Big Trouble in Little China vs. Escape From New York #2

Big Trouble in Little China vs. Escape From New York #2



bump if you're reading.

This seems dangerous somehow.






















And that's that.

Download in the Win-O'.

This comic reminds me of that RPG with kung fu cops and evil time-travelling eunuchs. 80's as fuck.

I eagerly await to arrival of the sequel, Crisis On Infinite Kurts, starring Snake Plissken, Jack Burton, Stuntman Mike, Wyatt Earp, Captain Ron, R.J. MacReady, and a multiverse of other Kurt Russell roles.


Awesome cover.

Even the credits page is awesome.

Aw, shit. That's Bad from that cowboy movie!

That's lot of Snakes.

The characters in this are pitch perfect.

This is already awesome.

This is awesome.


>Lake Erie is on fire

Did Steve Gerber write this?

This might be the overall best release of the week.



lol wat.


Someone in the storytime for the first issue was actually saying that it'd be awesome if they made it Crisis on Infinite Russels.

Is this series going to be a homage to Carpenter?

bumping for others.

This was really fun.

It misses one Russel/Carpenter guy.

The real one or...?

I'm afraid I'm not following you, senpai.


Alien has to posses Lo Pan.

Thank you, that was a fun ride.