Areas where you think Obama did a decent job

I'll start.

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more black people died in black on black violence during his turn then died at the hands of the KKK since it was founded

You need to work harder on your b8.

Just lazy

No i honestly think releasing non-violent drug offenders is the best thing to come out of his presidency. He has already released more than the 10 last presidents combined.

He's good at golfing.


wow it's literally fucking nothing compared to what is the industrial prison complex of the united states

have a sage norway faggot

Huge reforms happen in small steps, user.

>post 32 minutes old
>7 replies
Really makes you ponder

how many of you faggots are willing to bet that all of them are sex offenders, muslim extremists, political extremists or all of the above?

>industrial prison complex

>muh one world prison complex is better

faggot probably supports jail for wrong think, too.

Surprisingly few muslims in prison for nonviolent drug-offenses. They are usually there on worse charges.
Wouldn't he have killed her once he got out 4 years later anyways?

you can be a muslim and be a drug addict. you just do the jesus style repent, except you kill a gay or some shit. the Quran allows for fucked up shit.

Good point. Getting murdered is like chicken pox — better to get it out of the way while you're younger

Ending don't ask don't tell
Normalizing relations with cuba

Being a nigger

He didn't start any major wars.

Cuba talks are nice, and the introduction of all this capital will make the country quite wealthy

Cuba, the bailout, ending dont ask dont tell, helping end bans on gay marriage, deporting some people (not enough)

>what isthe CCA and profit prisons