You are now aware that the script to The Hunger Games was a literal instruction manual...

You are now aware that the script to The Hunger Games was a literal instruction manual. White people have been forced to deal with immigration, multiculturalism, homosexuality, and plenty other forms of degeneracy being forced down our throats.

Increasingly, white people are speaking out against the push for interracial marriages and against the push to destroy the national identities of white nations. We are being subjugated to this destruction to build our anger and our eventual violent burst.

>[about Katniss]
>President Snow: She's not who they think she is. She's not a leader. She just wants to save her own skin. It's as simple as that.
>Plutarch Heavensbee: I think that's true.
>President Snow: She's become a beacon of hope for the rebellion, and she has to be eliminated.
>Plutarch Heavensbee: I agree she should die, but in the right way, at the right time. It's moves and counter-moves, and it's all we gotta look at. Katniss Everdeen is a symbol. Their Mockingjay. They think she's one of them. We need to show that she's one of us. We don't need to destroy her, just the image, then we let the people do the rest.
>President Snow: What do you propose?
>Plutarch Heavensbee: Shut down the black markets, take away what little they have, then double the amount of floggings and executions. Put them on TV, broadcast them live, sow fear, more fear...
>President Snow: It won't work. Fear does not work as long as they have hope, and Katniss Everdeen is giving them hope.
>Plutarch Heavensbee: She's engaged. Make everything about that. What kind of dress is she gonna wear? - floggings. What's the cake gonna look like? - executions. Whose gonna be there? - fear. Blanket coverage. Shove it in their faces. Show them that she's one of us now.
>Plutarch Heavensbee: They're gonna hate her so much they just might kill her for ya.
>President Snow: Brilliant.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw this thread is getting slid HARD

Are you 11 years old?

>Actually reading the Hunger Games
You have to be 18 to post here.

im actually 27
but nice shilling

>ive made money off of this

I'm 28 and the Hunger Games has no value whatsoever.It is a series for pre-teen women. I don;t care what money you've made, you sound like a complete idiot and you'll get no upvotes for your revolutionary intellectual insights here.

Shit thread from a shit mind.


Most anti feminist work of the Century thus far.

>no super warrior; fights like a woman really could, using stealth, deception, and a ranged weapon

>inspirational figurehead, similar to Jean d'Arc and Elizabeth I

>still primarily obsessed with finding the right man, settling down, and raising her kids

The only thing that should trigger the Nazi-girls on this board is the use of people of "color" (aka, human beings) as significant characters. But it turns out, when you leave Mommy's basement, there are quality human beings of talent, refinement, and intelligence all over the earth and from all walks of life.

>check flag
>it's a leaf

You're a self hating white.

You miss the point of the post. It's not about what the viewers think about the film, but it's that other people in the know are taking the release of the films are cues to follow through with their part of the plan.

>he actually reads pre-teen power fantasys
I don't have enough keks.
Why are you yammering on about other races? None of the beings of talent or distinction that you mentioned are women.

>if you don't read this shitty pre-teen fiction you hate whites!

I'm glad you have cleared up just exactly what it means to be white.

How many refugees have you taken in?

No, you're completely stupid and probably schizophrenic. You made no point whatsoever in your original post, it's a meandering mess that assumes other posters (who come from all over the world) have read that shitty book or seen the film and know what any of it means. It is poorly constructed and clearly so are your thoughts. There are those of us, on this board, at this very moment, who write novels for a living. You aren't one of them, I assure you.

This is now, officially, the worst thread I have ever seen on Sup Forums.

Fuck off with your teenager romcom political analysis.

im not schizo if im right
protip: ive profited off of knowing hillary was going to profit off of the iran deal
protip: ive profited off of knowing russia was going to invade ukraine
protip: i figure this shit out using game theory


What's your point?

This has to be the gayest form of white supremacy I've ever seen.

I couldn't even read through the whole thread.

Trump has created the PC culture along with Soros and Hillary. His isolationistic economic policies are the only things that make sense for the future of this country.

When you study the expansions of the panama canal along with the rise and cool down of the chinese economy, you'll realize that america needs a new china: mexico and south america.

>game theory
Do you think you;re part of a secret club?
Jesus, how embarrassing. "Game theory" is just a lens placed over human behavior, if you have to look at it as some kind of religious ideal then you have serious social problems.

I don;t care what you profited off of, you cannot even make a thread on Sup Forums which has a clear and concise message, so there's no way you did well in school.

And, I hate to tell you, but you can absolutely be "a schizo" and still be "right", and the lack of insight and perspective is what keeps you locked in your position, money or not.

You have said nothing in this thread besides claim, over and over, that "you are right" but nobody knows what you claim to be right about because this thread is pure garbage.

>Trump has created the PC culture
You really need to leave the house more.
You think there's only 3 people shaping the entirety of human discourse?

no im a professional poker player and i have studied game theory very heavily to be able to make the money i make

i did bad in school but i aced my exit exams to the point where i was almost failed. (they auto fail people who get 100% and they took pity on me. actually told this by the principal)

>lack of insight
>lack of perspective
>locked in a position

You're referring to yourself, no? You can't even begin to entertain another idea other than what's been shoved down your throat.

No, there's a lot of other people who want to remain where they are at. It's probably a couple hundred people.

Your idea is garden variety schizo.
It does not factor in enough variables to be accurate.
Surely as a professional gambler you understand the need to account for as many variables as possible and not to trust the facial expressions of your opponent? Because as it stands, you are linking together 3 people and erasing everything between and around them, including whole nations and ideologies, like the plot of some shitty television show.

You just went bust, bruh.

Just read this part...

You really think this horrible thread was slid on purpose

>Ohh no , a The Hunger Games post

You're a moron.

Maybe this whole internet thing isn't for you

I'm gonna have to second that. Do I need to have seen or read these gay things to know what op point is?

You do realize that you take everything at face value, right? You believed Justin would legalize weed, and you believed Obama would make race relations the best they could ever be, and you believed Sanders would fix the income disparity plaguing so many Americans. You believe Trump is going to build a wall.

>when Annie is re-cast as a black girl, White America was totally okay with this
>when Bruce Jenner turned into Caitlyn Jenner, White America was totally okay with this
>when whites are told they are racist for being white, Whites don't get angry, they acknowledge their privilege and pay respects to the oppressed

Do you not realize the culture of this board?

>i take the redpill, i am redpilled on race relations and think that Merkel is intent on destroying the native German population through mass immigration, even though it's only changed .1% of the population, it's plastered every fucking day on every headline

Sup Forums hates refugees but they are literally less than 1% of any population.

Damn I don't often agree with leafs but I think you are a schitzo dude

>pro tip: I make money off identifying this stuff

>Sup Forums claims that Trump is playing 4d chess

You do realize that they've been saying it all along, but they don't realize it? Trump has been playing 4d chess for years now. This is the red pill.

>i make more in one month than you do in a year

I-is that your point?

If you think Soros is capable of creating the BLM movement, but don't think Trump is capable of working Soros, then you're more schizo than I ever could be.

working with*

Didn't that swpl author wrote it to criticise capitalism and white patriarchy

it's not the book, but the movie script

The main bad guy is a rich old white guy named snow, so yea


it's not that snow is a white guy, it's the fact that you play along with the natural assumption that the antagonist in a film is naturally a white rich old dude
you have swallowed the blue pill like your mom swallowed my cum last night

Bad thread desu famagliorino

>quotes a post about the thread being slid by shilling against it

It's like you don't understand what a Freudian slip is.

Maybe you should take a few minutes and flesh out your point better, bc to us you look like you are all over the place. It is possible to bring in off topic stuff and make it relevant, like that elder scrolls thread yesterday. That was well done

I'm not a Liberal, I loathe Trudeau and did not vote for him, and I have hated Sanders from day one of his campaign.

You are so surface-level you need to invent criticisms of your opponents.

Seek help.

globalism is bad.
by pulling out of mass trade with china, and fucking with oil, we've made both china and russia act out. we knew exactly what they would do because we wanted those reactions. their economies have been attacked very heavily and they have to adapt by attacking. they have to claim new lands/waters in order to sustain their now changed economy.
we either see ww3 or a golden age for america with the next president. im not sure which one it is yet, but ive bet on the golden age more than i have ww3.

All you do is criticize. You don't have original thoughts of your own.

>You don't have original thoughts of your own.
If only you knew how tragically wrong you are.

I literally write satirical fiction and I literally get paid for it.

The recent move by obama to transfer ICANN to the UN will end global free speech
The reason they are doing this is pic related.
I implore you to read it.

When we can talk to one another and share information we cannot be effectively lied to and so we cannot be effectively manipulated. By gutting free speech they intend to do nothing less than to lobotomize the world

We must discuss the best tactics for preventing this from happening - call your state senators and politicians

We must think of workarounds to the system
- How to set up our own DNS
- Usable deepweb chans
- Ways to avid detection on the deepweb

Chans have magnified the power of Trump, of Euro-skeptic movements, of burgeoning nationalist consciousness around the world. We must not fall, for if we do their will be no alternative to institutional media - and when that happens those in power will control all the information we use to make decisions, and therefore, the outcome of said decisions

>satirical fiction
>original thoughts

>The only thing that should trigger the Nazi-girls on this board is the use of people of "color" (aka, human beings) as significant characters. But it turns out, when you leave Mommy's basement, there are quality human beings of talent, refinement, and intelligence all over the earth and from all walks of life.

Yeah, that's what I expect someone reading the Hunger Games to say.

>im not sure
"Game Theory" is not panning out for you?
Let me ask you a question.
Do you believe that China has its own plans and machinations, or do you believe that they are powerless? Does Russia only move because the USA allows it? There's only one will in the world? And that will is a collusion between Hillary, Trump and (foreign national) Soros? Can you describe to me what you think is happening in Africa? You don't seem to understand geo-politics beyond buzzfeed headlines.

I tried watching the first film, but it was so shit I stopped midway.

I'm usually very confident of myself, but even I know I could be wrong.

They are powerless in the sense that we've put them in that position. Russia wouldn't be moving if it weren't or sanctions being placed on Iran and fucking with Saudi Arabia through increasing our fracking production and lifting the ban on exporting energy.

There is only one will in this world. Do you honestly think the Cold War wasn't but a show to show the world that Russia is a strength to be reckoned with since they were challenging the top dog?

China has been trying to colonize Africa.


>China has been trying
oops, they already have

>Cold War wa just a show
You need to go to GodLikeProductions, they won't challenge your nonsense there. If there was only one will the world would be far more monolithic than it is. There is an aim toward one will but it has yet to truly happen. The CFR is a reflection of this, since they are an entire elite committee deciding what to do about these other wills that you think are "just for show".
You are being unrealistic and need to head back to the drawing board because your model of the world as it is is deeply flawed.

Here's one example: Who killed Scalia and why if there is only one will? Clearly Scalia was in the upper echelon, he was even part of a "sacred" society of hunters dating back hundreds of years.

They just never realized that Scalia wasn't part of "the will" in the dozens of years he served the Supreme Court of the only country who has a say? Why him? Why now?
>even I know I could be wrong
apparently not

I think you're right, I know a fantasy writer and he does this, puts his politics and true feelings into his work where he can't be arrested and people can just take whatever meaning they like, but he knows the ones like him will get it.

>they already have
We have too many terrorist organizations we fund over there for them to be able to effectively colonize anything.

>i need to go to glp

I started with ATS and realized how fucking retarded everyone there was.

>one will would be monolithic
>billionaires aren't monolithic
>LIBOR rates weren't fixed ever

Scalia killed himself. Just like Trayvon.

>all billionaires have same goals
You sound like a Sanders nu-communist.
It's like you don't even see the money being poured into promoting "green bullshit" and the counter programming of "energy independence" funded by the oil companies.

Why were Tobacco companies attacked for the last 20+ years? How come the billionaires are not all on the same page using Game Theory to steer the one will you assert exists?

The Tobacco companies were a staple for 50+ years, why were they suddenly targeted and dismantled in the public eye? An entire industry attacked? Whose will is being served there? Is it your will, you assert you are a peasant with no say, who is allowing this concept to come to you?

You could make the claim that the only "will" is money, but then you have to concede that business, by its very nature, is a competition for the resource of money, which means all these billionaires are routinely attacking and sabotaging each other for their own ends. You think this doesn't extend to international commerce or even to go so far as to tell yourself commodities and international finance doesn't exist.

You're missing the plot. You have a serious confirmation bias and need to step back several paces.

I vastly prefer Red Rising's Mustang to Katniss, if we're talking new world order kids' books.
Victra best girl, though.

>billionaires aren't preserving their wealth

Tobacco companies were attacked to increase demand so the tax on tobacco could be justified. It's like gun control: look at the stock prices and you'll see a bubble. (actual fucking pro tip: short the gun industry with anything that's gone up 5x or more in the last five years)

When you are a professional poker player, you realize that it's best not to attack the other sharks. You both work towards a common goal simply by avoiding each other and sticking in your own neck of the woods. (Why the fuck would russia ever try to invade america, and vice versa? The amount of resources needed to defend that much would would cause such a complex economic system that it would be unsustainable in the short term.)

Holy shit you're an idiot. Babby's first political intrigue book. I read the first one out of boredom at work and fucking hell it's terrible.

An instruction manual on how to lose an insurgency it what it is.

>a book is a movie script
>im not an idiot

Billionaires are preserving their OWN wealth, not the wealth of other billionaires.

As a professional poker player I would hope that you care more about your own chips than the chips of your rival.

>Tobacco companies were attacked to increase demand so the tax on tobacco could be justified.
Oops, cigarette demand is down. The tax is a government scam and not the result of a partnership between all the billionaires. The government can add more tax to the lower class who they know will continue to buy the smokes anyway.

I would strangle this niggerlover after the second time he said "gonna" in a serious context.

to protect their own wealth, it's better to keep things the way they are than to introduce unpredictable players.

the whole entire debate against tobacco even from elementary school is just advertisement.

Fuck off with your faggoty opinions faggot. Sorry your thread is trash.

My brother and dad both told me it's a great series, and I trusted them because they generally have fantastic taste.
I have never been so angry while reading in my entire life. Forcefully finished the first book and told them it was absolute trash. Brother told me it gets better, so I opened up the second book and found out in five pages that she
>lied to her friendzone douche about banging Chad
>tried to go back to banging Chad after she got told to fuck off
>got told to fuck off by him too, wow so intolerant it's post apocalypse already come on people
>was living in a state funded welfare mansion while essentially preaching to anyone who would listen that the gubment owes her handouts
>meets the most incompetent world leader of all time and cries internally about how opressive his toxic masculinity is
It wasn't just poor writing, it was probably lifted from a gender studies textbook.