My brother is drawing faggot universe shit. What should I do?

My brother is drawing faggot universe shit. What should I do?

Fuck some sense into him. He watches SU so he should be open to doing gay stuff with you.

Rape him.

probably stick your head in a toilet dumb phoneposter.

learn to take better pictures
get him to draw lewds

Tell him to try drawing from the shoulder. He's feathering his lines.

Send him to faggot camp before it's too late.

Tell him he's a good artist and that he'd make good original art as well as fan art.

If he gets even better, he can sell the fan art to retarded SU fags.

Don't you want to be rich, OP?

Buy him a tablet and get him into drawthreads.

Stop being autistic and accept that people like good things that you don't.

You should learn how to rotate a fucking picture before you upload it.

Looks pretty on model to me.

Cum on it.

If that's not a tracing study that's pretty darn good.
You ruin this and you will regret it for the rest of your puny existence.

t. OP's gay younger brother

Tell him if he doesn't stop then he'll end up looking like this.

Draw a cool Spidey giving a thumbs up next to the characters and add a speech-bubble that reads: "Nice drawing, champ!".

That is one ugly fucking tranny. He doesn't even pass for a woman. I thought trannies at least tried to cover up their gross bodies.


That's Rebecca Sugar.

Stop being autistic and let him like what he likes.

>this is what modern men look like

She looks like she gives good head

From my experience, girls with shitty teeth give good head. Similar to how teens with crooked teeth likely sucked their thunb/pacifier for too long

Convince him to draw lewds

That is a girl. She created the show.

>draw on someone else's artwork

you can go fuck yourself right to hell

Kill yourself and shitpost as a ghost on /x/

>not ridiculing them until they feel bad about their interests

Give him hope, show him some better animation so he can look forward and maybe teach him the fundamentals of drawing so he can have something to look forward to.

Seriously, trying to ruin someone because of his taste just ends up being more faggy than the SU fandom in general.

Do NOT bully the young Jewish boy

Professionals do it all the time.

You should get better taste, faggot. Your brother is the only person in your house who shouldn't be killed on sight.

Let me ask you this big guy. After doing whatever faggot shit you planned can you look him in the eye?

If I look him in the eye will he die?

What's so bad about it? All I see is an overrated anime in the background. It's pretty hilarious t.b.h. pham.

>said someone who obviously has no siblings

Crawl under the table and suck his dick while he draws. That should teach him!

Maybe, if he drew threw him out of a plane before shooting him.

Only people who don't draw SU get to stay on my plane.


Not this guy, but he is right.
Believe me I did this before

My older brother (23 back then) used to listen to 50cent back then and I fucking hate this guy. So I thought up a plan.
One night I sneaked into his room and nutted on his favourite 50cent album. The ln I brought it back.
He stopped listening to it and never asked me about anything.
Didn't see him ever listening to it again (or hear anything).
I remember our mom talking to him if he wanted that new album (I think till I collapse? Not sure). He just looked at me like I am the devil.
And I grinned back.
Damn I knew he was ashamed.


>someone on Sup Forums will believe this

I hope you are kidding, because if you're not, you're a giant fucking cunt.

Pics or it didn't happen faggot

Encourage him to continue practicing an art, no matter the subject. It's not your place to decide what he wants to draw, and he'll never improve if you bully him into giving up.
Who knows, in a few years he might become really good at drawing and make money doing something he loves. What's wrong with that?
Sure, if he only draws one thing and stays in his comfort zone for too long, then you'll have a reason to be concerned, but right now it's harmless.
I don't believe you even have a brother OP.

It's like long ago. 2005 or 2006. I was like 12 years old. Didn't have a phone or anything so no pics, I am sorry.

Yeah I know it's autistic and disgusting.
But I fucking hate 50cent.

You deserve to have the original Spider-Man as your best friend.

Guys I drew faggot universe shit to start a bait thread
What should I do

Just give up on him. He probably has a Tumblr already.

It's not 'autistic', it's 'being a asshole douchebag'.

You could just give him shit for drawing those characters but still encourage him to draw.

Older siblings who do nothing but insult younger siblings when it comes to their hobbies are pure shit.

That is from my little pony.

OP here. I'm about to burn his sketchbook. Will post pics

Do it then.

But 50cent sucks

He probably thought you were gay

It doesn't fucking matter. You don't mess with another person's shit.

That would just be having some fun. It's ust a sketchbook.

You're my little pony.

Oh boy, a live roast!


>brother keeps enjoying his girl's show
>your relationship never heals
Better you do this to him now instead of whatever horrible shit you'd pull as an adult, like raping his kids or stealing his money.

Get him to draw us Pearl's cute ass peaking out of bike shorts.


If he was old enough to know what semen is, he probably thought his brother was masturbating to his 50 cent albums and decided to sidestep that awkward conversation entirely by just not listing to 50 cent and never talking about it.

He was probably creeped out more then anything.

So if user cums on his brother's hands he might get rid of them.

Or raping his money and stealing his kids!

If you believe in the morals of Steven Universe - tell him that it looks good and encourage him to continue his drawing, help him become an artist and further kindle his love for fan art, and eventually set up a Tumblr for him to show the world his creations.

If you're a sane fucking human being - Tell him to stop fucking drawing shitty Steven Universe shit and hit him in the stomach with one or two Loomis books. Then, just to make sure he understands the message, take out a lighter and burn that drawing in front of him. From that point on, burn any drawing that takes the lazy man's route of tracing Cal-Arts cartoons, and make a point to show him that if he wants to draw he needs to go through the proper channels, not just trace something that some androgynous Jew said was "good". He'll either harden the fuck up and ACTUALLY improve his art skills, or he'll give up what was going to be a faggy hobby for him anyway.

In all seriousness OP you should bully your brother relentlessly to stiffen his backbone.

why do people on Sup Forums believe morality is real?

Even if morality isn't real, he'd still be a cunt

This seems pretty attention whore ish

Be a reasonable adult and accept that some people like things that you do not.

OP you don't have a brother and even if you did he didn't draw this you did. You only came here to post your work so people can see it and so you can feel good about yourself.

There's something wrong with OP, and it's better that his family is finding out now by him burning his brother's """degenerate""" art.
Otherwise, he's going to get worse and might go out and hurt a person.

Even if it's not, that's no reason not to do what is generally thought to be 'right'.

>"""degenerate""" art.
Ah yes, the only way an artist can improve is to be told that everything they draw is great and that taking shortcuts is A-OK.

He's not telling him anything though, he's burning it.

That's fucking retarded. Or at the very least the most autismal way to get a message across.

Let him do what he wants.

Also be better at taking pictures you jackass.

Yes it is, since then there is no external reason to do what is 'right'. You can be kind and compassionate, but there is nothing above yourself compelling you to do so. help me

any answer other than this is wrong

>muh harsh criticism meme
Have you ever fucking considered that sometimes an artist needs to be told they're doing well so that they can handle the negative shit that gets thrown their way? Giving encouragement is not a fucking bad thing and I'm sick of you autistic retards who think that artists have to force themselves to wade through endless piles of shit just to improve.

It wouldn't be in my self interest to spare you a second thought.

You have failed in understanding proper procedure for human interactivity.
Lighting objects on fire is not advice or criticism, it is an antisocial outburst indicative of severe mental unease.
You have either lost sight of reality in endorsing this action because it's on the internet or you are similarly disturbed.

well done, my property


>I'm sick of you autistic retards who think that artists have to force themselves to wade through endless piles of shit just to improve.
But they do. If drawing were any easy, anybody and everybody could do it, which doesn't happen. The moment an artist gets comfortable and are happy with their work is the moment they begin dying artistically. Artists are NEVER supposed to think they're good enough.

>The moment an artist gets comfortable and are happy with their work is the moment they begin dying artistically.
Why would anyone want to keep drawing past that point if all they'll ever get is shit? I say it's much better to get a point where you're making something that people can enjoy, because there comes a certain point where the only people who aren't happy with your work are picky assholes who exist to shit on everything, so if you can draw and most people think you're pretty good then why would you cater to the snobbish pricks?

Because mainstream popularity and the lowest common denominator are where art goes to die. That's what separates reality TV shows from genuine, well crafted kino. You'll never find a good artist that didn't pressure themselves beyond their own capacities and usual mentality.

Tell him that his art sucks. You can deal with the Hitler you just created later.

That's fucking hilarious. You did good, user.

You have to be at least 18 years of age to post on this website. Honestly, I'd recommend growing up before you start acting like your usual faggot self.

Didn't know you still posted Plauge. Finish that fence yet?

Since he has an interest in animation and art, maybe suggest something better to watch together?

If he tells you to fuck off and address him by his proper pronoun, then and only then should you burn his sketchbook.

We'll be waiting

Pretending that the milk is cum makes this picture much more entertaining.

It doesn't take 2 hours to burn a sketchbook.


He was le epic trolling

>tfw you will never nut on the real 50cent