New info on Cultural Marxism

Due to their positions as literary experts, Richard Hoggart and Raymond Williams were called as witnesses during The Lady Chatterley Affair, a court case concerning censorship in publishing, the outcome of which is widely regarded as defining Britain in the 1960s as a "Permissive society". They argued on the side of freedom of language, and against censorship.[45]

Hoggart and Williams both served in World War II. Hoggart as an anti-aircraft gunner in North Africa and Italy.[48] Raymond Williams joined the war effort even though it was against the British Communist party line of which he had been a member. He rose to the rank of an officer in the Anti-Tank Regiment of the Guards Armoured Division, and was deployed as part of the 'D-Day' Invasion of Normandy. Going on to command a unit of four tanks at Bocage and fight across the European front, ultimately aiding in the liberation of the Stalag X-B Prisoner-of-war camp near Sandbostel in north-western Germany.[49]

Traditionally the Frankfurt School has had a patchy relationship to Feminism. In 1969 female students understood to be part of the Women's liberation movement protested Adorno during a lecture by rushing him at the podium in a planned moment then "baring their breasts while caressing him and throwing rose petals over his body." [59] Likewise the conservative author and former student of Marcuse; Paul Gottfried recalls in his memoirs 'Encounters: my life with Nixon, Marcuse, and other friends and teachers' Marcuse’s "perplexed reaction to ardent feminists in his class as they expounded their sexual liberationist views."[60] More recently the Frankfurt School theorist and Feminist, Nancy Fraser has attempted to create a distance between herself and identity politics in order to re-examine economic class as a key factor of inequality within society.[61][62]

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post at double chan and have someone make an infographic. this pol moves too fast during election season to have an actual discussion


It seems the "Cultural Marxists" who hate the west; actually fought for it in WW2, and have traditionally been against identity politics.

They fought against the west in WW2 because it was an unnecessary war. Nazi Germany had a monetary policy that didn't need usury which pissed of some moneyed (((elites))). Churchill was in their pockets and ensured that the Blitz happened by bombing German cities first. Churchill also agreed with FDR to mortally wound the empire. The USSR needed to instigate the war as a pretense to conquer most of Europe. Stalin formed the Popular Front to organize left wing movements in free countries to support entry into the war.

>Nazi Germany had a monetary policy that didn't need usury

Are you talking about the whole unpaid work camps with all the jews and people they didn't like? Was that part of it?

>"Cultural Marxists" who hate the west
See, this is the problem. Cultural Marxist is an oxymoron. Marxism is literally *all* about economic analysis at its core. Actual Marxists should be fucking vomiting over most of the identity/language centered bitching going on today.

> to re-examine economic class as a key factor of inequality
in other words to be actual fucking Marxists not tumblrtards.

Daily reminder Cultural Marxism is 100% satanic.

No. I'm talking about the Labor Treasury Certificates which meant that money could only be generated by labor. So public works would generate money.

This predated the labor camps, which have been blow far out of proportion.

An idea which they took from either Marx (he mostly hates the proposal and dismisses it as utopian circle jerking in Capital, tho later he's OK with it) or people Marx fucking destroys with logic.

The reason the Frankfurt School created Cultural Marxism was to make Marxism workable.

WW1 had disproved the notion that class identity would trump national identity. In order to overcome this they decided to create Critical Theory to obfuscate the truth and demoralize populations (which is analogous to Pilpul). They supported minority rights to undermine the majority. They supported sexual liberation to undermine the family, which according to Marx was the foundation of Capitalism.

>Frankfurt School


These are all leftist sources by the way.

"Cultural Marxism" was just an early term for "Cultural Studies" until they realized they were no longer talking about Marxism, but about ideology in general.

Both the Birmingham School and The Frankfurt School have argued against Marxism.

>they decided to create Critical Theory to obfuscate the truth and demoralize populations
that's fucking hilarious. i mean i can see how reading adorno's minima moralia would have that effect on you but still. nah.

Many Frankfurters were quite conservative and didn't delve into the realm of the normative (oughts) very often. Aside from a few economic analyses.

What people on Sup Forums call cultural marxism is actually just liberalism.

Is that a fuckin ron paul shop on the left?!
I honestly cannot tell.

agreed, i actually blame williams for a lot of this. the prof in the class i read some of his shit in actually seemed surprised when i said this was the work of someone who had given up on revolution and just wanted to masturbate over working class history.

It's about creating a society that can be easily controlled and misled. We can argue about the definitons, but I'm anti-semantic. The Frankfurt School was real, they influenced academia first, this trickled down into the culture, and it has been a cancer in the west.

tl;dr It's real, it sucks, and we need to be aware of it to stop it.

Adorno and Benjamin were pure evil.

>What people on Sup Forums call cultural marxism is actually just liberalism.
what herbert marcuse called "repressive tolerance" is exactly the shit that Sup Forums gets a fucking boner over being "redpilled" about

Neoliberalism especially... the problem is that The Frankfurt School didn't like the working class because they felt betrayed by the German Working Class... but British Cultural Marxism (aka The Birmingham School) loved the working class:

[The Birmingham School's British Cultural Marxist] "critiques of Americanism and mass culture paralleled to some extent the earlier critique of the Frankfurt school, yet valorized a working class that the Frankfurt school saw as defeated in Germany and much of Europe during the era of fascism"

>Many Frankfurters were quite conservative
Wrong. They wanted the destruction of Western culture and were open about it.

''''Raymond Williams was a strong voice of opposition to Marshall McLuhan's Technological Determinism and emphasized the primacy of Social Relations over technology, stating "Determination is a real social process, but never (as in some theological and some Marxist versions)... a wholly controlling, wholly predicting set of causes. On the contrary, the reality of determination is the setting of limits and the exertion of pressures, within which variable social practices are profoundly affected but never necessarily controlled."''''

>pure evil
you literally just saw their names and "jewish thought" together on google didnt you you nazi twat?

They were Sabbatean-Frankists aka satanists you fucking retard. They were NOT real Jews because they preached the POLAR OPPOSITE of what the real Judaism teaches.

You literally saw a moral judgement and decided that invalidated any evidence he had.

>see anyone can point fingers

You know this quote "The west is guilty of genocidal crimes against every civilization and culture it has encountered. American and Western Civilization are the world's greatest repositories of racism, sexism, nativism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, fascism, and narcissism. American society is oppressive, evil, and undeserving of loyalty."

Is actually by Pat Buchanan right?

>a wholly controlling, wholly predicting set of causes
which is why vulgar determinism is BS. determinative in the last instance, not wholly predicting ffs

Marcuse said that, yes.

schizo has been detected

Let anti-semantism spread and take root.
The phony argument between Marcuse and feminism is like two Stalinist commissars betting how many bullets it will take to kill you.

The Sabbatean-Frankists are real you idiot. And yes, there is plenty of reason to believe Benjamin and Adorno based critical theory on Sabbateanism.

Thank you user. I'm proud of my anti-semantism and will hide no power level in that regard. As long as the people hiding behind bullshit can weasel their way out of accountability with no true Scotsmen fallacies we need to call their bluffs.

Haven't you heard? Communism is a spectrum. Mind my pronouns, conservashit.

The kinds of people who say The Frankfurt School are Satanic - retard level:

"Theodor Adorno promoted degenerate atonal music to induce mental illness, including necrophilia, on a large scale." -Breitbart

"Because otherwise it’s just a pointless ant farm, a satanic Matrix in which we’re all just basically batteries. Plus, Hollywood would be out of business without heroes, and the fact that the most commercial business in America absolutely requires heroes ought to tell you something elemental." -Michael Walsh (pic related)


no i skimmed the article. i've read enough of the original texts to pick out the themes, which ar common with derrida/agamben (often via carl schmitt, ironically). it has fucking nothing to do with this guy's antisemitic conspiracy crap.

To be fair, most of them are. They're just not as vocal as tumbler.

Ok. You must be pretty new if you think anti-Semitism is crap.

Nope, it's on page 80 of Pat Buchanan's death of the west:

"Using Critical Theory, for example , the cultural Marxist repeats and repeats the charge that the West is guilty of genocidal crimes against every civilization and culture it has encountered. Under Critical Theory, one repeats and repeats that Western societies are history's greatest repositories of racism, sexism, nativism, xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, fascism, and Nazism. Under Critical Theory, the crimes of the West flow from the character of the West, as shaped by Christianity. One modern example is "attack politics," where "surrogates" and "spin doctors" never defend their own candidate, but attack and attack the opposition. Another example of Critical Theory is the relentless assault on Pius XII as complicit in the Holocaust, no matter the volumes of evidence that show that accusation to be a lie."

is it jews or satanists you have a problem with? I'm confused. you're saying the bourgeois jews controlled the economy but the marxists who started the revolution were really satanists?

no, really, i'm curious, is that what you're arguing>

"Cultural Marxism" is just a Lind/Buchanan pipe dream, adopted through GamerGate, and kept due to Stormfags.

Check the IDs. That prevents confusion. I haven't really looked into the Satanism angle. I have researched Jewish influence in Communist revolutions, disinformation disguised as education, intersectionality, and Neoconservatism. In these fields they dominate both numerically and in influence.

As I recall, they were more interested in the phenomena of alienation, the relationship between technique and ideology, and the phenomena of fascism. There were also analysis of "traditional" bourgeois culture.

Aside from believing in revolution -- and thus the destruction of the current order -- and believing in class -- and thus the vision of the world as being driven by class conflict -- I don't know what their contribution to identity politic would be.

Marcuse seems crazy though.

See the video at:

Have you looked into Communist anti-Semitism much? Whatever influence they had, it didn't work out too well for them in the USSR.

The missing link is the Italian autonomist movement (ie anti-Communist Party, closer to an-com in some ways). They came up with feminist ideas that were very strongly rooted in materialist economic analysis, but after most of them were thrown in jail by the Italian state in the late 1970s moved towards cultural studies/identity. See people like Sylvia Federici & Toni Negri.

Later. Thanks for the sauce.

I haven't looked into that per se. I have looked into the over representation of Jews in Bolshevik revolutions and Communist government and propaganda.

Stalin was anti-Jew. Lenin was pro-Jew.

Yeah, 'epistemological revolution' is hardly a civil war:

"For their part, Frankfurt School theorists quickly came to realize that a dialectical method could only be adopted if it could be applied to itself—that is to say, if they adopted a self-correcting method—a dialectical method that would enable them to correct previous false dialectical interpretations. Accordingly, critical theory rejected the historicism and materialism of orthodox Marxism.[30] Indeed, the material tensions and class struggles of which Marx spoke were no longer seen by Frankfurt School theorists as having the same revolutionary potential within contemporary Western societies—an observation that indicated that Marx's dialectical interpretations and predictions were either incomplete or incorrect."

Broadly true. Stalin's kids married Jews so it's complicated.

Most of what Sup Forums is talking about overlaps with Soviet anti-Zionism, though, unless you're actually racist in the very strictest sense.

I'm an actual expert on the Frankfurt School, Adorno in particular. Ask away, I always love to lol at the way stormfags try to mainstream some antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Why did Adorno want to destroy western culture?

Cultural Marxism is not something that exists. It's just a strawman conspiracy made by conspiritards that have never even read any of the works of Marx

He did not want to destroy Western culture. He first, with Horkheimer, attempted to overcome the category failures of traditional Marxism in theorizing society by working through a seemingly earlier, more foundational, contradiction within society:reason versus unreason (as opposed to proletariat versus the bourgeoisie).

In so far as the West's greatest achievement is seeding the planet with political structures and intellectual sentiments in favor of reason, note that Horkheimer and Adorno state in the introduction to the Dialectic of Enlightenment, quite clearly, that reason is their petito principi.

Second, once he returned to reconfiguring Marx's categories, and consequently gave birth to the intellectual faction of Marxism we now call wertkritik (Value-Critique) during his last few years of seminars, he recommitted himself to the value and importance of civilization. Where he criticizes facets of the West, it is always from the perspective of not living up to its promises of freedom, for example. The goal for Adorno was always a critical theory of society that could suggest the way to make that promised freedom, again by most Western countries, a substantive reality.

IT all comes from India


bugdhism/ hinduism/ islam


Ukraine anarchism

Is this some new meme I'm unaware of or are you retarded?

the liberals wen ton the hippie strails in the 60s

the anarchists came with the communists in the 20s, they tried cultural experiemnts across the US, infiltrated labor unions stirring shit up, including teachers who taught the flower children of the 60s

India also is ground zero for religious alt genders

Study ukraine nationalist history, anarchism, judaeism, and judaeism and communist roots in russia, along with trade unions

Yuri Bezmenov's work was all done in India; which is funny because people cite him as trying to destroy the west - but he actually fled to the west... The USSR was trying to destroy British Colonialism because they didn't want the west having control over other sovereign nations (and Britain eventually got BTFO).

...and Yuri Bezmenov went on to be an anti-communist propagandist for John Birch. Once a propagandist, always a propagandist I suppose.

...he couldn't even use his own name, and called himself "Tomas Schuman" the wanker.

Sup Forums makes me think of TWA's aesthetics and the idea of myth (in modernity) turned against itself...

it started before Yuri

the German and french philosphers marx read, and the philosophers the philosophers were infliuenced by, they were all orientalists

they influenced occultists

islamic/ christian mysticists

and himmler

there are other red pills in this thread, but it comes down to East Vs West

there was a nexus with Asia and Japan and drug usage via tibet


That's INSTANT brainwashing; NO ONE should EVER read MARX!!!! Everyone should just accept what you're saying and never read a book ever.

You idiot.


Gotta stay away from those Marxist (((influences)))

no , you missed the point

communal living, transcendentalism mind, body spirit bullshit , free love, drug usage


oh, and because you are not Ameircan, you are not familiar with the west coast of USA and its relations to holywood, and where all the buddhists and hippies ended up\
they fucking control US culture

including silicon vally, and the far left politicians

meanwhile we forget that Russia also consumed a lot of eastern culture an religion, and that mixed with the Russian Revolution...

eastern religions were more able to adopt en mass to socialism than western religions culture

>The Minnicino article charges that the Frankfurt School promoted Modernism in the arts as a form of Cultural pessimism, and shaped the Counterculture of the 1960s after the Wandervogel of the Ascona commune.[85]à

...the Wandervogel were the first group of young people to abandon the cottage industry period of industrialization as too dirty and noisey... they're also responsible for why Youth Hostels exist today.

Also, the Wandervogal were GERMAN, and SWISS....

....and Hitler destroyed them and demanded they all Christianize; because he's a cunt and didn't want them hanging the forests during the war as they would have opposed him.

it goes back furthur

in part i think you had seperate developments that converged in Germany during unification

At any rate Cultural Marxism is a stupid conspiracy theory and trying to connect it to (((everything))) is pointless, and diverges away from directly questioning progressive and identity politics without using some ancient half-assed and poorly research conspiratard bullshit. It's info-wars level politics for Trumpkins and Stormfags.

Funny thing is Stalin called his son a retard for marrying a jewess.

it helps explain indian nationalism and Ghandi, Vietnnam war, CIA activities in Tibet and islamic revolutions in Iran and Afghanistan, the muslim brotherhood and indonesia

The "Cultural Marxism" of the 1960s explains all that because hippies traveled to India?... not really... that's like saying the Beatles were in Germany and that explains why Germany became an industrial powerhouse today. Also known as a non-sequitur or post-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc logic (after therefore because of).

I don't think you're talking about Cultural Marxism... you're just talking about India; which has nothing to do with the modern Lind/Buchanan form of the conspiracy theory.