“We Demand the Killing of the Atheists” or #نطالب_بقتل_الملحدين in arabic is trending on twitter...

“We Demand the Killing of the Atheists” or #نطالب_بقتل_الملحدين in arabic is trending on twitter, while their admins ad "trust and safety council" do nothing to protect atheists from this harassment

Tell and show other people this double standard when ISLAM is involved. Show them the truth that the goal of true Muslims is to kill all those who do not follow the lies of Mohammed.

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The sad thing is most Christcucks on here will actually think this is a great thing and encourage it

You wont be hearing any defense.

Every other religion pretty much agrees on that.

last I checked they have not fallen as low as atheists


fucking nothing.jpg

Atheists have less moral fiber than people with faith, as atheists believe in nothing, so they will gladly accept Islam when the butcher comes calling. Then when all the Christians, Buddhists and Hindus are dead, they will live a long life herding sheep.

Atheists have it out for Christianity for some reason and seam to forget Islam exists and probably think they can cohabitate with them. Despite the fact that Islam will kill them. Much like SJWs and Feminists, who gladly accept the religion that enslaves or kills them rather than Christianity which simply wants nothing to do with them. The whole lot seams to be insane.

killing is not gods work, you shall know the false prophets by there fruit.

Those who can, teach, those who cant, teach PE.

They also say that about any other religion or anyone who doesn't believe their version of the fairytale, you degenerate, low IQ, redneck

Yeah. Saudi Arabia still does shit like this...


Islam doesn't respect anybody.

>We Demand the Killing of the Atheists
Doesn't this normally happen in islamic countries anyway? What's the point of the twitter tag?

It's September, not June.

You are so slow it isnt funny.

Typical edgelord thinking.

>The whole world is against me!

Fucking grow up already.

You are so fucking dumb. Atheists have as strong if not stronger moral fiber than theists. You stupid fucks on here hating on atheists is what makes you people look retarded. Atheism could be taken from the left if it wasn't for retards like you pushing your stupid man in the sky dogma.

just be a protastent its like being atheists, but you can hide behind jesus.
(religion made for the people by there ruler.)

It is not true. Show me it's trending, then. This is fake and gay.

This. These are MY gods. This is my pantheon. One of reason and science, not blind faith and superstition. If some religious psychopath wants to persecute me for it, of any religion, I won't stand and take it. Atheism is unstoppable.


It's times like this I wish the USSR won the cold war.


Atheists are literally the whipping boy of the left right now.

People hate them because they are intolerant.

Fact of the matter is, if you adhere to any Abrahamic religion, you're just sucking Kike cock.

A God that loves his people does not seek warriors in his name, but warriors for the people who do not know it.

This is what SJWs need to see more of
IN majority christian countries, if I am open with my being atheist, the worst I can expect is being told I'm going to burn in hell or people trying to 'convert' me.
In a muslim majority country, pic related

People on this board cheered when that LGBT tranny in Turkey got killed by Muslims, and those that cheered were overwhelmingly Christian. It's not a huge shock to see them support this hashtag. Islam and Christianity hate a lot of the same things

It's the Christians inviting all the Mud Bloods into the West.

They have always been against White Europeans. They are obsessed with self flagellation and debasement.

That's what happens when you worship sand niggers.

SJW's love Islam though, and they love violent oppression. It's inherent to who they are.

They rely deeply on blind faith.

Atheists , SJW's and feminists know most rationale white people hate Islam which is why they defend it.

It saddens me that certain members of tge white race hates other whites so much. And we're the racists?

>Genocide atheists
>The only intellectuals left are mexican intellectuals
Good idea.

so now Sup Forumstards and muslim adopt the same lines
who would have thought that retardation will unite retards?

kinda - this is the future atheists chose

there's a big difference between the roleplayers on here saying they want to kill atheists and arabs who actually do kill people saying it

anyone who spends enough time on this website to wade into the fighting on Sup Forums threads is a 99th percentile kind of disturbed individual, i.e. rare, and the ones who actually believe in Christ and attend church regularly and still hang out on a site with ads for anime sex toys are everyday are probably 1% of that, and even then they're still too smart and lazy to actually try and hurt anyone

let's just keep a tiny bit of perspective

Libcucks just adopted atheism because they're contrarians.
Any intellectually honest atheist that rails against Christianity should invariably despise Islam.

>Knock Knock
>Have you found Jesus yet?
N-no, get off my porch before I call the police.
>May god Bless you this fine afternoon.

>Knock Knock
>Have you found Muhammed yet?
N-no, get off my porch be

But no, its not Shria they get all uppity about or mosques going up in their towns, its the Nativity and Christmas greetings that causes them to act like explosive diarrhea.