Is it any good, or is it all hype?

Is it any good, or is it all hype?

the zombies are kind of sexy

Once they switch from stylized drawings to blotches of black on white paper it goes to shit.

It is good, but not as good as the hype makes it out to be

After a while, the zombie stuff kind of becomes supplemental. It's ultimately a post-apocalypse story that delves into what ordinary men and women when triggered by a apocalyptic event.

It's kind of the same kind of fantasy of the mild-mannered office drone who becomes a Machevellian bad-ass if he has the right kind of Bad Day.

I much prefer Telltale's version honestly. And even then only season one.

This, pretty much. It's more about rebuilding society and the ideologies that clash in the process. The zombies themselves are just a natural disaster thing at this point: more a part of the environment than anything else.

I do kind of miss the old art style from the first few issues, though, as said.

It's good up until the prison fight.

Season 2 still makes me angry and yet, I'll still probably play S3.

Hes the GRRM of comics. I quit reading for over a year and its only been 5 issues.

I gave up with the time skip. And even before that I wondered why the fuck I was still reading.

What makes you angry about s2?

First off, your decisions don't matter. And it's even at a heavier degree than S1.
>Toss a rock at attacker, sneak away
Still they both end with them finding you. Like it was annoying and even worse at times than Season 1's
>She will remember this
and drops dead literally 3 second later from getting shot. I mean, fuck, if the japanese can do choices drastically changing the game's outcome why can't this? Why must they force a narrative and blanket it with "your decisions matter" when at the end of the day it doesn't? Like literally no matter what you do the dog attacks you, fucking seriously?

>""""DOCTOR"""" can't tell the difference between a human bite and a dog bite.
I don't even.

Also Clementine being the protagonist was quite possibly the biggest fuckup they've ever done. They're trying to say "hey yeah,she's a little girl in a world where she needs to grow the fuck up" but they do it so poorly, and make everyone look like a piece of irredeemable trash because of it. Clementine do this. Clementine do that. Clementine go through a bunch of zombies and turn this on. Clementine go sneak around and try to set off the alarms. Literally everyone acts like an idiot who can't do shit for themselves and then dotes on a little girl to do it.

Don't even get me started on the Jane/Kenny bullshit and how it literally won't even matter by the time the next game comes around.

>waiting on Winds of Winter

I've read it all not so long ago. And I must say that Negan is fuckinly-fucking great character who make me interested what will be with him till the end. Also I'm grateful to have Telltale version of this. It's just awesome.

I think season 2 watered down everything I liked about the first one.

You couldn't connect with anyone or shape your relationships with people like you could in season one. People either arbitrarily hated you, or adored you regardless of how you treated them

And the way they mitigated choices was much more transparent. Killing off everyone you helped in abrupt and unsatisfying ways to the point where it doesn't make an emotional impact on anything anymore. Instead of character arcs, each episode simply had a death quota to meet.

better than capeshit

>Clementine do this. Clementine do that.
Yeah, I get that they wanted to give Clem agency, but having everyone wait for you to figure out how to turn the ignition key on a wind turbine was pretty embarrassing.

>People either arbitrarily hated you, or adored you regardless of how you treated them
But that's how it works. You're fucking little girl. People either adore you or hate and scared of you because you act wiser and better than any adult. The only bad thing about season 2 that, as user said, you don't have freedom at all. Still great though.

I used to only watch the TV show, only just recently started reading yesterday (about half way though getting caught up). It's a great comic, I just feel like the show gives a little more life to the characters and stories.

Would have been a million times better if Tony Moore stayed on the book. But he is a lazy fat fuck and can't do more than a few issue of anything before throwing in the towel.

Other than that it is pretty good. It is also the only Image comic that actually comes out on a monthly basis without 6+ month hiatuses every 3-4 issues.

It's pretty good if you can get over Kirkman's dialogue.

Came here to say the same thing. The original art style was great. Expressive characters, good action, amazing zombie detail. Then it all just goes to hell.

>she will remember this
>drops dead 3 seconds later

I appreciated that because it baited you into thinking the character was going to last and not get wasted the SECOND the scene shifted.

Everything else you said though, pretty spot on.

everyone excited for tomorrows issue?

>waiting on Rick to die

What Earth are you from? TWD gets delayed constantly.