Group of heroes goes off to fight the final boss

>Group of heroes goes off to fight the final boss
>Sub-Boss A appears to stand in their way
>Hero A: You guys go on ahead, I'll take care of this guy.

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Cliche, but always leads to a climax of Hero A's story.

>Character is out of focus for an episode, doing some shit off-screen between scenes
>The next episode is all about what that character was doing during the previous episode.

>it turns out Hero A and Sub-Boss A are secret lovers
>they have sexytimes while the others fight and bleed against the final boss

>tropes that never happened

Only the japz do this trope Justice.

>Hero A barely wins over Sub-boss
>Hero A passes out with a smile on his face.

>Hero C fights Sub-Boss
>Hero C dies with a smile on his face after defeating sub boss

>He doesn't defeat the sub-boss
>He knows he has no chance
>He still pours everything he can into delaying/stopping the sub-boss and goes out like a true bro.

The Krillin Effect

>Egaos everywhere

I liked that one time with Tenshinhan and Cell, too. Not exactly the same as the sub-boss premise but similar.

>MC fights a group of minions and beats them in an extremely spectacular manner
>the last underling left decides to just not fight and leaves
Bonus points if they say something like "this is just my day job" or "I don't get paid enough for this"

>Last hero gets to the final boss
>They fight
>one by one, Hero A-E starts appearing, joining in the fight
>Last boss is fighting all six on even footing.

>main heroes are dying one by one on the path towards the final boss
>each one getting a dramatic death scene
>show up to final boss
>they're all okay

>Group of heroes goes off to fight the final boss
>Sub-Boss A appears to stand in their way
>Sub-Boss: I can help you beat him
>Hero B: we can't trust him
>Hero A: let's give him a chance

>Heroes have to fight the police/army/another organized group of humans
>The police/army/mercenaries or what not are actually incredibly competent and show to be a challenge

Why this is so rare? This happened on Neo Genesis Evangelion and The Boys.

Because, realistically, a two or three men cannot take on an entire squad of properly armed, professionally trained police officers, let alone an entire army unless they have superpowers or something. It's why bank robbers take hostages - they need all the advantages they can get.

>all the people the MC has helped show up at the final battle to help him fight the final boss.

>A good dead the hero did earlier on in the story ends up saving/helping him at its climax.

I know, but even super powered people wouldn't stand much of a chance against prepared police/army.

The Boys showed it when the entire Xmen ripoff was taking down easily by a bunch of helicopters and soldiers - and plenty of the Xmen ripoff team had useful and strong powers.

But what usually happens is that these kind of challenges are just passed over and ignored, while soldiers die like flies to everyone with super powers. What I am saying, is that making the red shirts and mooks matter in combat is cool.

I think my favorite like this trope is Shang Chi versus one of Thanos's generals and he's doing the best he can when Gladiator, Ronan, Super-Skrull, and Annihulus swoop in.

>even super powered people wouldn't stand much of a chance against prepared police/army

depends entirely on the powers

Which Japanese RPG or anime does this happen in?

>Last hero gets to the final boss
>Friends nowhere to be seen
>Boss winning
>Hero on last breathe
>'Hey, don't give up now Hero!'
>'Yeah, we're all cheering for you!'
>'Pfft, you're going to give up to this guy?''
>Suddenly everyone hero has ever met lends their strength to hero
>Hero gets powered up

I'm looking in your direction Okami/Earthbound!

I know it happened on RWBY volume 2.

Happens in dozens of anime, one that I always remember is Rurouni Kenshin

the plot in saint seiya in the sanctuary saga progresses like this

>Group of heroes goes off to fight the final boss
>Sub-Boss A appears to stand in their way
>Hero A: You guys go on ahead, I'll take care of this guy.
>Sub-Bosses B, C, D appear
>heroes B, C, D split off in a similar fashion until MC is left to face the villain alone

This is why I love the Sasuke Retrieval arc so much.

Everything after is complete shit.

>typical anime MC BS
Fuck off

>An inconsequential deed from beginning of story is given as much importance as a huge world saving event

>Group of heroes goes off to fight the final boss
>Sub-Boss A appears to stand in their way
>Hero A: You guys go on ahead, I'll take care of this guy.
>Sub-Boss A is having none of that shit and doesn't just let the rest of them go

>stop liking what I don't like

Pretty much every single shounen battle manga with a group of protagonists will do it at some point.

One Piece - "Hey remember that little paper your brother gave you?"

Tales of Symphonia did this, I loved it.

>"No, I've still got one thing you can never take from me."

I don't keep up with One punch, but I know what your talking about.
What happened with the paper?
The brother died?

Ooooh boy
Oh man
You do NOT want to know

>Hero is faced with choice between doing a horrible thing for the greater good, and being vilified for it, or walking away
>Without a second thought, hero takes the fall from grace
>Becomes known worldwide as the greatest traitor who ever lived

Bonus points if the hero stays 'good', but is forced to be evil, and do all the horrible evil things because he knows it will prevent something more horrible to occur. A hero who is forced into becoming Hitler, to prevent the Old Gods or something, but can never tell anyone.

It turns out the paper is this voodoo magic thing that lets the person holding it A) find them anywhere in the world. B) See the state of their life as in how much immediate danger they're in of losing it.

It was pretty helpful when said character was about to be executed.

everyone likes that scene


Any other instances of it happening on Sup Forums stuff?

This is like the most common trope, at least in my experience.
This is why i always find cheap the "You keep going, i'll take care of this!"

I, too, have played super paper mario.

>heroes just fall on the mooks and throw them on the ground, where they stay put until their boss dies

Jesus Pat lay off the crack.

>sub boss A keeps trying to keep them there
>Hero A: didn't you hear me? You're fighting me now!
