Overall, was this show good for its faults? At least in comparison to Go...

Overall, was this show good for its faults? At least in comparison to Go. What I mostly dislike about TT apart from particularly absurd varying episode quality is S3 as a whole being shit.

>Good mix of action, drama, and comedy
>likable characters
>overarching plots
>sexy alien and demon chicks

Easily a 9/10. Only flaws are the overuse of those dumb anime faces but they get rid of them as the show goes on

Why Hawk and Dove never appeared?

The anime shit , like the sweat drops and veins and other stuff aged really really badly and it can make it fucking cringey

also checked

First post best post. The show wasn't some god tier cartoon that most nostalgia fags make it out to be. It was however decent and watchable

yeah how to put it like this. The show's art design is honestly to my eyes just dandy. I don't give a shit about animesque design but those anime gag faces even in serious situations is pretty terrible.

Even Slade had his share as a joke villain in S4.

>why did my literally who OC donut steel tier characters bever appear on a children's show?

Gee user I wonder why

I was already an adult when this came out, so even back then I considered it a VERY heavily flawed show, and a step down from Justice League. It was still a pretty good action show, though, in spite of its many flaws. And I'll always associate Ron Perlman's voice with Deathstroke because of his excellent performance on this show.

Besides this, Steven universe, and avatar, what other shows do action and comedy?

>OC donut steel tier
I'll give you "literally who", but what the hell do you mean by this?

You a newfag on co? It's those threads where anons create shitty original characters

I know what the term means. I'm just trying to figure out how Hawk and Dove fit that description.

I think Mas y Menos was the show replacement for Hawk and Dove.

How many of the comics Titans appeared on the show?

Wonder Girl never appeared and she was a original Titans.

The show? Barely anyone outside of the last episodes. The comic based on the TT cartoon had a lot more appearances, including Wondergirl.

DC had some retarded rules about how characters could be used in cartoons, which is the reason why Batman villains stopped showing up on Justice League after a while. So because of this, Kid Flash and Wonder Girl weren't allowed to be used. Eventually, by season 5, they were finally able to use Kid Flash, but still never were able to use Wonder Girl before the show ended.

But to answer your question, quite a few, between Aqua Lad, Speedy and Bumblebee, and then the shit ton of them that appeared in season 5.

Let me guess, you were just pretending to be retarded.

Hot Spot (Joto in the comics, but same character)
Kid Flash

Fuck it, I'm too lazy too keep listing them, but there were a lot.

Both Wonder Girls, even. And then they beat each other up.

Did you people like or hate how this show flipped the Judas Contract on its head? Terra is sympathetic and Slade is evil, but it was the other way around originally.

D-did they fug?

Young Justice
Batman Beyond

Don't forget Red Star

It's a kid's show so their relationship was more like an abusive daddy to troubled child. It's more of a mockery to Slade Wilson's character because he's actually a loving, caring family man/father.

If you mean Steven Universe as a serious recommendation it would only be for comedy, that show is a fucking joke.

BTAS to answer your question

>It's more of a mockery to Slade Wilson's character because he's actually a loving, caring family man/father.


Not that user, but IIRC the reason Slade went after the Titans in the first place was to get revenge on them for "killing" his son Grant. He was also heartbroken when Jericho joined the Titans and was very close to his daughter Rose before Flashpoint (She lost an eye, but that wasn't his fault necessarily).

I want a Teen Titans Ulimites!!!

Raven's Legs. RRrrrrrrrrraarrrrrrrlll

Every action cartoon ever? We rarely get serious action cartoons here.

8/10. A good chunk of the show's anime "flavoring" has aged badly in comparison to the more serious aspects, but not enough to overshadow the show's overall quality. And it arguably has the best versions of every Titan save Robin (though that's always up for debate) as well as the best Slade/Deathstroke.

It ain't DCAU, but it's still damn good.

I thought it was better than the original comic to be honest. In the comic Raven knew Terra was shady but did nothing while she was more proactive in the show.It also helped that the writers of the show did not go out of their way to justify all the bad stuff Slade did while the comics wanted you to believe that he was justified.

Well was all his shitjustified? I mean, wasn't the Judas Contract the story that kickstarted the image of Slade Wilson being an anti-villain or noble demon in general.

It'd make no sense if he did really evil shit afterward outside completely out-there depictions.

He was also part of the reason why Jericho went nuts and tried to kill everyone.

He also drugged Rose and may have been involved in incest with her(some of their interactions were really weird pre New 52).

He does care about his kids but he's so toxic he winds up screwing them over.

No,his anti hero image got started after the story arc with Jericho.

Judas Contract made him popular at the time and I don't think anything he did was justified.

I can buy Terra being nuts but I find it hard to believe that she manipulated him.

In his defense, Argent made an appearance. Fucking Argent.

For like a curious novice, was this cartoon what brought Cyborg into the :spotlight" or was he an extremely popular character already before

No, the cartoon made Cyborg popular.

Save for Robin, none of the Titans were really "spotlight" characters (in the sense that people were aware of them outside of the comics) before the show. Same goes for pretty much every supporting character, too.

I remember Cyborg from the last seasons of the Superfriends show, he was the young guy together with Firestorm.

That influential huh? Well for better or worse, I wonder if at the time and for a while people knew Slade more as badass mercenary or "Slade" the nightmarish criminal mastermind

Benthelooney loves Teen Titans

TT was great and it's still great. The action was great and flowed nicely, the characters were interesting and distinct, their relationship occassionally had considerable depth (here I'm thinking primarily about Robin - Raven), Slade was a godtier villain perfectly suited for them and by proxy all teenagers and young people (his actions strike at the doubts and vulnerabilities of mentioned) and even the soundscape was good. The animation and style were very appealing.

I can only say good things about it.

The show even managed to do the most difficult thing for western animation - write female characters who are indeed female and strong due to their merits and qualities rather than the presence of a vagina. Both Star and Raven were very feminine and devoid of bullshit.