Hey guys hope you guys had a great Halloween/day of the dead. Lets get back to our regularly scheduled Aquaman. dontforgetsark

Mera really is the best Waifu

Next stop, Bonertown.

Oh finally, thanks OP.

Mera looks mad

Ayy lets go, the best rebirth comic.

No problem, I was wondering why Aquaman didnt have a storytime yet,its kinda late where I live but ALL REBIRTH BOOKS STORYTIMED must happen.

Thats her secret user, shes always mad.

I just love this comic on how much of an ass Black Manta is, he knows hes wrong but he just wants to fuck with Arthur so much.

I do love Atlantean culture, theyre mystic yet the most high-tech civilization in the world.





That hair down. What is this Boner Fuel



Really not liking this lack of cleavage on Mera...

I want to believe shes eating so much shellfish cause Sark impregnated her

The number of blonde babes in Aquaman, not that I'm complaining.

hmm... not sure I like her outfit


How so?


I don't really like the texture it has. maybe it's because of the shading.
I don't know, it just looks like a cheap halloween costume.

also, what said.


mera is not for lewd


Yes them muscular sexy underarms

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Mera is life

You didnt notice the panty line in the 19th page user?

Mera is the best! And there is nothing better than a Mera-centric comic! Great issue!

Anyone getting Mother Panic? the Young animals has been pretty meh so far but then its still #1s and #2s

Campbell should draw Mera.
He's good at drawing skin-tight costumes.

Thanks for the storytime.

Glad you enjoyed, have a good one!


OP here i got some time, you guys want me to storytime something else?

Green Arrow
So far nobody has

Harley Quinn pls

No files of it yet, thats why noones story timing. Theres Shade and Midnighter

>No files of it yet, thats why noones story timing
Thanks for the storytime

well I cant storytime when theres no files of it yet. Im sorry user. Fuck it Im doing deadly classes

Deadly Class

>third panel

See, this is how you make someone that's been a jerky antagonist since their introduction a few issues earlier instantly forgivable. So many writers botch the recovery.

Thank you, for this Mera storytime.

Nice cover.

Better cover.

I already have no idea what's going on.

How long has she been able to do that?

Thanks, OP.

Fuck this has been a great run. I really dig that Mera got her own issue.

bumping for others.


it took me until this page to realize that Mera doesn't have pupils, can't unsee now

Why Mera can't come from the sea to me like a goddess??


How can you get a boner from that shit art?


heed the howls from the house of light

i hope Salty makes a cameo in the movie

control water? thats her thing, at least in the nu52 onward

mera is built for the express purpose of lewd

So if Aquaman dies Mera would say fuck it and destroy the earth

My little sweet Mera.

Nice in charge

But this art is great.

I hope to watch in the movies a Mera as good as she is in the comics, she deserves a good portrayal.

This please

Poor Mera I hope to see her happy as in pic related soon enough.
But just for Arthur, he is a lucky man.

truly the luckiest

























This cover makes a great phone background.





