Since the boomers fucked it all up, what's gonna happen in the future?

since the boomers fucked it all up, what's gonna happen in the future?

We're going to make it worse for the next generation.


"Has it better than his parents and his kids" sums it up pretty fucking accurately.

My wife's parents are hoarding more wealth they they could spend in three lifetimes, while lecturing their kids about how suffering and sacrifice are good for building character.

my dad's father made ~32k at the most in his life, as the only income.
stay at home wife, 4 kids, house.

Can someone explain this meme please?



There already is a next generation , your just making excuses for yourself .

boomers amassed the most wealth in history and pissed it away, now their children and grandchildren foot the bill

Whites will be the minority, but they won't get special minority status.

We're gonna rule the world.

>since the boomers fucked it all up,
No that would be their parents and grandparents

Details please

look at vancouver, who sold all the real estate to the wealthy chinese?

War probably

Someone always says war.

god i hope so i hope its big and nuclear i really dont want to work at wal mart (or its future equivalent) when im 90

People who are older and luckier than I am.

I bought a house at 'wealthy chinese' prices, except I'm not wealthy or chinese. I'm just some stupid chump with a mortgage that will take 50 years to pay off.

God I hope so.

We all do, user. We all do.

I'm a millennial, and I've never seen a more self-defeating groups of pansies than millennials. All that they do is sit on their asses being whiny faggots, and when they're questioned they just scream "THE ECONOMY" to justify why they're a bunch of lazy fucks. It's pathetic, they take no responsibility or initiative, and all they know how to do is complain.

They cite THE ECONOMY and the BABY BOOMERS as the root of every single problem in the world. If they lose their keys, they blame the fucking BABY BOOMERS. It's pathetic.