what is a social life?

Jay went to Maine with his gay lover.

"Busy" implies work.
>pocketing patreon
>producing no content

End of summer season at The Manhole


He's loved the season so far, I doubt the finale will anyhow push him the other way.

None of us did and we all got LYNCHED pretty hard last night


In his FWWM reView, he mentions that he's not expecting anything conventional or predictable from the new season so we know he's not one of those idiots that actually expected The Return to wrap everything up with a neat little bow. Considering he's loved the rest of the season, I can't see the finale changing his mind.

It's a holiday weekend, you loser. Some people actually have social lives.

Sorry but Jack confirmed Jay for not-gay in the last Pre Rec.

>no link with time stamp

Sounds exactly like what someone covering for his closeted friend would say

Just at 20 mins from the the end dude. The Mario rabbids episode. Jack was friends with a friend of Jays girlfriend.

Jay is not gay but his boyfriend is

he's a normie pleb so he probably loved it

>still no link with time stamp
Very convenient










>I'm a fucking coward and hoping that someone spoils me so i have an excuse to protect daddy Lynch in case i don't end up liking it.

Where did everything go wrong lads?

but Jay is confirmed for gay

Is the joke you can't link to twitch? It says I'm spamming.

Are you retarded? Nobody legitimately thought Jay was gay to begin with. It's a fucking meme

twitch /videos/172076314?t=04h03m43s

Sure, suuuure.

Bit disappointed?

That's some top tier projection, user.

Jay tried women for a while, but that was 10+ years ago now.

After that Lauren incident its been all dudes from then on.

Jay, everyone knows. And it's OK.

What a fucking cunt of a liar. As if he's ever busy. He's just waiting for the dust to settle so he can pick the most mediocre opinion just like he always does.

Jay: I thought it was terrible, they..
Jay: Y-you're right, it wasn't that bad, I really liked the parts you mentioned..

Jack is talking about the pink highlight hambeast from The Grabowski who was obviously a beard.

I can't even imagine getting triggered by a minor internet personality saying on twitter that he hasn't had time to watch an episode of a TV show. Seriously think about what you're doing with your life, user.

>As if he's ever busy
Because you're somehow keeping track of his personal life that you know nothing about?

>jay subtly implies diversity is forced and unnecessary in the latest nerd crew
>mike goes the opposite direction and says if they want to really make the movies diverse, make the main characters non-white

Jay's our guy


Why are you faggots that are obsessed with RLM so fucking creepy and pathetic?

pic related

I don't even think lauren was a crush. He likes women how his hero John Waters likes them. Like muses.

are you one of those RLMfags that seems to think the only people that any of the RLM guys know in their lives are the few that show up in their videos?

Huh. That's actually what I imagine a fag hag looks like.

gay gay gay gay gay
jay jay jay jay jay jay

Anyone else kinda wanna fuck Jay Bauman?

>They don't make any content
What? they upload pretty often and he usually edits, what are you talking about?

RLM doesn't release worthless empty vlog videos every other day, so in the short attention span minds of your average Sup Forums poster, that means they don't post very often.

They make ~4 low-effort videos a month. They offer the baseless opinions as valid critique. They recycle the same stale brand of humor over and over, like recently with "Nerd Crew". The amount of money they receive per month is more than many worthwhile films have been made on; basically, their expenses are zero (own their equipment, rarely upgrade, minimal sets, and really only pay for the property), and they have more than a shoestring budget required to make an actual worthwhile film. Except they're hacks, with no vision, no talent, and they would rather pocket the money and continue doing the same brand of tripe day in and, pandering to their braindead fanbase instead of actually bothering to better themselves and attempting to produce work with even a semblance of artistic merit.

Sounds like you don't like Red Letter Media very much. Better stick around and post about how much you don't like them in literally every Red Letter Media thread. That sounds like a valuable use of your time.

Jay can't dislike anything made by Lynch.
Also he said he loved Fire walk with me, you can already guess his opinion.

>Jay can't dislike anything made by Lynch.
He really liked Fire Walk With Me but was still able to discuss the aspects of it that he didn't like because he's not a mindless fanboy.

>people are actually mad that a person doesn't have an opinion on their schedule


My "review" of "The Other Woman" starring Natalie Portman:


LOL nobody has successfully refuted this review.

Jerk is a nice AIDSmoby desu. I lick himm.

Is Gay jay?

Who impregbaited Mike "The Pleb Rebler" Stiklazta?


Jay "the Sexx Bludgeon" Bauhnaham LOL

Welcome to a typical RLM thread on Sup Forums, where faggots will do as many mental gymnastics as possible to find any conceivable reason to pretend they're mad at their friend simulators that they can't stop talking about.

Not an argument. Sounds like you cannot defend your internet friends.

I understand not liking their content, but calling them lazy is such a weird thing, scripting, recording and editing can be quite time consuming.

It's always easy to spot the anons that have no understanding of video production and editing.

t. never done a minute labor in his life

Yes, editing the two different shots of the same set is so time consuming.

You're just continuing to prove the point that you don't know what you're talking about.

You would know.


also Star Wars

I wonder if this is because some user hit on Jay at a con and was rebuffed, and hates both himself and jay for it.


What's he busy with when all he needs to do is to pick up the computer mic and say "make a new botw episode" and wait while the computer makes it? Lazy fuck