You should get to a safe distance

You should get to a safe distance
I can take it from here

I have watched literally 1 episode of this entire series

The one where the Red Lantrun and Hal were trapped on a Junk Planet and they couldn't talk to each other because the Red Lanturn English Communication Device got broken

Seems like yours is broken too.

RIP in pieces LANOS

>talking to a Red Lantern

I was under the impression that Red Lanterns could only scream and vomit fire blood. It's been a while since I looked into it, did they change them up?

They did. They still throw up red shit, but it's more of an energy blast than blood.

They still can't build constructs, I think.

I will always be a little sad because this show died too soon.

I remember the live thread for this the first time.

>"who the fuck is LANOS he sucks fuck him"
>the end

In just 2 lines annoying minor character becomes bro-est of bros.

Yes, I was also in the thread.

We weren't saying that about LANOS at the start of the thread, we knew who he was, we'd seen him in episodes before that one.

Then WHAM, he ascends to broest of bros status.

I'm surprised how much we got within one season. It's a shame this show will be forgotten like Beware the Batman, which also was pretty good.

I think the "two arcs a season" worked well for both shows.

Shit, I really wanted to see the full-blown Sinestro Corps. Ron Perlman was inspired casting.

Yeah, that was a surprisingly interesting casting.

My God, has it really been that long?

Lanos was a better person than special snowflake Aya

He didn't even have a piece of Ion as an excuse

He was too good for this world.

I think the show could have caught on if it looked like this.
I mean there are subtle details in the CGI animation that couldn't happen in 2D- but I think the boxy look of the show turned a shitload of people off initially.
Myself included.

I swear that thing is based off of Tentacool, specifically from that one episode with the giant Tentacruel.

your loss

They were just as boxy as all the other animated DC shows.

the closest thing to a construct was when Razer created a whip that destroyed manhunter that hurt Aya.

Damn, this show deserves more. Sinestro Corps and Blackest night would fit so well.
At least this show ended with Hope

>TFW LANOS managed to do in one single sentence what Anya completely failed to do in an entire series because she never was an AI in the first place

Never send a girl to do a man's job.