Do liberals secretly hate the working class they claim to fight for?

Do liberals secretly hate the working class they claim to fight for?

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They are very open about it

Liberal kids believe that THEY are the working class, when in reality, they are privileged members of the bourgeoisie.

Although I will say it's frustration from their own arrogance. How DARE working class people vote against us, we have their best interests at heart! That's where the "voting against their own interests" meme comes from.

That's also ironic because like said, they don't come from the working class, so how would they know what their best interests are?

Yes, liberals are actually far more elitist than many conservatives I've met.
To them, being in the working class means wearing Che Guevara shirts.

The working class votes hard-line Republican, something like >85%
Only the wealthy and their lapdogs (niggers and brainwashed college kids) vote Dem

Yes. Their denial about this is unbelievable, like some sort of flat earth type thinking.

They do care about certain peoples, like if you're a wharfie or something, because they are hardcore leftists. Otherwise you're dead to them.

That said the Republicans will only throw you a bone if you're lucky too.

Yes! Our political systems are somewhat different. But the insulting crap your liberal politicians/core supporters are frequently spewing towards actual sweat and dirt type workers makes it absolutely clear. They don't believe that the uneducated swine growing/preparing their food or building/fixing their car or home are the "right kind of working class".

Ahh, a small correction. I don't think they "hate" them that much (a bit probably for not being eternally grateful that a lib-art graduate knows what their interest is and work for it).
I think the accurate term is "despise"

Liberalism has always been about enriching the mega rich while making everyone else poorer so the elites can monopolize all the pussy.

Anyone who didn't realize this already is probably a retard.

Oh wow, did you really think you're so smart for figuring out this obvious fact?

We Liberal elites want only a handful of mega rich, no middle class, and everyone else working 16+ hours a day with wages barely enough to live in a college dorm - size room with 8 other people.

In the old days, we elites monopolized all the pussy. Half of whites descended from 1 person.
Our grip on pussy has waned significantly throughout the millenias, and now we're working to restore the old order.

In my dream, I impregnate all the females in my town while all the other guys are wage slave incels.


Smart or not, I am after all just a working stiff. But as pointed out by > (OP)
>The working class votes hard-line Republican, something like >85%
So more than 85% of us simple folks can see through their shit.

The anti brexit people in the UK are the worst, openly calling for the vote to be ignored or 'plebs' having their vote taken away from them, because they are all 'raysis'

They seem to think the workers are like cattle, looked after and cared for, but given no agency over their lives.

If you're just a working class white male, then you are not a quality candidate for reproduction.

The best whites are the wealthiest. The reason why the white race is superior is because only the most superior white males impregnated all the white females. Half of whites descended from 1 man.

By breeding, you are being a selfish pig who's only thinking about himself and not what's best for the white race.

If you have a wife, then thr best thing you can do is let a superior white man like me mate with her while you only take care of my bastarf swine.

The white race is experiencing dysgenics because inferior white males are breeding.

It's not a secret anymore.


This mostly

>If you have a wife, then thr best thing you can do is let a superior white man like me mate with her while you only take care of my bastarf swine.

Oh, you're a crypto-cuck. Neat


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They openly hate the white working class.
They secretly hate the working classes of other races too, but they also see them as useful idiots.


Everybody, including the working class, hates the working class, because they are seen as failures in america, and americans take pride in being winners.

Liberals have NEVER been about the working class, if they were about the working class they would be calling to lower taxes and doing other capitalist things.

They're just about buying peoples' votes.