Trump BTFO by Joe Biden

>Give me a break. Give me a break. This is a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth that now he's choking on because his foot is in his mouth along with a spoon.

>Sup Forums believes that a spoiled brat who's had everything handed to him is a champion of the working class

Other urls found in this thread:

OP supports white genocide and should be hanged.


>>Sup Forums believes that a spoiled brat who's had everything handed to him is a champion of the working class

Don't misgender Hillary like that, bigot.

Not an argument.

At least none of Trump's kids have died of brain cancer

That's also not an argument.

Not defending Hillary. Trump is a spoiled, overgrown, manbaby, who would have nothing without daddy's money.

Biden BTFO by nobody giving a fuck

So make an argument before you OP dumb ass.

Most of america doesn't even know that Biden exists.

Those are the Trump voters.


Giving a shit about what
>Joe "the white race will be a minority in 2030 and that is great" Biden
has to say
Fuck that globalist jew puppet. I hope he dies of aids after getting raped by the sand niggers he wants to import.

>Most of America

It's because Sup Forums doesn't know shit about politics.

It wouldn't matter who was running so long as he hinted he might be racist. They would automatically get Sup Forumss vote.

Have you ever heard him speak? Not the scripted bullshit but actually just say something? He is border line retarded.

I know that he is fucking retarded, when he visited the Baltic states I wished that someone would just run him over him or shoot him.

>Believes people who've already sold out to people who had everything handed to them are champions of the working class.

Hillary earned 220 milling in 4 years as public official, if that's what government work pays sign me up.

>Ad Hominem
Vice President of the United States, folks.

Do you have any idea what globalism has done to America's job market? It is THE source of income inequality, and why people typically can't buy a house in their mid 20s any more.

t. Reddit

Reminder we base our opinions on objective truth here, and you make up a false narrative to suit your goals based on subjective lies and deception.

"HANDS UP DONT SHOOT" despite it being factually known he was charging at the cop, was show downwards into his chest and that his fingerprints were on the cops gun.

No, not "hands up dont shoot" more like:


Biden is a bought and sold senile idiot

people are tired of empty suits like him

I'd love to see a citation regarding the Frankfurt School's alleged denial of objective truth.

>logic is not independent of content

-Max Horkheimer

>Max Horkheimer was a German Jewish philosopher and sociologist who was famous for his work in critical theory as a member of the 'Frankfurt School' of social research

As they say:


Didn't think that through, did you

A name is not the same thing as a citation.

But because I don't expect you've actually read any Horkheimer, and thus aren't aware of, for example, his critique of Mannheim's radical historicism (expressed above all in the latter's "Ideology and Utopia), I will quote Horkheimer himself:

>If the transformation of the concept of ideology from the particular to the total shifts our attention from real events upward to the misty regions of contending "world postulates," its further development takes the ground out from under our feet. For on the level of the total concept of ideology, upon which Marx is supposed to have stood, the "ideological character" of an overall perspective was at least judged from the standpoint of a theory understood as itself non ideological. With the removal of this restriction on the total concept of ideology -- that is, with its transformation into the general concept -- this distinction falls away, and "the thought of all parties in all epochs" is branded as "ideology" (77). Herewith the concept of ideology is cleansed of the residues of its accusatory meaning, and its integration into the philosophy of mind is complete. If all thought as such is to be characterized as ideological, it becomes apparent that ideology, just like "particularity," signifies nothing other than inadequacy to eternal truth. There may, of course, be certain differences in the genuineness or obsolescence of given ideas, but they are all fundamentally "ideological" because they are "situationally determined."

>from Horkheimer, "A New Concept of Ideology?" in "Between Philosophy and Social Science," p. 145.

>Joe Biden
the pedo

You know what while we're at it:

>Freed from idealistic illusion, dialectic overcomes the contradiction between relativism and dogmatism. As it does not imagine the progress of criticism and definition to have ended with its own point of view and consequently does not hypostatize the latter, it by no means abandons the conviction that, in the whole context to which its judgments and concepts refer, its insights are valid not only for particular individuals and groups but in general -- that is, that the opposing theory is wrong [...] If it is true that a person has tuberculosis, this concept may indeed be transformed in the development of medicine or lose its meaning entirely. But whoever makes a contrary diagnosis today with the same concept, not in terms of a higher insight which includes identifying this man's tuberculosis but simply denying the finding from the same medical standpoint, is wrong. The truth is also valid for whomever contradicts it, ignores it, or declares it unimportant. Truth is decided not by individuals' beliefs and opinions, not by the subject in itself, but by the relation of the propositions to reality, and when someone imagines himself the messenger of God or the rescuer of a people, the matter is not decided by him or even by the majority of his fellows, but by the relation of his assertions and acts to the objective facts of the rescue."

>Horkheimer, "On the Problem of Truth," in "Between Philosophy and Social Science," pp. 193-4.

What do you expect from a bunch of Hitler fan boys that are desperate for another Hitler. Doesn't matter if he fucked 50 babies last week its all TRUMPSTROK as they stroke their cocks to his latest rally

Sad part is, Trump isn't want they want him to be, he's really not a racist, he's not going to "save the white race" He's not going to build a deportation force any more than Obama was able to close GITMO.
He'll say (and is showing as his positions change) anything to keep being the populist. He sells easy answers, he's a mile wide but 1 inch deep.

biden pls go

Thanks for correcting my record.

See, the problem is that people like Horkheimer, Adorno, Benjamin, et al, recognize the difficulties that the traditional concept of truth (as adaequatio rei) has run into, and spend time and thought trying to distill and extract a different concept of truth, which might be able to avoid some or all of these difficulties, people like you traipse in talking about "hurr durr muh objective truth" and trample all over the nuance that actual thinking people recognize is there, and will continue to make itself felt, trampling or not -- all in the service of the futile polemical goal of responding to other stupid people who declare (i.e., assert as an objective truth) that there is no objective truth, and so truth and falsehood are the same thing, an "argument" that never even gets off the ground owing to its aforementioned assertoric character.