Waterloo (1970)

Find flaws

he lost


Fuck Hitler, it's napoopan who should have won.

The love story shit was kind of unnecessary. GOAT film though. Rod Steiger is a VERY underrated actor. He played the best Napoleon.

>Starring Orson Welles
>Movie isn't about finding a water source for Indian people to build plumbing with.

>tfw got a fucking lecture from some SJW cunt about how Napoleon was an asshole because he didn't help Thomas Dumas get out of prison
Fucking cunt I just wanted to talk about Napoleon.

It's not directed by Kubrick starring Nicholson

And who would Nicholson portray? Grouchy?

Based Wellington BTFOing the frog menace

Why can't I get this on Blu-Ray?

He looks nothing like Napoleon.

Paintings of people back then weren't always the most accurate. I'd say Rod Steiger's appearance in the movie is fairly precise.

There are some key moments in the battle that we don't get to see. For example, there's a voice-over that says "The Old Guard has broken" and then Wellington comments "I've never seen 30,000 men run a race before" but you don't actually see them break.

not by Kubrick

breh they don't even have the same basic facial featurse

Napoleon in his later years was fat and stout. Close enough.

>tfw the Prussians are in the woods

orson welles

>tfw you should've burnt Berlin

The shots of them riding a 'horse' with a green screen in the background.

Yes yes well done Napoleon, well done,

>he just wanted to die gloriously in battle
>tfw he was executed by his own country men

MMMAaaaah the french chgampagnew

My favorite movie I wish there were more movies like this, epic movies focused on just one battle.

because of this fucking shit we couldnt have Kubricks Napoleon you dipshit

except hitler was never as good as napoleon.

Hitler was a fucking cuck that studied Napoleon and admired him but learned nothing.

you can't