I fucking hate the tolerance of nordic countries. Everyday I pray for disasters in these countries

I fucking hate the tolerance of nordic countries. Everyday I pray for disasters in these countries

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i agree, fuck n*Rds

Pretty sure you're going to hell for praying for things like that

me too i really hate when people think denmark is nordic
like no
we are part of the benelux

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Abu Hashem al Somali

Isn't France playing the whole National Suicide faster than the Nordics though?

No, much slower than Sweden

We are not n*rdic or scandinavian

sure bruv sure

I wouldn't be so sure. You guys + Germany and the Uk sure are giving them a run for their money.

Sure indeed.

That's rich coming from France

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You meant Germany. France took almost nothing in refugees

I fucking hate the success of anglo countries. Everyday I pray for disasters in these countries

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what the fuck is happening

You guys are at 70% face levels or less.

>tfw no bedenelux union

don't worry, we are taking care of them

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A finn guy got bullied by Mouloud and Rachid and he does nothing for his defense

Why do you care
You're not even white.

bosniaks bully swede

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Good job Denmark, finally that Island might produce an attractive European.