Anetta Kahane "Goldstein" is Germany's TOP Hatespeech Hunter on Facebook

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Holy shit are Jews even human lol?

The fucking inbreeding that must have happened in the shtetl, man. These kike faces are the stuff of nightmares.

How is that not promoting a genocide of germans, these jews are no different than the image they have crafted of le ebil Hitler.

>are Jews even human


I could take an it job offer from them, sneak into the company, gain trust, and infiltrate their network. should I do it?

I thought the same thing. Do it.


>Holy shit are Jews even human lol?
David Icke was right all along.



People's death

Genocidal (merchan)dise in plain sight

>lol racists
>they think there's a "german ethnic community"
>they worry it'll go extinct
>haha let's do it lol racists BTFO
What. The. Fuck.

>(((Anetta Kahane)))


Literally Stasi

Top kek

>can't wake up

The Stasi never went anywhere in Germany

Now, they serve the state's ideology all the same

Fucking explain yourself, Germany. These fucks should be in jail.


Lol that's fucking great

She looks like dirty jew


Ayy lmao

Christ I hate that fucking thing. I used to wank while watching local TV back in the day and one channel would always have that show on so, as I was switching between potentially sexy stuff, I'd hit boner killer.

>implying German politicians would oppose German genocide


It is literally that worse.

Holy shit.

German resistance against their cultural and demographic destruction is being squashed by a communist jew who worked for the Stasi

You can't make this shit up...

this was such an sad movie

We really cannot have people going around killing politicians. It's no good. It really has to stop. Please do not kill this woman.

((( )))
all it take to kill her is to take the shekels away
jews produce nothing, they only carry weight through the financial system

How much do you want to fucking bet she is in favor of Israel (a jewish state) while clearly being opposed to a german state

I am fucking tired of this intentional hypocrisy, and (((They))) need to fucking cut it out now. I fucking swear man, EVERY FUCKING TIME

we've had lots of Nazi judges that sentenced people to death go free and continue working well after 1945 too

NO! This is wrong. Don't you realise the whole media machine in most European countries is run or controlled by Jews? The media determines peoples' opinions and shapes culture. There is much more than just shekels and the financial system. Hollywood for the past 70-80 years has actively been turning people around the world into Jews In The Mind, and the same is happening with TV in countries where the Jews are at the helm. Don't be fooled!

Jews don't produce nothing: they produce propaganda. Lots of it!

this pattern is far too fucking common

>the whole media
as I've said, the financial system


Go away evil dogger

>elect East German Chancellor
>be surprised when she revives Stasi

checked and you win that bet
she's calling any and all critique of israel antisemitic
even went after israel's own left and criticized them from her comfy home in germany

you reap what you sow
somewhere in the future these people will have a nasty awakening

More on the german wiki:
>Kahane betrachtete 2015 den Umstand, dass in Ostdeutschland nur wenige Menschen leben, „die sichtbar Minderheiten angehören, die zum Beispiel schwarz sind“, als problematisch und bezeichnet es als „die größte Bankrotterklärung der deutschen Politik nach der Wende“, dass diese zugelassen habe, „dass ein Drittel des Staatsgebiets weiß blieb“.[26] Die Tatsache, dass es in weiten Teilen Ostdeutschlands keine sichtbaren Minderheiten gebe, bewirke dort „mehr Unerfahrenheit mit Fremden, mehr Abwehr“.[26][27] Kahane unterstützte damit explizit Baden-Württembergs Ministerpräsident Kretschmann (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), der vorschlug, mehr Flüchtlinge in östlichen Bundesländern unterzubringen. Der Osten müsse „emotional, kulturell“ erneuert werden, so Kahane.[26]

I'll just sum it up
>She sees the fact that almost no minorities life in eastern germany as problamatic. "The biggest mistake of the german politic after the "Change" (fall of berlin wall and unision of east ans western germany) was to keep eastern germany completly white"
"We should send more refugees to eastern germany to emotionally and culturally renew the people living there"

All I wish for is a all out war.

join the army, get military training and stock up on guns and ammo
wish you luck



Good thing. Now fuck off you Antisemitic cunt.

That "HELP ME" look in his eyes.


She's right you racist asshole.


it would be a three strike out if she was born in new jersey.......but she's a cuck so that counts.


Oh you'll get your war.

When your country has been flooded beyond repair. When your kids are the minority in their school and they're bullied daily for being white and nonmuslim.

When white germans wake up and realise they've been replaced by middle eastern men, when they realise they're existance as white germans is done for. When youre outnumbered 50/1.

You'll get your war when the jew has finished culturally enriching the entire country.

I hope its not too late. I hope the entire continent wakes up. Us included.

our media over and over again repeats that meme that afd voters are all racist, which makes eastern germans more racist than western germans in their eyes because they get more votes over there
they say something completely irrelevant like what you've quoted and imply that people are more racist when they don't get to see migrants in their daily routines

they just ignore the fact that people in the east are just more pissed because the economy hasn't gotten to western levels yet
they don't assume that people in the east are more angry at local politicians and because of that vote for the afd

in an orwellian world this is how they would push for re-education courses for "racist people"

Wrong. German media is very differiantiating, you just never read it without bullshit filter websites misrepresenting it or are too dumb for basic reading comprehension without frothing at the mouth.

there is an inherent problem with your culture. you don't have a spirit of rebellion. you aren't france. you aren't the usa. you aren't even england.

people in your country have a problem culturally in that they like to follow orders. they want things to be orderly- even if that order is incorrect or macabre.

This is why all of your great movements in history were not created by the people rising up but rather by influential and charismatic men leading people who were just begging to be lead.

So until you can find someone to lead your right wing you will never rise up. Because you must always take orders from a master- whether he is a nazi or a SJW thoughtcrime fascist.

France at least has a fighting chance.

>I have no idea about Germany and like talking out of my ass: the post

> lack of rebellion spirit
as a russian immigrant I have a admit this isn't true

there is a spirit for rebellion, but the government media complex is so vicious, the will brand you nazi and harass you. the fed's will harass you, the police will harass you, your local priest will harass you and the judges will harass you. you will lose your job, apartment and finally they will take your children away. welcome to germany

>60% white
>spirit of rebellion

what we lack is a national identity
we have cultural identities that are limited to regions within germany but nothing that most germans can celebrate and agree on

my guess is that this is why the nazi party was so strong because there was a large gap to fill for them
we left that gap empty since 1945 with nobody managing to fill it by reaching most germans with a political message

I will agree with that. You certainly have been taught that pride in a nation is racist and wrong.

But you got to admit Germans like following orders.

In comparison, there are literally people in the USA who hold down respectable jobs who are prepping to fight a guerilla war against the government should they try to impose martial law and take away guns and speech.

Not saying that isn't batshit crazy but when 20% of your population is ready to head to the hills and fight it out for freedom the government takes a different tone when addressing the undesireables.

>tfw you'll never win the Moses Mendelssohn prize

>tfw you'll never be awarded the Moses Mendelssohn prize

>literally a former Stasi asset
>a commie jew stasi asset

why werent they hunted down when the wall fell like they did with Gestapo officers?

because the communist collapse was a controlled demolition


we failed to do a lot of things when both nations united
it was a big taboo to talk about the risks and problems and people doing that were shamed for being unpatriotic or something

there were a lot of state assets to sell in the east to corporations and a lot of bribes to cash in on

that and the east's intelligence departments shredded a lot of documents which took long to recover

>why werent they hunted down when the wall fell like they did with Gestapo officers?
Because East Germany didn't lose any war, but joined West Germany voluntarily.

>secret police that did the same shit as the Gestapo
>o boy, we can just join them to escape in accountability!

Yeah, no.

All Stasi should be rotting in jail for life or executed as enemies of democracy.

what did she mean by this?

Are you 12?

You don't get to dictate to people like that unless you take their capital and plant your flag on their Reichstag. Nobody cares about your hurt feelings otherwise.

>If there is no german ethnic community, there's no jewish ethnic community

Why are ((((they)))) so predictable.

You are dumb

yes, those people are receiving donations from the state and lefty politicians are helping them.

She's former Stasi????!!

Hold me Sup Forums the ironing is going to flatten me.

We tried fighting the eternal Jew and for cucked for it.
JewSA has always been cucked by Jews so don't talk.

So what should we do to her?

Yeah, but at least we can walk up to jews and scream "the holocaust didn"t happen" without getting thrown in prison.

and that helps you how exactly?

She looks like a villain in a Disney movie.

From what I hear, Germans are rarely taught their own history from before WW2 at school, maybe some bits of information about WW1 but that's about it, is this true?

not true.

Ah ok, phew