Shitty make up effects make it seem like Brown hit his head really hard against his steering wheel rather than being...

>Shitty make up effects make it seem like Brown hit his head really hard against his steering wheel rather than being shot

Brava Hackintino


a steering wheel injury wouldn't look like that, you bus ticket bitch

what? He did hit his head on the steering wheel. You think Tarantino would kill himself in his own movie? He didn't die, he lived and he went on to direct multiple movies

So he survived Django unchained when he was comply obliterated by the dynamite?

I never understood how is it that he died? Apparently he got shot but where, shouldn't a gunshot to the head kill him instantly?

Looks like it grazed him but the force of the bullet knocked him out.

Funny they treat him like dead anyway.

It blew him into the future

Lol. I just accidently noticed this.

not always

He did bash his head real hard.
He even talks.
You don't talk after getting shit in the head.

A lot of loyalty for a hired shit

That's a bad transfer. They didn't frame the print properly. All movies have areas of film that are blocked out when correctly run through a projector etc. That boom wouldn't have been visible through the camera at all.

kek that guy was way more robust than QT though

Who payed to to shit in Tarantino?

how did a towel magically appear under Joe's head?

He got wet.

It's an independent film and it doesn't look bad, calm down memeboi

well he was an interior decorator after all

>Apparently he got shot but where, shouldn't a gunshot to the head kill him instantly?
Not necessarily. You could get all kinds of weird not-quite-dead effects going on. Occasionally, people even get shot in the head and survive it. Happened to a guy I actually met once... shot struck the thick of his forehead, cracked his skull but didn't go through, and left a big nasty looking furrow through the scalp / top of the head. Weeks in the ICU and lots of brain swelling, but he survived it.

Plot of the next tarantino movie, right there.
Next thing someone's going to put together an infographic showing all characters played by him are actually the same guy.

Is his character a time traveller?

There was a guy in my town who shot himself in the head when his wife left him and he lived. He walked funny for the rest of his life though.

Thats his suit

its actually a towel if you listen to commentary

All this bitching about makeup and headshots, and no one but me has ever complained about Mr. Pink firing 32 shots from a 16 shot pistol when he's fighting with the cops smdh.

Two 16 shot pistols.

No Mr. Pink only had one pistol. He runs out into the street to pull that woman out of her car, turns, and unloads on the cops at the corner of the building. 16 shots from one angle, 16 from another. It can be argued that it was simply two angles of the same 16 shots, but that's dumb.

He was secretly a sikh

>it wasn't the cameraman's fault
>it was the editor
Ok my man.

That's not what he said at all. Never post again.

that's what he implied you cucksucking ass faggot.

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

you will immediately get a job and stop being a cuck.

Then two shots of the same gun.
That or they cut out his reload.

Google pipe through head and be amazed at what people can survive

Creepy way to die. Really upset me in Dunkirk.