Sup Forums movies

post 'em

>Aryan murders an entire island of spics
>impales a leather clad homosexual after threatening him with the oven
>colonizes a black women's womb






The Lego Movie is the most based movie ever made, not even meming

should probably add Dirty Harry to that. jawless wonder Roger Ebert dinged it for "muh fascist moral principle"


Conan the Barbarian

>proud northern barbarian is enslaved, wanders around the wilderness and destroys a jewish (((peaceful))) cannibalistic hippy cult

>degenerate cloud kookooland, a commie utopia, viewed as what is right as opposed to clean, separate but equal Lego worlds
>Sup Forums

>pol movie
Gonna need some insight to that one since it stars a white woman who gets her ass beat and then shot by a Mexican who is arguably the central protagonist and explicitly tells the white woman she'll never make it where she is and to stick her head in the sand rather than face reality.

>roastie btfo
Sup Forums as fuck

Why is 'Taken' never mentioned? It's one of the most Sup Forums movies ever

>groups of young white women backpacking around Europe are kidnapped by a large multinational gang of Muslim immigrants who sell young girls as sex slaves to wealthy buyers, notebaly arabs
>this whole operation is owned by wealthy Americans and supported by a corrupt police force
>Strong white male stops at nothing to save his girl becoming part of a mid eastern princess harem, killing off and torturing gang members and the corrupt police who stand in his way

But it also involves a white woman being strangled by a white male and then a Mexican tortured the same white man and then the movie acknowledges that white Americans can't possibly stop the Mexican drug trade because it's too powerful.

It's more of an "America/whitey gets cucked by beaners" movie than a pol movie.

Reni Liefenstahl? Excuse my ignorance, but is Triumph des Willens a parody of some sort?

(The Nazi actresses name is Leni Riefenstahl, that's why I'm asking)

>he still doesn't know how to cherrypick the parts that fit his narrative and ignore what's left
Do you even Sup Forums

>movies that expose corporatism and consumerism for what they are
>Sup Forums

>Sup Forums is an aryan/white supremacist board
Is OP retarded? Like an actual mental buffoon?

one of the most Sup Forums movies ever made
>literally a subversive metaphor to fly by communist censors to show commie oppression of proud patriots

Choose one.


>Jane Goodall biopic

I'm surprised Total Recall isn't on either of these lists.
It has the first reference to the redpill, even before the Matrix.

Vietnam fucking shits