There is literally nothing wrong with America becoming a non-white nation in 20 years...

There is literally nothing wrong with America becoming a non-white nation in 20 years. Whites don't deserve to have a land built on genocide and slavery for them alone. This is true for all colonial nations. Those arguments are only valid for European countries.

I don't get the whole "white america" thing. We'd have a better shot taking back Norway and a few european countries.

America was never supposed to be white. It was always supposed to be a diverse nation of immigrants.


It's ours and we are taking it back.

Fuck the new world order.

whites built america out of nothing

>brazil talking about slavery

Genocide is natural selection fool, there were thousands of native american ethnicities millenia ago but most of them were eradicated by the tribes you see today, civilization is a game of persisted existence and conquest you silly fool.

Only europeans are stupid enough to not follow this.

And Brazil isn't a white country due to that. Do you see any Brazilians complaining about it? No, we acknowledge that this country doesn't belong to any specific group. It's a nation built on slavery and immigration.

"Deserve" is a meme word

Brazil belongs to the Amazon Indians actually you african invader.

Post ignored.

America is Great because whites create great civilizations (although this current generation needs to get its shit together)

When America is no longer white America will no longer be a place everyone wants to live.

All these foreigners have their own homogenous countries they're coming from, and instead of making their own countries based they have to come to America and leech off its greatness.

Where the fuck does this idea come from? It was founded by white people for white people. How the shit do you get diverse intentions from that? Founding fathers were racist like modern Sup Forums why the shit would they have intended shitskins be a large part of the population and where is the evidence?

>Those arguments are only valid for European countries.
Europeans don't deserve to have a land too. Only one who fight to defend their land from invaders do.

America was explicitly founded as a white nation, you retard.

>It was always supposed to be a diverse nation of immigrants.
European immigrants.

Truth. American citizenship was determined by the founders to only be White people of "good character"

Well, Sup Forums says Italians and Slavs aren't white, so...

Also, this Russian pidor is 100% right. Nothing matters except the ability and willingness to fight for what's yours.

What the fuck Brazil I thought you got rid of your commies?

Yes they do, Russia

>founded for whites/europeans


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

> Conquered people are somehow owed something

Za bazar otvetish.


>whites conquer america
>cry about getting conquered


The very first thing whites do is expand their empires in the New World so its obvious they intended to keep it for themselves.


Why do you think the Europeans built their empires, just to watch some mud skins take it all away and say they never deserved it.

Through the blood, warring and slaves we built monuments, be they to our sins and/or to our glory.
If we do not deserve this land, then return Palestine from the Israelis, return Tibet from the Chinese, return the American West to Mexico.

You are exactly what you wish to exterminate, a bigoted racist who zealously marches forth the glory of their own race and people at the expense of another.

>non whites built the roads, electrical grid, and our modern communication systems

You may not want to admit it, but without Whites, and Europe for that matter, your world as you know it would be far different.
The technologies we build and live on today are the product of European and Asian advances in technologies and engineering throughout the ages.
Frankly mud skins like you were either too warring to care, or too backwards to effectively march forth into the pages of history.

>they want to keep the land to themselves
that is called common sense.
the average Sup Forumsack hate non-whites

so... no source?

Everytime I see a picture of a redskin, I feel sorrow for them; Not because they are a minority, but because Liberals are totally cool with their low birth rates and flooding areas in and around reserves with illegal mexicans and their children.

you can't be this fool...
jesus christ, US was originally built for white people. The average Sup Forumsack as well as those who are aware of the demographic change that will take place hate non whites: mexs, indians, niggers, jewish (Sup Forums favorite target) and others. They just want europeans and probably some slavs, that's why it's funny when i see those chicanos talking shit about mexs, when deep down they hate'em and yet don't see it that sooner or later ingroup preferences will come into play once again...they want a white country like in the old days, is it really that hard to get?

Why do people keep throwing around this "genocide" term like it's nothing?
No, the Native Americans were not genocided, they were decimated by small pox (mostly).
We don't say the Chinese and Mongols "genocided" Europeans because they spread black death via the silk road.
It's stupidity.

the clovis dont exist anymore, so the "natives" actually deserve to be conquered by whites as punishment for clocis genocide

absolutely false. 1967 is when it all went downhill