North Korea Arming Soldiers With 'Nuclear Backpacks'

>North Korea Arming Soldiers With 'Nuclear Backpacks'


>Washington Times

>Fox News

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look like chestpacks

Oh shit, nuclear kamikazes.

they look like the fucking normal back packs with the nuclear warning glued on
at least make it flash

We Desolators now.

>the backpacks are designed to spray deadly radioactive material at the enemy.

wow that sounds like a fucking terrible idea

will probably kill the user as well

just use a fucking flamethrower


Has Kim lost his mind, Sup Forums?

>Nuclear Backpacks
Of genious!

we grostbrusters now

And tinfoil

they probably have iodide pills and the goal probably isnt to create a small lethal area its to make a large hazard zone that will be depopulated and easier to strike because people cant live there

basically they move in and spray behind the front line then they they all with draw you cant live there it was a war zone so they probably evacuated and you cant camp out there.

mean while they can long range strike it 247 which prevents clean up. its actually a good idea as long as you dont plan on cleaning up the mess if you win


Looks like shitty Walmart back to school backpacks with cheap tinfoil glued to it and a big decal stuck on the front of it.

It's the hot new back to school look by Jong UnĀ®

What the duck is the point of that

>200 norks run at the dmz
>dozens shot dead
>a group of 100 ish make it
>one blows up his backpack
>all 100 are vaporized instantly unable to blow up their own nukes

What is the tactic here ?

I still want one of those.

>inb4 NKorea invades SKorea
>wins the war by doing Nuclear Kamikaze with their soldiers
>Rest of the world implements this
>we die by Kamikaze

suicide bombers with dirty bombs
well, going bio is off the menu for south korea then

And they say war never changes.

We're finally there

looks like they're sealed with ducttape

GOOD, they can deal with muslims

>there will never be a game where you can garrison or blow up the twin towers
this game could never be remade.

Ayy, now that would be a spicy meatball

>executed one of his officials with an anti-aircraft gun
That's pretty brutal.

>it's just a backpack full of rocks
>anyone who opens it gets executed for doubting dear leader

Its a genius idea from a military stand point.

Take the most hardened brainwashed troops

Garb soldier in anti heat suit

give them night vision equip

Stick mini nukes on them

send them in to dmz to cross over and head for vital areas.

if they refuse ..use the remote capability.

They could use mass gliders right now and drop them out of would already be to late to react.

I just ran the simulation in my mind.

I think you mean Desorators

Came here to post this.

To enunciate how stupid Norkies are


Who would win?

The north korean army VS every single muslim all armed with machetes and sticks

>tfw they all accidentally detonate all over North Korea



I think it's because it only takes one to fuck shit up. You just want to make sure one makes it through.

The south has the DMZ armed with auto cannons. They can't even get in range even for a mini nuke. Tactical nukes are small and may not even get close enough to the turrets to disable them, and they are shielded against radiation. At the very least it would take a log of the north people coming through.

More likely they will use tunnels.Break through into various areas and have their troops on motorcycles.

BTW not that north troops would know, but radiation will stop other remote detonators from working. They would probably want to use a radio bandwidth and have a trigger set the bomb off if you try to take it off.

That means, there is probably a signal we could send to set them all off. If they are smart it will be a really complex code,m but it can't bee too complex or interference would prevent it from working and we could jam it or broadcast noise.

Then the south just needs to put up signs saying they are blocking the signal and can help remove the backpacks.

The north would know this is a possibility so it's also likely the packs would be on a timer but then only one troop would have to run backwards to cause chaos.

They are running a pretty big risk with this. Or it's just nonsense.

North Korea sounds kind of badass right now desu, they must be thinking like the troops in Attack on Titan, it's them vs this crazy world and only dear leader can give them a chance to survive through these horrific tactics. lol

>Nuclear backpack

So the Norks finally left the 50s and entered the 60s.

>tfw Atomic Demolition Munitions Specialist isn't an Army MOS anymore.

faggot gook is gonna execute his whole cabinet before any wars break out

I really doubt that NK has miniaturized nuclear weapons to a degree that they can be put into backpacks.
Even if they had, I doubt they have enough fissile material to waste on them.


this is fucking terrifying

I doubt it too but it's funny that they seem to just be now reaching the "fun" stage of Cold War military thinking.

Knock-off Nork Davy Crockett soon.

>Skip to 3:05

We also had Medium Atomic Demolition Munitions, which were a bit larger and were used as nuclear landmines in case of an armored assault from the Soviet Union through Europe.

They aren't the nukes themselves but sprayable Uranium.


most likely dirty bombs or even just another propaganda stunt