Unpopular Opinions: Sup Forums Edition

Share your disagreements and have others call you a dumbass

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Children are sexy

Abortion is totally fine in any circumstance.

everything can only be proven from within human thought and humans arent able to fully understand anything outside of knowledge they create (everything we perceive)

Dumbass feminist.

There is nothing wrong with being Jewish

Earlier today I was called a MGTOW. Now I'm a feminist. Go figure.

Fag sex is totally fine as long as its not publically celebrated.

America isn't Capitalism.

It's capitalism for workers and socialism for people who dont work.

Nothing wrong with race mixing whites and east-asians

I don't get the hate for gays

Israel is fine example of nation building and the nations of the world have much to learn from it.

Welfare states are okay (under certain circumstances).

Transgender people are not bad at all. The gender binary is globalist propoganda meant to keep people in line

It's actually two thousand sixteen.

>Nothing wrong with race mixing whites and east-asians

I think any mix between non-niggers is okay as well.

Open borders are fine as long as there is no welfare state

>leafy is here

Women are people, not property, and can have insightful opinions and contribute greatly to society.

That's what loli doujins do to you

There might be a problem when the husband really wants the baby and there is nothing mentally or financially wrong with the couple, but other than that I'm fine with pro-choice.

More and more evidence is pointing towards the universe being Non-Euclidean

Let them celebrate it, it would mean less competition for straight women.


For all Sup Forums's bitching about Leftism, the Soviet Union, Catalonia, China and North Korea BTFO Degenerates and some of the countries Sup Forums likes (Franco's Spain, Rhodesia) were too lenient on Nonwhites.

I'm a left libertarian and agreed Bernie with his views

Jews, Freemason, Illuminati or whatever is trying to destroy Christianity is the good guy

race is irrelevant compared to an individuals upbringing.

How could this be an unpopular opinion? This sounds pretty much common sense.

You can film flam the zim zam.

Islam > Hinduism
Hinduism is literally the worst religion in the world, Buddhism was created as a reaction against all the horrible shit it entails. It's the only religion that considers entires swathes of people as beyond salvation. At least with Islam, if you fuck some goats and follow the pillars, you're good. Hindu caste system is a horrible crime against humanity and England should have wiped it out.


Christianity is a filthy despicable Hebraic cult. Jesus was a wicked psychotic possessed Jewish sicko who believe he was some kind of "savior of mankind" Messianic God-Emperor.


Can, but too often don't.

Younger voters are becoming more abundant

They certainly aren't the majority, but the fight for democratic candidacy between him and Clinton should have been a lot closer

this, I also think that it is culture what fucks you up, not race.

Atheists are intelligent, rational people.

I think the best philosophy is libertarianism combined with nationalism. basically, ensuring the people have heavily individual freedoms and encouraging free market competition, yet having a very restrictive border and trying to maintain the country's culture.

I don't care what people's sexual orientation is, as long as they don't act like they're special, and don't suck dick in the street. George Takei should be shot.

I think the government is necessary in a lot of services like (muh) roads, military, and the postal service, because you can't guarantee that people will properly provide those services, but have no place in a lot of other sectors, like schooling, the food industry (except basic health and safety regulations), and the medical field. The quality of those things typically plummets when the government intervenes, especially in medical and schooling.

The EPA should be abolished.

Global warming is probably real, but we have little to no control over it, one way or another.

Africa has more potential than any country in the world.

Arabs are usually fine in America. It's Moroccans you have to watch out for

False, see Russia.

Gender dysphoria is a legitimate disorder, and I do think the gender binary should be kept for biocultural reasons, but so far all of the people I've met that consider themselves "trans" are friendly and nice to talk to

I never understood why Jews aren't considered the master race if they're the ones behind everything

all drugs should be recreationally legal so natural selection can take those who cannot pace themselves

Fuck that. At my uni there's a fucking fuck ton of towel head bitches and it's annoying as fuck. Everywhere I turn another hijabi bitch with those huge cover-everything thick dresses in dead of summer heat, with a huge Semitic nose speaking their scratchy throat language. They've fucking taken over too many places in this country. Even in my grandpas agricultural community they're there.

I'm just here to shitpost and collect Iowa/Touhou pictures. Maybe flags too.

Hitler was the worst thing to happen to white people, Germany and nationalism in general.

Philosophy is useful.
Most STEMfags won't get jobs because of how ridiculously competitive their field is.

You're just jealous


This is why "transgenderism" is not okay. It's a bunch of bullshit. It's about socially promoting perversion in order to weaken masculinity across the western world. Trannies are just confused, and cultural Marxism plays a huge role in promoting that confusion.

It started by promoting faggot culture, and this is just the next step.

There is a God. Something was the prime mover in the universe that kicked off the big bang, and something started life itself.

It is literally impossible for complex life forms to both evolve a system to feed itself and turn matter into energy, and an entire reproductive system out of nowhere.

Whether you like it or not, there is something out there more complex than humanity.

You can totally debate which religion is right about it or not, but agnosticism is the only rational belief system. Atheism requires just as huge a leap of faith as religion.

Louis CK's career has tanked so badly he appears to be posing for stock photos of an angry guy.

Sometimes it is OK for your girl to be the big spoon.

The vast majority of Jews are white, so they technically are

Everyone behind the throne is making too much bank for it to be legalized, whether it be weed or crack. Google the Iran-Contra affair.

I love hard science with a passion, but I could never keep up with the Mensa-tier geniuses filling up the jobs. Cooperation before competition.

Fucking virtue signaling parents probably talked the kid into it because he touched a doll once.


>keeping the nigger population down is a bad thing
Fucking christcuck muh sanctity of life

The man is the big spoon for a reason. Dick against ass. Not vag against ass.

Jesus, if he existed, was likely a homosexual

found the transfag fucking neck yourself you degenerate


how new are you?

Wonder what cold be holding it back

I think if a man impregnates a women and he wants a son and the woman doesn't want to care for them she should be forced to birth the child and give him custody, not be allowed to abort it

Sometimes a guy just wants to be held by the woman he loves.

if that were true then why would state universities be teaching what you just said?

We need to build the wall and deport illegals, and stop any more mud skins from entering the USA, but the sad truth is we will never be a pure European-white country again.

Our best hope is to avoid our 10% nigger demographic and whitewash our Latinos

I actually think women are pretty great

>necro and Ill Bill
Shit taste senpai

I'm interested to hear why you believe this.

don't click this you faggots

think about it. 33 years old, "never had sex", hung out with a group of 12 other dudes who "never had sex"

There is nothing wrong with Jews.

Thanks for linking me to that faggot it felt like I just got hit in the eyes with a taser

why? I clicked it and didn't see anything wrong

So women should be forced human incubators? That's retarded. Why not just find a woman who DOES want to have kids? It's crystal-fucking-clear you haven't done any intelligent thinking on this subject.

nigga i aint clickin that shit, its CP encoded in that

Matrix reloaded was good movie.

Capitalism is egalitarian. It is against class and hierarchy. Capitalism is the father of Bolshevikism. Ancaps are free market Bolsheviks.

Ha Ha.

>So women should be forced human incubators? That's retarded. Why not just find a woman who DOES want to have kids? It's crystal-fucking-clear you haven't done any intelligent thinking on this subject.

Feminism is the reason fertility rates drop for whites

Because the testaments about him having a wife named Magdalene were deleted by sexually repressed people 325 years later.


>Why not just find a woman who DOES want to have kids?
Because she's already pregnant with the man's son. Why does only one person have a say in whether or not the child of two people gets to have a life? If neither of them want a child it's fine but if the man wants one the woman shouldn't be allowed to abort it.

Athiesm is the only key to a superior western civilization. We could destroy the muslims,bring down the christfags, and storm the Jews. We will have better morality because we live off the basis of LAW.

The American people have put themselves in a position where they must choose between a fucking snake and a goddamn cool.... democracy is a fucking failure and the current state of public political discourse had degenerated to spouting memes.

Quebec anons should realize this party will lead us to sovereignty

Also to add onto this, on a personal level I think planned parenthood is wrong and is an affront to god but Jesus fuck what would we do without it?

We would be easily 20% nigger by now

>Feminism is the reason fertility rates drop for whites
You think I don't know that already? And what the fuck does that have to do with anything I just said? Fucking leaf.

Don't be stupid. Every single scholar agrees that those "lost gospels" are fakes from the middle ages, and we're written by crazy monks. Their Greek is sloppy, their historical details are inaccurate, and they could traditional the other gospels too much to be from the same time period.

Nothing wrong with homosexuality, but I understand a lot of them are degenerate whore which is bad in all cases

Putin isn't and could never be America's friend even with a Trump presidency. Also Assad needs to step down to actually ebgin fixing the mess in Syria.


Vote Gary you fucking cuck.

Trump is a stooge alright, but his policy proposals are the best we have seen in our lifetime


10/10 usual burger response

I see swastikas.

Profit-seeking is what ruins capitalism.

It makes individual gains more important than actual economic development or real economy expansion.

This I lived most of my life as an atheist, but am now Christian. I don't believe Jesus was a homosexual, and historically it doesn't seems plausible. To be frank, your reasons don't really constitute as evidence, especially for a claim so unprecedented. But live and let live. And this is Sup Forums, so fuck off faggot.

The position you took is definitively feminist, that's why he pointed it out.

Not even a little bit?

Not all black people are niggas.

Atheism is not a religion. Its a way of thinking. God isnt real.