This is the audience Marvel wanted

>this is the audience Marvel wanted


What were they thinking?


PLEASE tell me that doesn't mean what I think it means.

>hates "Swole Acceptance"

Oh, it does.

Notice how comics isn't one of the things she likes

>implying Kate Leth isn't equally as deranged

>Probably you
Well fuck you too bitch, you don't even know me.

Ain't no fucking way that's not satire

>likes anime

Why? Doesn't all the fan service trigger her?

>far left radical
>I hate atheists

That's clearly a parody.

>post a tumblrcunt
>add the word Marvel to make it Sup Forums related
>400 replies, click here to reply

OP is a successful faggot.

I would, but then I'd be lying.

>It's another thinly veiled internet war thread

Do enlighten me, please. I want to get angry before I go to bed.

Because it ain't real.

I thought this board was Sup Forums and not Sup Forums....There should be a board specifically for people who want to discuss SJWs.

Hell, they're trying to force different gender identities with separate bathrooms, why don't we all just become freeshitters too?

....No seriously, I'm asking. That follows their logic doesn't it? If you don't mind blood, why would you mind piss or shit?

but cartoons and comics and vidya aren't real either, yet feminists get Triggered by those all the time as well.


You win points for this too? What about the kind of hat you uses?

Did you ever read Mockingbird or Patsy Walker? Marvel wanted this audience.


No muscular control over a constant bloodflow = oppression

Bitches who don't wanna buy tampons, and then get angry when people tell them how gross it is, they pretend it's actually about body pride or some shit.

I don't see comics there

I'm saying OPs post isn't real. It's obviously some made up shit, though I wouldn't put it pass tumblr. This looks like one of those troll accounts someone would make for shits and giggles.

so.. not even a fucking casual? wtf

>1/4 Middle-eastern

Marvel bought into their own hype of being more progressive than DC (the X-Men are traditionally a Civil Rights allegory, etc) and decided to fully cater to the helicopter audiece

Similarly, they bought into their own hype of having more relatable heroes than DC and decided to make many of their main characters huge assholes while calling it "moral ambiguity"

Translation:I am too lazy to better myself and dislike being told I should.

She should've put "Irish"

It's actually better than that.
Freebleeding was a false flag thing that Sup Forums made up and there were some chicks so stupid and drunk on their dogma that they thought it was legit and actually started doing it.

Only women can menstruate and only women are oppressed because of it.

Uh, but don't point out how women are different than anybody, and don't assume they're women, that's just a specific example. Remember, gender identity is a myth, we're all equal and the same and whatever we want to be, and men need to start doing something about it.

You're describing Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

There are feminists, then there are Tumblrcunts. Feminists are basically normalfags that casually identify as feminists. They might use Buzzfeed, or even Tumblr on a surface level, but they're basically just normalfags.

Tumblrcunts are so impossibly lost in their politics as to appear completely insane.

Marvel wants the first one. They want the Tumblr/Buzzfeed audience. If the second audience comes along for the ride, that's a happy accident.

Okay, then guys should start "Free Ejaculating"

Only men can shoot semen from their urethra and we should be proud to do it in public no matter how repulsive and disgusting it is for literally everyone else. No longer will I be ashamed of my semen!

Buzzfeed can get pretty nuts my man.

There's always the hope she'll succeed at a future suicide.

Nice false equivalence, faglord. Ejaculation doesn't happen without effort.

Well, that's a new one

>smashing the patriarchy
heh, funny mental image

.....sometimes it does.

You're very insensitive to medical issues. I demand an apology and your first borndopted child.

Is it really true that Marvel's sales are tanking?

What does she have against STEM?
What a weird thing to hate.

I kinda thought guys involuntarily jizzing in their pants was a myth. I mean, it's never happened to me.

So these people subscribe to the one drop rule when it comes to people of color, that's kind of racist.

Probably went through it and flunked it.

Pre is pretty common, but premature ejaculation can happen without a lot of stimulation. It's not just a sex thing, anxiety can trigger erections and then it.

Nocturnal emissions.

Happens during puberty for a lot of guys, and sometimes even after.

It is embarrassing.

Tampons are rape!

Bleed free! Smash the Patriarchy!

>taking a known parody account this seriously

Holy shit, you kids are gullible.

Protip: "Freebleeders" are a troll concept created by Sup Forums. Anytime you see someone claiming to be one, you're being played.

>"Freebleeders" are a troll concept created by Sup Forums
It used to be, then people started taking it seriously.

>hates swore acceptance and STEM
What's wrong withbeing swore and in STEM?

Asian detected.

Relatively speaking, yeah. Marvel is not doing so hot.