How can you abortionists sleep at night?

Other urls found in this thread:

please don't tell me that killed that baby

it probably had fuck tons of problems
most abortions are done very early

It is killed.. Abortion is disgusting and should be criminalized..

10/10 would poke with a stick

Please tell me this is bait

This what a child that was birthed still inside the amniotic sac

That kid could have voted for Hillary. He didn't get aborted fast enough.

fucking nigger lovers you do realize that abortion is one of the only thing between us and south africa right but hey when your daughter is getting raped and set on fire at least you can think yourself a moral person right ?

I work in stem cells...

This 'fetus' is about 22 weeks old. The last legal age for an abortion.

It is disgusting. It should be criminal.

In this webm they just show the baby. There's no context or violence. You are safe to view If squeamish.

>I work in stem cells...
>in stem cells

What is this a fucking trigger warning ?

Why should I care if some dumb whore kills her own kid? I'm sure as hell wouldn't get with a woman who wants to commit legal infanticide


Stay mad pro lifers.

Keep skewing that definition of human life to fit your shit agenda faggots.

Not that I give a fuck about abortion, but I do find it funny how if they found some single cell algae on mars they would be freaking the fuck out that they found life, but they can't admit that cells that are growing into a human are life.

That isn't how fetuses are legally aborted in the west, you dumb fucks.

It's preformed early, when the brain is highly undeveloped and the fetus is unconscious.

The fetus's life is terminated nearly instantly by cutting it into pieces in most circumstances.

The webcam is most likely a rare case when the mother's life was at risk.

>2000 + 20 - 4
>working in stem cells

You all fell for the stem meme

wtf I love abortion now

literally fucking this

>The fetus's life is terminated nearly instantly by cutting it into pieces in most circumstances.


because over 50 million nigglets have been aborted in your country so far. thats 50 million niggers you dont have to care for with your tax money. youre welcome

>they can't admit that cells that are growing into a human are life.
It's not abut being life, it's about whether or not it is capable of being considered a human at that time

>Abortion in Canada is legal at any point in a woman's pregnancy for any reason, and is governed by the Canada Health Act.

I don't think anyone is "for" chopping up babies,or near babies in this case. But when its within the first trimester, and the child once born will be suffering a needlessly terrible life,why not spare the stranger such suffering? And if you are against abortion,why not be "for" contraception?

That's not an abortion.
An abortion is illegal that late and even if it wasn't the sack would never come out like that during one.
The baby is killed and removed limb by limb from the womb.
What you're looking at is a botched c-section.

there is nothing wrong with this

You know, that really made me think.

Human cells are human cells. But if you took a heart and liver you dont give it personhood rights.

>retards that can't tell the difference between life and sentient life.

Same could be said for pro-abortioners. The bottom line is it's an unfortunate necessity in a "civilized" society. It can never be illegal.

Except for it kills human life, innocent human life, which is sacred.

Because the majority of aborted babies are black.

I have heard people say fetuses aren't alive. Obviously all people advocating abortion don't think the same way though.

med here

most probably mom died during labor and they are trying to keep the kid alive for as long as possible until they can AWAKEN MY MASTERS

What the fuck? Where's the mother?

No physician in Canada can terminate a pregnancy over 24 weeks without serious indications that the life of the mother is at risk or that the fetus has very serious malformations.

kek get the fuck out of here.

C section that is rare. Baby born by c-section still in amniotic sac...still alive...fucking idiots


Friendly reminder:

Abortion kills more nigs than the next 5 (FIVE) leading causes of death COMBINED!

"Pro-life" is codeword for anti-white!
>"Pro-life" is codeword for anti-white!
"Pro-life" is codeword for anti-white!
>"Pro-life" is codeword for anti-white!

>believing abortion is right

gtfo Trudeau

What baby? I only see a lump of cells.

>How can you abortionists sleep at night?

after becoming educated to the fact that ~80% of all abortions are negresses

>How can you abortionists sleep at night?
About 6 or 7 pounds lighter after the operation. :^)

Kill it with fire. It's not murder if it isn't born yet.

thats why i support it

where else will the jew get the sacrifices for moloch?

i don't i have insomnia and mania.
But that's a different note otherwise i sleep just fine
knowing there's one less mud baby running around or welfare collecting redneck cunt

Fuck off worst poster

It's her the parent(s) decision, why do I care.
It's really not.
We dealt with the issues in the 80's and society is happy.

>Everyone making statements about this without video context

Nice try. Why hinder science and lives of others for a baby you don't give a shit about anyway?

Holy shit, it's like that Godzilla movie.

>thinks niggers lives are sacred
kek youre one delusional goof. they would kill each other regardless, might as well do it while theyre in the womb, before they suck out all the tax money they can

>I work in stem cells

Well, folks, we're clearly dealing with a professional.

Before modern science babies born like this were considered prophets/seers/whatever.


Got a video of what happens next?

>where else will the jew get the sacrifices for moloch?
probably all the useless wars and hundreds of thousands of people theyve killed abroad, including their own, for the sake of 'democracy'. but hey, thats just my opinion

>the only way to deal with niggers is abortion

Be a little more proactive faggot.

>I want more bulls, cuz I need cuckolds to jack off.


>all life is sacred

go to africa lib cucked faggot.

they burn you to death for fun there cuck

This is actually a webm of a baby who was born inside the sac still. It's not an abortion.

I don't know , what i've heard is from americans.

People don't advocate pro or against abortion here, it's just legal. It used to be illegal during communist times , but that cause such a surged in kids being thrown to orphanages that all orphanages were literally so overcrowded that they could barely feed them . With the exception of one where they barely kept them alive (cause you know...they had problems and we had a dictatorship that didn't really give a fuck about PR ) .

No1 would adopt anyway cause most people already had kids . Banning abortion in my opinion is retarded...especially if I have to pay taxes for unwanted kids.

Our national healthcare only covers abortions that are "not voluntary" (or dangerous for the mother) and to be quite frank i don't see any problem with this (i think gypsies had free paid-by-the state abortions till mid 2000's but france went like >muh racism )

That baby is fucking huge, it doesn't even look like a premie. Cut open that sac and it could live on its own just fine.

I too work in stem cells, however am thinking of changing career to work in rockets instead. All that daily abortioning really gets to you.


the discovery of single celled organisms on mars is a fuckload different then finding a civilization of intelligent beings.

What they'd all be "freaking the fuck out" about is that we would suddenly have proof that the planet is capable of going through the same process by which our planet was created.

Tbh, I'm ok with abortion because you accidentally a baby. But you should feel bad and have the guilt for life that you killed something

Don't they just become Gypsies ?


>fell for the niggers are human meme

And you're calling HIM the cuck.

That shit looks like something out of a horror movie. Someone light it on fire quickly!

This. For every pro life fearmonger out there not one of them would willingly adopt and support a retarded baby.
If they're so adamant on all life being precious and beautiful then why aren't they doing more to take care of the drooling retards that should have been aborted?
Pro life families should show their dedication to the case by having to adopt, raise and care for at least two severely disabled kids per household.

they are simply taken in by CLSC where they arrange for the late term abortion. It's legal and it happens

> not one of them would willingly adopt and support a retarded baby.
Why should they? It's their parent's responsibility for having sexual intercourse.

If a person can't deal with the potential consequences of their actions, they shouldn't commit those actions.

I'm not even sure if you're fucking with me or not. Gypsies are indians

theres also virtue-signaling retards on the right, such as the people you described.

Doctors aren't supposed to just sit around and accept the patients requests.
They're supposed to put a lot of pressure on them to greatly think it over.
The good ones at-least.

You just kick them out of the house and some vagabond picks them up and raises them.
Isn't that how it works in Romania ?

good thing the only consequence for having unprotected sex is a small scar

All premature babies should be aborted 100% of them have health problems, stunted growth etc.

spot on

>If a person can't deal with the potential consequences of their actions, they shouldn't commit those actions.
They do deal with the consequeces. It's called abortion.

Nobody fuck to have an autistic retard.

Abortion should only be legal in certain circumstances, and for a limited time in most cases.
>anytime, highly encouraged
The baby has severe physical, or mental problems
Danger to mother
>during 1st trimester - a couple weeks into 2nd
Mother's/father's household doesn't earn enough money to support a child (maybe $30,000 annually?)

Abortion for any other reason should be considered murder, and the mother should be executed for it.

Then it's the parents choice and responsibility to consider an abortion an option as a result of those consequences.


thank you for your input

It's killed like 13 million blacks to its a necessary evil.

The consequences are preventable via abortion, so it's a moot point. You just sound like you want people to be punished for having sex.

OP, your a bait faggot

Shove your abortion views up your ass!

You can't just kick your kids out of the house , you get thrown to jail .

There's a difference between gypsies and romanians,hungarians,ukrainians and other ethnicities we have in our country

If your kid doesn't go to school you are sued by the state and you need to pay quite a large fine...unless you're a gypsy.

Homeless romanians,hungarians,etc etc are also usually taken by cops to homeless centers,while gypsies...well...the cops like their wallets

They're also the only minority the progressives here hate . Fuck , the liberal party tried to change the recognized name from rroma to gypsy back here...but it got shit from western eu nations

this isn't an abortion user, it's a full term baby, probably a cesarean section

Not a person.


the people posting in this thread are fucking morons. you'd think people crying about abortion would know what even happens during the procedure.

Fuck off idiot

but you also posted in this thread. does that also make you a fucking moron, also? really makes you think...

Google Image search says baby born "en caul" which means the amniotic sac didn't rupture.

>Baby is fine, the footage was posted by his mother.


>a leaf

Knowing that didn't take place in an alley.

22 weeks for most states is too far along to volunteerly abort.

The fetus in the OP probably was not going to survive the pregnancy (or mom was at risk) and thus it was killed.

I'm generally amazed at how Sup Forums gets so offended by abortion, but yet majority of the posters are atheist.

It's not aborted it was born in its amniotic sack. It's alive and fine. Just a rare occurrence.