"To fall in hell or soar angelic, you need a pinch of psychedelic."

>Hey Sup Forums, I am going to explain to you as simply as humanly possible what psychedelics do. Then, when you've read it, I want you to evaluate whether psychedelics should be illegal or not. Why/Why not?

It starts with pic related. What people often see on higher doses of psychedelics when they are hallucinating is the bottom image. Spirals, tunnels, fractals. But WHY? Why do all kinds of different users, using different kinds of psychedelics see the same image? Where does it come from?

Well, what they see is their own brain, their own visual system, LITERALLY.

What you "see" with your senses is not what you literally perceive with your senses, it's information that has to be converted and processed by your brain. The cells in your retina have different sizes and a different organization than the cells in the "visual area" of your brain. The information from your retina goes through different stages to be "converted", kind of like rearranging the pixels on a screen for a different resolution.

What the top image is, is the pattern of certain cells in that visual system activating when they process certain types of information. What the bottom image is, is when you'd convert that pattern of cells into an image that they are meant to transmit, except without any actual information, just the cells.

And that, that produces the exact image millions of people on psychedelics see.

What you see, what you hear, what you feel, what you experience on psychedelics is nothing more or less than YOUR BRAIN. That is what psychedelics do. They allow the user to observe what is going on in their brain.

Now, can you understand the INCREDIBLE therapeutic value for therapists? Can you understand why researchers are feverishly fighting for psychedelics to be decriminalized?

If you can't, why not? Let's have a nice and civil discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:


nigga, ive seen the fourth dimension warp into the fifth. explain that.

Just pick mushrooms if you wanna get high... Loads here

You see patterns and faces on everything

>Just pick mushrooms if you wanna get high

Really stupid thing to do if you don't know what you're doing

>Can you understand why researchers are feverishly fighting for psychedelics to be decriminalized?
Don't you know? It's already being used by researchers, again. Read Grof's book /realms of the human unconscious/.

To stay alive and live the best, you need to give the drugs a rest.

I can just order psilocybin truffles (magic truffles) online legally.
Feels good to live in The Netherlands :)

That's why you only do it if you know what you're doing.

A clear mind. Powerful, old plants that teach you through their genetic data.

Fungus was the first living thing on the ground, back when the light was still very infrared and what not. Fungus has been around before anything we can imagine, it has a lot of insight to share with you.

Exactly. That's why psychedelics being illegal hurts people.

Can't you just stop at one of the many smart-shops and buy some?

Rudy? Psychedelics should be legal and used. Great for treating anxiety and depression.

I don't need psychadelics to see that shit

I see it every time when I'm trying to fall asleep. There's a name for it, but I don't know what it is.

Yep, but I think online is even easier

Enjoy your trips.

thanks famm

Black pigeon speaks, Please go.

Do you have any diagnosed conditions? This isn't meant as insulting, things like autism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia all give rise to similar phenomena because they're rooted in many of the same systems psychedelics interact with.

Actually, autism itself is like being on a very low dose of psychedelic from birth.

If you experience them only with eyes closed, they're CEVs (Closed Eye Visuals)

>Actually, autism itself is like being on a very low dose of psychedelic from birth
sounds like bullshit

>Why not?
People will start driving high, calling out of windows, trying to catching the train, trying to fly from the good en masse.
The day you legalize lsd its raining men literally.

Not can be argued about but the stromg shit will never be legal.

>create an increasingly ("slave less") society of manual labor and joke manipulation
>said society is incredibly unnatural and people with neurotic diseases appear everywhere
>people are more stupid, depressed and stressed out than ever in recorded history
>people consume more drugs and addictive behaviors that leads them down a dangerous path of escapism and degeneracy
>instead of fixing the main problems we should legalize and experiment with even more degenerate shit so that it can fix the problems this type of behavior started in the first place.
This is a junkie shill thread. I repeat this is a classic demoralization thread.

Hippies fuck off.

Joke = k*kes

People will start driving high and crashing, falling out of windows, trying to catch the train, trying to fly from the roof en masse.
The day you legalize lsd its raining men literally.

Pot can be argued about but the stromg shit will never be legal.


I don't know about mental conditions,

1. undulating shapes of black and less black
2. transition to sleep involving sudden and vivid images of complex geometric shapes that last for 2-3 seconds

Sometimes when I'm falling asleep and I hear a sudden loud noise, like a book falling off a desk, I'll see a quick burst of geometric shapes or colors, which is a form of synesthesia, but it only happens while I'm falling asleep.

Nope, it's not.

You can look it up if you know a thing or two about neuroscience. Autism is associated with many of the same brainstates that have been recorded in brain imaging studies on LSD and magic mushrooms. High brain plasticity, increased functional networks, linking of visual systems with other brain regions (especially V1).

Autism is also strongly associated with exactly the one receptor that LSD has its strongest effects on: 5HT-2A, a receptor that is directly involved in sensory filtering and processing. Many of the classic symptoms recorded in autism are also effects that are caused by psychedelics.

Do you want some articles?

>know what you're doing

psychedelics give you the illusion of understanding


As someone who's done a truely vast amount of every hallucinogen known to man i can report the OP is talking crap. Yes it can be grrat fun but i've known a lot of people who have ended up virtual cabbages as a result of lsd, mushrooms, datura, etc. It's fine if you have a robust and healthy brain, if not you're asking for potentially life ending trouble.

Irrelevant. Kill yourself. Also
>drugs allow you to see your brain thus they should be legalized
You're an idiot shill junkie trying to spread your degeneracy much like the fungi you probably consume.

I often wonder if magic mushrooms played an integral part in Europe's development culturally and spiritually. After all, they are found all over the continent. It's hard to find information about this, but I wonder if they were tripping.

I have also heard the theory that mushroom spores originally came from an asteroid. Does anyone know anything about this?

Mushrooms appear in Christian imagery sometimes.

do they taste like shit?

i know shrooms sure do.


If you run psychedelics when in a safe place it's your problem, but if you do it in public you become a problem for everyone.

Have you seen the dragons in the subway?

they've been found in archeological digs around Stonehenge and Avebury so they definitely played a part.


Did I say "distribute LSD among the general populace" or did I say "decriminalize so therapists and researchers can use it"?

>people consume more drugs and addictive behaviors that leads them down a dangerous path of escapism and degeneracy

Ayyyy. Psychedelics are non-addictive (1. The body builds up an instant tolerance that lasts like 2 weeks, physical addiction is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE 2. Psychedelics are fucking intense as fuck, there are no recorded cases of mental addiction) and psychedelics actually CURE addictions (ibogaine has a 90%+ success rate for heroin addicts, LSD was used against alcoholism in the 60s with 60%+ success rate, magic mushrooms help break nicotine addictions in recent studies) so they are anti-escapism and anti-degeneracy.

This is an ignorant post, I repeat this is a classic post of someone who has an opinion on something he doesn't know shit about.


Cool, man. My friend has that same thing happen when falling asleep too

Last one.

Dudeeee peace and love man we should all do shrooms and shit they make you see pretty colours so why the heck are they illegal dude wtf

Interesting. One thing I've noticed about my few trips with mushrooms is that overall they teach you compassion on a very deep level. Once at the end of a trip I could not sleep and started watching a tv show, Dexter. I couldn't even watch it, I was so appalled by the gratuitous violence and just found it disgusting that our culture would call that entertainment. That is not a feeling I had ever felt before, but in that state it all just seemed so sick. I actually pondered on Christian ideals like forgiveness and realised the practicality of it to actually live free and without fear. I could actually feel these emotions rather than just knowing them intellectually.

I think mushrooms really can teach people things. I think it's narrow minded to write off their effects as merely hallucinations or 'degenerate' drug experiences of deluded hippies. .

This happens to me as well. I'm pretty sure its called hypnagogic imagery and its more or less normal.

>psychedelics are non-addictive
>literally places the user in an escaped state
>literally wants to shill classic communist subversion through junkie-arguments
Every single counter argument against LSD can be made with Porn, Wow, Reality shows, Sex etc...

If you escape reality because you live in a shithole created by your enemy you're a cuck coward.

Stop shilling fag. You're the absolute degenerate shit hole of Europe and need to lebensraumed as soon as possible.

This right here is the truth. NOTHING will tune you in faster than a healthy mushroom trip.

The colors are the least of it, but you wouldn't know that.

Meh. Philosopher's Stone is kind of bitterish. It makes you salivate somewhat while chewing it. Very different from Mexican shrooms.

i have all of these "symptoms". Am not autistic, am a synesthete, high IQ. I used to transport to outer space in CEV's regularly when very young [under 7 yrs]. I think it was just a "good imagination"

>psychedelics actually CURE
That's disinfo. That's like saying 'chemo-therapy cures cancer'. And only placing psychedelics in a positive light is retarded. Instead, you should also consider the dangers. People have flipped on LSD for instance, and I'm not even mentioning research chemicals.

The way i see it is hallicinogens cause mental revolution, which as in society can be a good thing, sometimes. Meditation and actually using your brain is more like evolution, which is a much safer and ultimately more real path.

LSD use has cured my depression and anxiety 100%. I was nodrugs for 26 years, did LSD several times, and now I am happier than I've ever been. It helped me confront my shitty thinking and understand my desires.

10/10 good shit.

>decriminalize so therapists and researchers can use it
That sounds awfully like standard pothead rhetoric

>See this kid? He has rare case of pizdetsoma and weed relieves some symptoms or pain or w/e
>Therefore we should legalize weed for (((recreational))) use
Radioactive materials may be useful for researchers as well, but that does not mean they ought to be legalized for everyone.

How about dmt? Is it just a meme?

>Well, what they see is their own brain, their own visual system, LITERALLY.

I...I actually agree with this nonsense.

The last two times I did acid (one time with a heavy dose of methoxetamine on top) I tried to explain the results to my girlfriend.

I told her that I could, in a sense, observe my own brain, almost as if I was physically looking at it, and could in a way trigger portions of it - specifically memory - It was like I could scrub back crystals, and I was getting insanely accurate and vivid visual recollection of items I owned as a sub-5 year old.

It was bizarre.

Like wise I assume the fractal images are due to the drugs having a similar effect on how your brain processes visual information.

I've also noticed subtle differences in drugs. On ketamine or methox, the fracts are very artifical. Robotic or machine like.

On acid and mushrooms, there is a jungle like quality to the morphing and fractals. One thing is constant, and that is constant morphing and changing of the imagery.

I've talked to lots of people, and they have very similar imagery on the drugs. More organic on mushrooms for instance, more mechanical on K.

I also noticed something else, and I think it relates to dream states too, and in a sense the psychadelics let me experience how my brain was functioning when it was in a dream state - It's a case of how the brain processes memory.

You know how in dreams people are like; "I was asleep for 5 minutes, but in dream time it was like 5 hours!".

I think this is because the brain is implanting false memories. So in your dream you walk from A to B. It takes 5 hours. But what has actually happened is you are at A. Then you are at B. Your brain then creates 5 hours of false memories to link the two locations.

I've noticed on methoxetamine a shifting of realities like this. Except you can observe it happening. You're aware of it.

Spooky stuff.

only one i'll do these days, 10 min highly intense and insightful trip, easy comedown, 30 mins later feel envigourated and ready to go back to being a high court judge :)

>the world is being controlled by a super secretive global death cult
>your nation being invaded by ravaging niggers and mohametans
>your solution is to """""EXPAND YOUR MAINE, MAAAAN!"""""
Fucking cucks.

read >"Did I say "distribute LSD among the general populace" or did I say "decriminalize so therapists and researchers can use it"?"

You're irrelevant since you don't even seem to be able to read or understand English.
legalized =/= decriminalized

Nonsense post disregarded.

You're in luck, I'm an evolutionary neuroscientist.

Magic mushroom use has been recorded in cultures dating back as far as 3,500 years, and traces of them have been found in archaeological digs dating back several thousand years more, most notably in Siberia. "Soma" is believed to have been a drink used by early yogi, magic mushrooms grew wildly in ancient greece, the origin of most of our philosophy. In the middle ages a fungus that grew on grains would cause infections and delerium, witches were often accused of cursing villages and people. That fungus was actually ergot, the basis for LSD (which is simply just an ergot derivative)

If you're REALLY curious about this shit, you will LOVE this book: goodreads.com/book/show/877432.Shroom

There's also the Stoned Ape theory, but it doesn't have much traction in the scientific world.

The sort of consensus about natural psychedelics is sort of this: classical psychedelics are serotonergic compounds, they all have the same structure. Serotonin is very very common in all of nature and even bacteria millions of years old used it for their metabolism. It's a structure shared by many plants and many animals. The running theory is that psychedelics have their original in two processes: simply by coincidence, certain plants using serotonergic chemicals for their own metabolism that interact with our serotonin systems, but also by "design", certain plants evolving a defence mechanism meant to drive animals crazy who ate them. But, animals in turn evolved to actually use these compounds. There isn't much evidence for this except that psychedelics interact with our systems in such a unique way.

Many people see similar visuals to those on psychadelics as they enter sleep. It's normal. Just not as intense, and you're semi-aware because you're falling into sleep, unlike on drugs where you are completely aware.

I'm of split minds. LSD is mostly harmless.

However, I've had bad trips, and I can see how that could a really difficult, horrible experience for some people. Also, unlike weed or booze or coke or whatever, there really is not proper functioning when you're high. Maybe in patches, but at certain points you're fucking gonskis.

Ah. Styx is on to something. He's writing a book about this.

I sincerely doubt you would be able to even explain what that might logically appear to look like to a human

Those are amanitas which alot different than psilosibin schrooms

Yeah, it's Terrence McKenna, Joe Rogan shit.

I can see LSD being helpful...for someone who is already gifted.

I don't think giving a retard LSD is going to make him any less retarded.

Francis Crick was already a highly intelligent scientist long before he dropped acid.

You don't really escape reality while on LSD.

In fact, if you're reality sucks, I'd advise against getting into pscyhadelics, because the experience is going to be unpleasant.

I don't think it's completely unrelated that guys like Manson and his cult or the Aum Shinrikyo terrorists in Japan were big fans of mega doses of LSD.

If you're a fucked up or depressed person, large amounts of pscyhadelics are not what you want to put into your system. Most bad trips come down to people reaching a state of "ego death", which is just depersonalization and sometimes an objective view of who they are. And it can be ugly if you're a loser or unhappy with who you are.

Opiates and booze are where it's at for escapism.

But the idea of DNA being a helix already existed when he "saw" it in a trip. It was a woman called Rosalind Franklin who first wrote about it iirc.

Sounds more like MDMA for me.

I had a trip not long ago where, after we got home, I was enmeshed in fractals that were heavily South American/Incan/Mayan/Aztec etc based. Incredibly horrendous (though fun and creative) and extremely violent/grotesque imagery - and it wasn't scary at all. It was like I was getting a sense of life as being like the jungle. The way predators consume prey, shit them out, fertilize the garden, and how life can be incredibly physically disgusting and destructive and that it's normal and to be expected.

Meanwhile one of the worst trips I ever had was caused by someone talking about having to go to work the next day and me beginning to think about jobs I had in the past that I didn't like.

If if has potential value in treating mental illness, that should be explored.

Psychedelics, and drugs in general, should not be used recreationally.

If you're too lazy to first explore reality and your own mind in a sober state, I don't think you should touch psychedelics. You should at least know what you're getting into when you take them, and do so responsibly.

They reveal the mental nature of reality, and a lot more besides, which for most people is a big shock. (I like Terence McKenna's term, "death by astonishment" to describe some of the more extreme perceptions.)
Since these perceptions can be semi-permanent -- lasting anything from hours to weeks -- it can be quite traumatic the first couple of times. It takes a while to get used to experiences like this.

I saw the pattern for hours, cried in amazement, and I read i that somewhere but I thought it was too simple, and just theory. Has it been researched and proven?

Nah, that was just feminist propaganda bullshit.

Crick HAD been looking at her work, closely prior to coming upon the visual idea for the model. He even wanted her to get a co-authorship credit on the paper.

Although that's my point;

Crick wasn't a janitor who dropped acid and magically saw the Double Helix.

He was a scientist whose life work revolved around DNA who dropped acid and had a mini eureka moment. This isn't much different to someone like Paul McCartney waking up in the morning and having the tune to "Yesterday" playing in his head, a snippet left over from a dream.

>If if has potential value in treating mental illness, that should be explored.
I would argue that, because what goes into the brain has a direct effect on what comes out, that almost every single thing could be argued as having potential value in treating mental illness.

Pretending to be a confident person results in your brain mimicking the chemicals of an actual confident person. Of course feeling like you're traversing time and space is going to have an effect as well.

I'm not sure what the uses for LSD would be.

I've heard it's been used in trying to treat psychopaths.

I know drugs like MDMA or Ketamine have uses, and have been experimented with.

Stuff like LSD is really more interesting from a neurological viewpoint - I wouldn't really understand what it's use in terms of "treatment" could be. I can definitely see the interest in studying it would be.

Anyway, the CIA spent decades fucking around with it. You can look up their experiments. They're unpleasant.

Well it could almost certainly be used to treat depression at the very least.

>There's no time for recreation or consuming drugs that could lead to psychospiritual breakthroughs, I have to reply to shit posts on Sup Forums to fight the NWO
I'm sure our views align on most issues but you're being silly about this.

i know that feeling. that's a thing that boggles my mind since then. i wish i would think sober more like that, it's like you'r more sensitive of everything happens around you.
we are doing a lot of things not because it's satisfying, but rather because of reasons. even if the reason may be a good one, it's mostly mind numbing. but i believe that's the symbolism of jesus carrying his cross

The Merry Pranksters were CIA sponsored, and they seemed to have a marvelous time. (Ken Kesey et.al)

>What you see, what you hear, what you feel, what you experience on psychedelics is nothing more or less than YOUR BRAIN.
This is absolute bullshit. You're just pulling it straight out of your ass.

Now, with that being said, I'm not going to say psychedelics are completely useless. The problem is that they're useless for the majority of the population beyond recreational use.

I don't consider psychedelics revolutionary or magical. However, I believe they can be useful to highly intelligent, highly critical people, because they allow for increased creativity and new perspectives. It's like a pair of fresh eyes. But these people must have the critical thinking necessary to separate their subjective experience from objective reality. They shouldn't consider what they're experiencing an enlightening or religious experience. Francis Crick and Carl Sagan are scientists who used psychedelics to their advantage, and you can find plenty of other examples as well. Drugs, whether they're psychedelic or not, have also played a huge role in the arts, particularly among writers and musicians.

The problem is all the other people. The dumbfucks, particularly lefties, who see drugs as a pathway to enlightenment. These drugs change your perception of reality, often with feelings of euphoria or a deep sense of insight. People who are easily influenced will interpret this purely emotional state as actual insight, failing to realize that what they're experiencing is a chemical reaction in the brain. You feel like you've made a great revelation or discovery, because the drugs trigger an extreme equivalent of that emotion in your brain. But there is nothing behind it. It's emotional masturbation.
Basically, they're incapable of separating the emotional experience of insight to actual insight. If you don't believe me, just look at the generation of failures who grew up with LSD in the 60s and early 70s. Why are they losers and degenerates? Why haven't they achieved anything?

>I'm not sure what the uses for LSD would be.

> " They appeared flushed, bright eyed, and unusually interested in the environment... They participated with increasing eagerness in motility play with adults and other children. . . They seek positive contacts with adults, approaching them with face uplifted and bright eyes, and responding to fondling, affection, etc." (1962, pp. 172- 3). "There is less stereotyped whirling and rhythmic behavior. . . They became gay, happy, laughing frequently... Some showed changes in facial expression in appropriate reactions to situations for the first time" (1963, pp. 90-91).

>A single dose of LSD, in the context of various alcoholism treatment programs, is associated with a decrease in alcohol misuse.

>fear of death in terminally ill patients
>The pre- to post-treatment comparison of the global indexes used as gross indicators of the degree of emotional and physical distress, indicated that approximately 29 % of the patients showed dramatic improvement, and another 41.9 % moderate improvement, with 22.6 % essentially unchanged. In 6.4 % of the patients, global indexes showed a decrement in the post therapy ratings.

>scientific problem solving


You'll see people say "oh look he thinks LSD is a magic cure-all for everything", but it isn't, our brain is. LSD is merely a tool that therapists can use to achieve their therapeutic goals. LSD doesn't "cure" anything, the therapists do, with the help of LSD.

That's why it needs to be decriminalized.

Yes, it's hard to apply those insights into real life. Our whole society needs a huge overhaul but it can only really happen on an individual level first, no one can make a change for us expect ourselves. Everybody now seems to be looking to the future but never really arriving anywhere.

I am aware that is very hard to not sound like a cliche when talking about this stuff, but it is important.

> I think it's narrow minded to write off their effects as merely hallucinations or 'degenerate' drug experiences of deluded hippies. .
That's where you're wrong. I rarely use drugs, but I have experienced what you're talking about on several occasions. While I do believe compassion is an important trait to have, it is not the solution to all of our problems. Excessive compassion is naive and self-destructive, and if you want to look at the consequences of this way of thinking, just take a look at the hippie movement, or modern liberals.

You need to find the balance between compassion
and rationality, and it's honestly something I struggle with myself. However, we need to consider the long term consequences of our actions, and unbridled compassion towards people who don't share this compassion, or even lack the ability to feel it themselves, is a recipe for disaster.

Hypnagogic hallucinations
Hypnopompic hallucinations

Could be anything.

No, psychedelics can teach you stuff. No in the sense of gaining new information from thin air but they make you formulate thoughts that allow you to appreciate objects and circumstances from different angles. In other words, exploring the depths of your mind.
Really useful and interesting stuff and has proven long-term psychological benefits.

I saw the universe unzip exposing a flat plane of weird hands and feet singing songs and spinning the wheel of time. They got kinda mad when they noticed I was looking and zipped it back up.

Explain that nigger

Agreed. I'm looking forward to a trip to cure my depression

You're both right. Lefties and other emotionally driven creatures will think they have gained insight because of the emotional state they've achieved while on drugs, despite there being absolutely no intellectual basis for this feeling.

When used by critically minded people, or in a therapeutic setting, it can actually help a person gain real insight.

Anyone know where I can get some ibogaine?

Or you could not be degenerate and stop using psychedelics

Nah Bullshit. It's way more than that. Especially with DMT.

Decriminalization will never happen cause the satanic kikes know about the power(psychological and spritual) in it and will never allow to get this into the mainstream.

hmmm, all jewish people i know that tripped had bad trips, you might be onto something here.

>Actually, autism itself is like being on a very low dose of psychedelic from birth.
Strange that you mention that.

I'm autistic and my impression of LSD is that it makes me ultra autistic in addition to all the fun perception distortions.

I have the perception that people are able to tell what my intentions are from my actions unless I deliberately hide them.
I also falsely perceive that everyone I talk has the same frame of reference as myself and are able to follow my train of thought. (mind blindness)
These are autistic traits that LSD turns up to 11.

Does LSD do this to anyone else or is it just becaue I'm autistic?

>I have the perception that people are able to tell what my intentions are from my actions unless I deliberately hide them.
>I also falsely perceive that everyone I talk has the same frame of reference as myself and are able to follow my train of thought. (mind blindness)
>These are autistic traits that LSD turns up to 11.

This goes for a lot of drugs, particularly weed.

I can get down with that.

But that doesnt explain synthenasia

and how come music sounds way better

and how come smoking weed is so much better

and why does it make everything so funny?

and how come when you listen to certain songs and look at certain things, it comes out a certain way.

(example: if i listen to death metal while looking a vincent vangoghs starry night, it becomes scary, whereas if i listen to the beatles and look at the same thing it is happy)

any why does my face morph in the mirror?

Leary went down this path and regretted it later in life. I have done plenty of psychedelics and I must say you have to be in the right mind. Acid burnouts are real, I have seen met many of them. They are broken people who can barely string a sentence together. Some where even friends of mine until their minds broke. LSD like any drug has a risk of life destruction. You just wont see that shit on the news. Too depressing.

It's really easy to figure out what you're doing tho. I managed to get about an oz this year in April off my property.

Even seasoned mycologists die every once in a while. So no, stop spreading disinformation. You are better off growing them in a closet.

You can't maintain cognitive dissonance on psychedelics. Jews need a shit ton of cognitive dissonance to maintain their conflicting views and attitudes, that's all.

>You don't really escape reality while on LSD.
Take enough and reality stops existing.

>You can't maintain cognitive dissonance on psychedelics.
Tell that to the hippies...

OP here, I'm a diagnosed Asperger's myself, my curiosity about these things is what gave me a career as an evolutionary neuroscientist.

My own very, very personal opinion, which is rooted in research but still personal, is that the "animal" part in us humans, the creature in each of us, is brought out on psychedelics. It is also that creature in us that is more on the foreground by default in autistic humans. It's not a clean-cut difference, but it seems to me that people with autism communicate on a more "natural" level that has been extinguished in modern society.

Eye contact is a really good example. It's often interpreted as a sign that people with autism lack social skills, but it's exactly the opposite. People with autism receive TOO MUCH information through eye contact, eye contact is one of the standard ways of communication in the animal kingdom, and also for humans still. We can convey more with a look than with words.

What you experience as LSD turning up your autistic traits is exactly what LSD does and how it gives you insights. Because the normal filtering process is reduced, whatever is more "natural" to you will come out.

With autism, the whole filtering process is kind of "weird". In the first place, autism means you receive more information in your conscious minds than human beings ordinarily do, but because this is too much and overstimulating for most, autistic humans start LIMITING reality in order to be able to handle it properly. This creates very narrow interests and a very limited world view, but it's a necessity.

So from having less filtering, people with autism end up having more filtering, while what LSD does it exactly, inhibit this filtering question.

If you have any questions about your condition and/or LSD use, please ask me because this shit is what my entire career is about.

what will a bad trip do to you though?

There are legal ibogaine "treatment centers" in Canada and Mexico where its legal but they usually cost multiple thousands of dollars like 3 or 4k but it of course the price can vary.

If you fly to western africa in some of those countries they do religious ceremonies with it all the time and its easy to join in but with the cost of the plane ticket etc its probably not a huge difference from just going to Mexico.

Psychedelics are not degenerate. Europeans have been using them beneficially for thousands of years.

Recently diagnosed with ASD. I found there's an idea that ASD is the range between autism and Schizotypal along this continuum:

Autism - Schizoid - Asperger's - Schizotypal - Schizophrenia - Psychosis.

t. paulcooijmans.com/asperger/

Personally I think this particular continuum follows one quarter of the edge of a dial, around which every DSM personality disorder can be plotted. The dial has two major axes: Autistic--Sociopathic, and Psychotic--Depressive.

It depends.

Ultimately deep down a bad trip is an experience you don't want, pretty simple. People with PTSD, and kind of trauma or serious mental conditions obviously shouldn't take LSD because it can bring out some horrible shit.

But in other cases, a bad trip is merely the rejection of an insight into one's own brain. It might not feel that way, and it might feel to the person like they're having some external nightmarish experience, or that LSD is doing something to them, but ultimately what a bad trip is, is the rejection of whatever the user's brain produces at that time.

That is something that lingers and when you suffer from a bad trip you don't resolve, you end up hating what you see in the mirror. But, ultimately, in "healthy" humans that suffer from a bad trip, it's a useful insight into the human condition and many psychedelic users claim to have benefitted the most from their most difficult trips. Whether or not a trip is a bad trip depends on how the person views the experience, during and after, ultimately any experience that isn't brought on by mental illness or pre-existing trauma is useful in some way.