I hope Julian doesn't turn out to be Alchemy. He's really fun just as Barry's asshole co-worker

I hope Julian doesn't turn out to be Alchemy. He's really fun just as Barry's asshole co-worker.

You don't hire a semi-noteworthy actor if he's not going to be important.

Especially one known for playing villains.

Barry having to be close to someone who hates his guts is more enjoyable to me than team Flash's "it's OK you fucked up creation for the 16th time, at least you tried Barry", so I'm hoping he sticks around.
Though going by upcoming episode summaries they become more friendly, inevitably resulting in him dating Caitlin, before being revealed as Alchemy.

>inevitably resulting in him dating Caitlin
RIP in peace malfoy

No thanks. I read comics.

Alchemy is voiced by Tobin Bell, so I doubt it.

Do you not remember the whole Zoom thing?

Are you going to go every cw related thread saying that shit?

Of course, but if I had access to Tobin Bell I wouldn't just use him for a couple throwaway lines and then replace him with some Harry Potter faggot.

Never thought I'd see Draco Malfoy again

Julian can be a prominent character without being a supervillain.

Tom Felton is actually cast as a regular rather than a recurring guest actor like Teddy Sears, so I imagine they have long-range plans for him.

I think he's currently got the best career of the none main Harry Potter actors, just... Really typescast as evil roles.

He's one of the few outside the main trio with an actual career. It's him and the black kid who's now a lead on "How to Get Away With Murder".

I thought he was too busy hunting down the sniktbubs

Who wants to be seen by the likes of you.

Filthy Mudblood


Thats the guy from Narcos. Ya goof

He is i think. But he doesn't know, also is Sup Forums changed colour 4 anyone to a blue colour

>also is Sup Forums changed colour 4 anyone to a blue colour
Halloween. You should also have a dancing skeleton.

Why didnt they choose him?

Filters exist.

What if he's Curtis Engstrom/The Alchemist?

>I hope Julian doesn't turn out to be Alchemy
Don't worry, I'm sure they can bullshit something like Alchemy is his secret twin's alternate reality doppelganger from a retconned timeline's clone to have him both be Alchemy and NOT be Alchemy.

Cobalt Blue maybe ?

Star Labs crew are racists against Texans.

Not him but how in the fuck could he have filtered OP's post? Nowhere does it mention TV shows or anything easily filterable. Unless you want him to filter the word "Barry" but then what if he actually wants to post in Flash comic threads?

>Black Kid
Blaise Zabini or Dean Thomas?

Yikes, a few more years and he actually can pull of an middle aged Draco for the inevitable Cursed Child movie.

Not that many people on Sup Forums talk about Dr. Alchemy from the comics. Julian Dorn is a character created for the show.

Dean Thomas

Wasn't he nothing more than a glorified extra?
Guy had to have less lines than Crabbe and Goyle.

That's why it's admirable he made it.

Neville was also in the Khaleesi chick flick movie this year.

Aren't most of the cast from Harry Potter from the theatre anyway?
I figure a lot of those just went back doing that stuff.

Yup they did

>Liking the OC that was added solely for minor pointless drama

Yeah, you're a CW fan alright.

>Whaaa I hate any kinda of conflict that isn't about beating the shit outta someone, please rape my face

Shit like this is why we have felicity.

Oh please. If Guggenheim's OC waifu didn't exist, you'd still have the same forced drama writing, it'd just come from a still-living Black Canary instead.

There has to be drama in this type of show. You want fight after fight after fight?

Felicity isn't an OC though. She's a dull ass DC character that they ended up using as a babs/oracle skin considering that the show is just a re-skinned Batman show.

guy who played Ron invested his money super well, will never have to work again and just drives around in an ice cream truck making people happy. Can't really get better than that

It might as well be a OC considering they are 2 very different characters.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

I honest-to-God thought this was Felton for a second.

He's definitely the best part of the new season. As others have said, it's refreshing for Barry to actually have someone around who actually doesn't put up with his shit.

Also one of the reasons why Wells usually works despite being so obviously shoehorned in. He's the only one who says "Barry what the fuck are you retarded?"

I want him and Barry to become the broest of bros.

He's mirror master

Can someone explain to me how when Barry time traveled to ask Wellseobard about the speed equation he found a past replica of himself, yet in the last two times he's time traveled he hasn't?

He found himself both times; sometimes he literally speed forces into himself because SPEED FORCE NIGGA; but when he went back to save his mum remember there were 3 flashes there and one was erased from reality the moment he stopped it.. Which makes me think Eobard's plan would've sucked anyways because if Barry did save his mum there'd be no Flash, and no Flash, no way home, etc etc. Wait I finally get it Eobard exists now just because he's a by his bootstraps paradox and the entire series and Arrowverse is basically a time remnant.

Why does everyone think a new character is also the villain, I know they've thrown shit at us before but maybe just maybe they decided to give Barry an asshole rival instead of good guy Eddie rival just so Barry could have a character and not "I invented an AI in the future that will one day control time machines, but right now I need to know how tornados work, Wells 4.0 please tell me!"

No, I want some decent writing that doesn't revolve around somebody being a dick just because they're a dick, only for them to back-peddle later and try to portray them as sympathetic.

Except he doesn't add anything to Barry's character. He just pops in for a few scenes just to get in the way and remind us he exists.

I'm going with hubris.

We are like 3 episodes in and he's already established himself as someone that Barry wants to beat in his career life, and he's already been established to be a dick that might not be, and he's been established to be really damn competent at his job.

I'd be mistrusting of someone who blows papers and generates static lightning at random moments of the day but is still in almost the same spot.

Yeah, 3 episodes into every season we know everyone's role in the series name one time that's been wrong. Julian is another Patty someone to use to give Barry police shit to do despite owning every patent STAR labs has and should be a quadrillionaire. He's a semi-famous person added to be the big bad in the end and boost ratings for DCs sinking ship.

Mathew Lewis (Neville) has actually had a good career; plus he's grown really tall and is considered 'sexy.'

Rupert also does work - he's done some films, they just have been distributed outside the UK very much and some TV work, but yeah, he saved all his money, but I'm sure Emma and Daniel aren't going to be delivering pizza or driving a delivery truck (Fed Ex) which is something that has happened to several people who had big careers on long term tv shows.

I hope he's not alchemy but I hope he sticks around and even after eventually finding out Barry is flash is still just an asshole coworker to him

I honestly hope he is good. What superhero could he be from the comics? Obviously name different. Does anyone else have their origin from being a forensic or a cop or from working with barry/wally?

I hope he's a Thawne ancestor. Present-day Eobard still exists despite Eddie's death so let's say the timeline made a new ancestor to correct the paradox.

Johnny Quick

>Julian is another Patty
Barry Allen dating Draco Malfoy? That noise you hear is thousands of fanfics being writen.