I...i laughed. god help me i laughed. whats wrong with me Sup Forums?

i...i laughed. god help me i laughed. whats wrong with me Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


its cool dude u just got bad taste, no biggie


Worry not and merely remember: Even a very dim-bulb will flicker with brightness now and then. Doesn't change the fact that it's a factor failure and a failure at its purpose.

The real question is what did you laugh at, OP? Jeph is basically done with "jokes" in his comic anyway. This one one is just more quirky writing about the quirky world they live in.


This is what happens when Americans pretend they can speak another language.

Hm, I expect he wanted to use the word 'brauen' (brew) not 'brau' (brown). So I roughly translate that as -
"Worm Father's Death's Head Dark Birthday Brew"

Which just makes me think of -picture related-

The joke's premise isn't bad, it just lacks execution. Dropping the speech bubbles in the last panel would improve. Show, don't tell.

A "Gebräu" is a brewed drink. Most commonly a beer. It's often shortened to -bräu. Like Dunkelbräu, which means dark brew.

You amerikanische Schweinehunds just can't deal with Umlauten. ä ö ü

>i...i laughed
so tell us the joke cuz it's sure as hell not I'm this comic you posted

>I'm this comic

Noted. Nice Wolfenstein reference

Here's a shitty edit I made.

I'm positive umlauts are just something Germans made up to fuck with everyone else.

Umlauts and just about everything else they ever cooked up ever. youtu.be/dP9Wp6QVbsk

Just drink it out of a mug

Situational humor
doesn't need a punchline, don't like it, read something else.

But he wants to drink it out of the skull of an enemy! How hard is that to understand? On another note, why don't they just jam ping-pong balls into the sockets?

You can't just PUT ping-pong balls in a glass. Someone has to bounce them across a table.

dude satan lmao


What is it about QC that makes it so fun to edit. It's sort of like the goatkcd phenomenon but not exactly.

Who are all these fucking people?

Those fucking dead eyes