As some of you may know, on Sunday the 4th of September, 2 days from now...

As some of you may know, on Sunday the 4th of September, 2 days from now, state elections will be going down in the state of Mecklenburg- Vorpommern in Germany. AFD is polling second place right now, a bit over Merkels CDU and lower than the SPD (left).

So what is the best way for a failing musician to get noticed again? Make an EBIC song about how bad the AFD is, featuring insults and massive hypocrisy, e.g. how all people who vote for them are evil homophobes ans shieeet. Also, how do her looks make you feel Sup Forums?

Make a song against Merkel and globalism. Folk singers in the 60s got famous for a reason.

>establishment goes one way
>massive chunk of the public goes another
>produce protest song to drill the oil of the hippie
>become famous

Use their methods against them.

Thats songs shit in comparison to the dragon ball theme song.

She is disgusting.

tattoed woman, bitchy liberal, cuntface mcbitch, whore van deutschland, ichbeneincunt joosdidthis

Does 'don't vote for X or you're a bigot' actually work on regular people

didn't her boyfriend got stabbed by a gypsie last year?

Is she applying for 21 pilots?

Translation of the lyrics anyone?

can some one translate
inb4 she's a fucking degenerate liberal feminist

Why are you people so obsessed with electing women?

No doubt there are outliers that make good leaders, but not only do Germany and Sweden not elect them, they're so set on electing women in general that they're fucking their own nation.

What is wrong with you?

>afd is against women
>and mudslimes
>and a "progressive" country
>and homophobe

she repeats basically everything that the lying press said about that party

afd bad
afd stoopit
afd homoffoop
afd beckwurrds

there you go

so i guess german is just one of those languages that's not supposed to be used in music

So uh, what's wrong with her neck?

its not the language, its her

Strangulated by rafugees, is pretty common in Germany this days.

>how do her looks make you feel Sup Forums ?

pic related:

fun fact: our rigged media is sharing the video 24/7

>hurr durr women are le evil

When I looked at this thread, I first looked at the picture. Seeing the German flag in the post, I thought the story would be about a white woman who had been raped and strangled by an immigrant.
Turns out its' just a slut with a disgusting tattoo.

Stabbed is a bit of an understatement, friendo.

German women are subpar, let's confess on this part.

>if you want to make the rich richer vote afd
>if you are against equality vote afd
Didn't watch the video though. I refuse to listen to this degenerate whore. That's what I heard from the guys on Sup Forums

Looks like a shitskin.

You should at least give it a negative rate. It is currently 11,000 likes compared to 4000 dislikes

That is a man right?

thanks for confirm
she's a hoe

>Why are you people so obsessed with electing women?

You elect parties. You don't get a say in how they distribute their seats or how they distributes the ministries and so on.
Germany is not a democracy.

Here you go I tried my best:

Are you a single parent and don't want the state to support you? Then elect the AFD.

Elect the AFD.

Do you want a tax policy that only benefits big earners? Then elect the AFD.

Elect the AFD.

Do you want social benefits to be reduced? What speaks against work and our minimum wage niveau anyways :^)
Are you prepared to still go to work with 67?

Ok. Then elect the AFD.


3 kids per family, men work and women at the stove. That wants the AFD.

That wants the AFD.

A lesson plan at the schools that only teaches our philosophy. That wants the AFD.

That wants the AFD.

Are you against inclusion and for a ban on abortion? Are you a bit mysoginistic and completely homophobe? Do you shit on social progress then say goodbye to our free world and go elect the AFD.


Do you want a party that manipulates its voters? Then elect the AFD.

Elect the AFD.

A party that instrumentalizes their fears. Elect the AFD.

Elect the AFD.

A religion as an enemy, right wing terror and so on that all smells totally like 1933.

You want that something in our country changes good?

Then gooooooo and eleeect anything but this shit.

shhhh she tried so hard to cover up that it was not a german who stole her purse and stabbed he boyfriend.
Thats what the left is all about. Selfhate und selfdestructive behavior.
I never heard of her before and I hope I wont hear from her again. She is just garbage trying to be famous on the expense of others.

>Are you prepared to still go to work with 67?
It would be a fucking miracle if the AfD managed to keep the Renteneintrittsalter at 67.

Many of the claims she made aren't even true.

She's just spouting memes to please leftists and liberals.

Yeah, that one was just especially retarded to the point where even normies should realize it.

Every party wants to raise the renteneintrittsalter because of the old population. You can't change that sadly.

Although I can imagine that other parties like the CDU now also want to raise it because they realize that the refugees aren't that cheap.

Wtf I hate the AFD now

>You can't change that sadly.
It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people.
- Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

Funny thing is: She sings that "only the stupiest cattle choose their butcher themselves" but that is not logical considering that ecery cattle will be butchered someday those who choose the butcher themselves show that they not only understood the system and their place in it but furthermore they express the ulitmative form of self-determination possible in their situation, hence the cattle who choose their butcher and end themselves are enlightened where as the other cattle are blind ans asleep. They may life with less knowledge of what will happen but they are truely sheeps among wolfes.

The metaphor the "look-at-me-I-got-daddy-issues-and-like-anal-sex" singer Jennifer Rostock is not very substantial to express their view towards the AfD.


no, we dont think she's beautyful