Why is nobody talking about this obvious censorship of anyone who dares defy the globalist jew?

Why is nobody talking about this obvious censorship of anyone who dares defy the globalist jew?
Jewtube changes its terms and conditions so anything that isn't smiles and sunshine immediately is demonetized. What this basically means is that any video that involves swearing, graphic imagery(This definition has been as far ranging from brutal attacks to acne pictures), politics (Strictly right wing politics or anything that has to remotely do with going against main stream media except if it involves portraying Killary Clitoris positively), and frowns will be unable to make any ad revenue or youtube pennies from it. This effectively kills off any channel that uses this as a way to help their videos along, silencing their opinions and ending free speech on youtube.

Other urls found in this thread:


I fail to see how this is a problem. There's nothing that says a company, Youtube in this case, has to be politically neutral. Many choose to be because of fear over what taking a stance might do to their bottom line, but if people are so concerned about the political leanings of a given company they're free to not patronize it.

>Why is nobody talking about this obvious censorship of anyone who dares defy the globalist jew?
Because we've talked about it. Extensively. Stop whining and instead work on getting 20k+ channels off YT.
This. The same mechanism that made Ghost Busters flop is in effect here two. It goes both ways.

Besides, this is significantly less of an issue than Twitter and Facebook fucking with messages extremely directly and overtly.

A FUCKING LEAF. Don't you have somewhere else to shitpost? they are only funding left leaning channels FYI


I think it's good, youtube has been at the top long enough. There's now way any company will stay on youtube if they're not making money.

A new video streaming site, or possibly an older less popular site will take its place.

If a video isn't monetized it won't be added to YouTube's algorithm for recommending videos.

I do agree that its a slippery slope, but realistically it's the tags (whether joke or not) that are messing people up. Youtube has an extremely bad case of robotic management, almost everything doesn't see human review unless it's an extreme emergency.

I'm afraid to say we're almost to used to it, we care, we just don't see how arguing with change anything. Obviously this violates YouTube's original intent, to broadcast one's self as opposed to mainstream garbage you see on TV. But a freely opinionated society with flourishing intellectual discussion does not make for a very good slave society the filthy Kike fucking vermin want.

this is what you get putting all your social media in only one or two Internet ghettos.

there isn't a way for anyone to start their own video service to compete either, it's too late.

Their algorithm only searches video descriptions for bad words. The content of the videos are irrelevant. Literally all you have to do is make your descriptions family-friendly and reapply for monetization.

Source: all of my videos are still monetized despite the fact that many contain content which Jewtube would consider "graphic"

This happens like once a month. Youtube, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, whatever. Social media or whatever you want to call it, the companies running these websites have incentives to increase profit by marginalizing the content they host.

>Company changes their policy
>People complain, even big-name community members
>The complaints don't make an impact
>Complaints dissipate once the community realizes this
>People become content with the new standard

This is not news. The only time I've ever seen people successfully rebel against a money-related policy change was when Steam added paid mods, and Gaben was bombarded by so many emails it cost him millions of dollars in bandwidth.

Prediction: In 3 weeks all discussion about this will have stopped. Mark my words.

So THIS is what JIDF is sliding so hard.


It only takes reports from 3 SJWs to have your videos demonetized again. Then it's your responsibility to prove them wrong.


So youtube is flexible right?

Why don't they have a 18+ ad circuit?I mean I'm just saying there's obviously a market

They pretty much do.

You've never watched waxing videos? Or "nude art" videos? Or body painting videos? Or nude music videos?

There are entire playlists for these things.


Everyone talks about it retard. But i agree with you that they take down the most provocing things for the market, like sick moonman rap videos.
They do it to look serius, they removed evalion for this reasonexplains it well. They do it all for profit.

That's exactly how it was before the update tho. All I have to do is appeal it and it's instantly monetized again.

I dealt with this exact shit before when a game studio tried to copyright claim my review of their game.

not really, its not as much money related as it is blatant censorship of anything that contains violence, profanity, or sexual content ( not actual nudity if you make a sex joke you could get demonitized)

all the while twitch is laughing its ass of because all the youtubers wil just become migrate to twitch if they cant post their content on youtube without making any money off it

Problem -> Reaction ->Solution!

I see where you're coming from, but it is directly related to money. Preventing content from being monetized doesn't just hurt the content creators, it also hurts YouTube. They don't get their cut from videos they remove or de-monetize.

Nudity, profanity, violence, and discussions of news all have audiences, as everyone is aware. So why would they voluntarily cut off a source of income, and discourage people from using their service?

The only logical conclusion is that (((someone))) is paying them even more as compensation for their discouragement of """"""harmful"""""" content.

Hmm, interesting, hnnngg very interesting.

Nobody cares about this except millennial children that used Youtube as a pacifier.

You have been failed by your middle-school educators.

There is no right to freedom of speech on a private website. This is not, in any way, a constraint on your freedom of speech. It is a constraint on your ability to freely use someone else's private platform to promote your speech.

More likely scenario: companies who were buying ad space on videos didn't want their ads running on videos that were "vulgar" and were pressuring Google to change their monetization policy.

Everyone thinks that this is an amazing decision except for butthurt Jews who were cashing in on sensationalist clickbait trash.

Not putting ads on your video doesn't mean your video is censored, lol.

>tfw used to keep adblock off for my favorite youtube channels so they can get a little shekel
>tfw youtubes new policy made me turn on adblocker for good no matter who it is

>jewtube wants to make more money
>openly known that it can barely cover it's costs as is
>comes up with a scheme to appease advertisers
>people get angry but still want to use youtube for free