First Gordon, now Penguin

First Gordon, now Penguin.
Who will Gotham cuck next?

The audience itself.

>the audience
But aren't the only people watching this crap cucks anyway?

I feel like the word "cuck" is starting to lose all meaning anyway.

Everyones a cuck. Think about it.

Why are white guys under the age of 25 obsessed with that word?

They're disillusioned beta losers who think they can will themselves alpha by acting like a caricature of manliness.


True. No other person besides a white male has said that word ever. You make sense.


I'm still very curious what will go down between Jim and Barbara that will make him do a 180 on his feelings for her, going so far as naming his daughter after her.

user never said why is it that only white guys say that word, he said why are white guys under 25 obsessed with that word, as in taking into account every person who has said that word, the largest group would be white males who are under 25.

You fucking illiterate cuck.

You know how black people are terrified of racism and tend to talk about it and bring it up as the reason behind even the slightest inconveniences?

Cuckoldry is to white men what racism is to black people.

Well seems he was right either way

She will save his by sacrificing her self.
Or Barbara Gordon will be a adopted children like the post-crisis in infinite earths Barbara.

Friendly reminder that the Gordon Family is composed by:
James Gordon(Father)
Barbara Gordon(Ex-Wife)
Barbara Gordon(Adopted Daughter)
James Gordon Jr.(Son)

The actress looks really pretty as a blonde and I'm embarrassed to admit it took me a while to figure out that she was the same woman.

More like who will cuck Penguin next.

I think you must have stepped into a time machine because some people have used cuck as much as others use autism for quite some time now.

Last episode it was easier for me to tell dying her introduction but last night when the suddenly switched to scenes with her and Ed I had to do a double take occasionally

She's giving me bigger boners now than she ever did as Kringle.